
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 28.04.1995, Qupperneq 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 28.04.1995, Qupperneq 7
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 28. april 1995 • 7 Crystal wins Canadian students’ blue-chip award By Ed Rogers Rick Stephen and Vik Tand- on learned they had won a regional chemistry contest while listenirig to the Ancaster High School public address system in November. A similar PA announcement in December told them that the deep blue crystal they had grown placed first in a national competition. And just a few days ago, they each received their tro- phies and cheque for $150. Next month, the teenagers may even be called to their school office to retrieve the translucent copper sul- phate crystal, also known as bluestone. For now their work, which grew as long and wide as a hand in just three Rick Stephen Icelandic Canadian Frón Enjoy Lunch at the Scandinavian Cultural Centre from 11:30 to 2:00 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Treat yourself to the culinary excellence of Steve Hetherington; Smorgasbord is on Friday! Membership in the Centre is not required. 764 Erin St., Winnipeg Telephone: 774-8047 weeks, is on display at the Museum of Science and Tech- nology in Ottawa. The pair — Rick is in Grade 12 and Vik in Grade 11 — beat out 100 other high school entries to win the Chemical Institute of Canada contest. “It was a surprise. It was exciting,”, said Riek, 17. He’s partici- pated in the annual contest since it began in 1992. Vik, 16, joined him as a partner this year. Ancaster High School chemistry teacher Rocco Collette, the team’s advisor, said the students’ attention to detail helped them win. Almost each day, for the best effect, they cleaned and thickened the solution in which the crystal grew. “Once we had a large, single crystal -there was no stop- ping it,” Rick said. Eventually, the bluestone, suspended by a thread, scraped the bottom and sides of a one- liter beaker. Six-sided and shaped like a parallelogram, it weighed in at 404 grams (12 ounces). The crystals were judged on their combination of mass and quality. But what they had in mass they lost in quality. While the bluestone has no partic- ular use, the process of growing it promotes the educational mandate of the CIC, said Donald Barclay, chair of the organization’s 300-member Ham- ilton section. (Rick’s parents are I.C.C.T. members Jim & Holly Garr- ett.) hildren’s Corner Readand Leafn Þrestir Einn daginn sáu börnin fjögur lítil egg í hreiörinu. En þá komu þrestirnir fljúgandi. „Þarna koma mamman og pabbinn,” sagöi Erna. “En ég veit ekki, hvor er mamman og hvor er pabbinn.” Þá sáu þau, aö annar fuglinn flaug aö hreiörinu og settist á eggin. “Þetta er mamman,” sagöi Árni. "Þaö er rétt, Árni minn,” sagöi mamma þeirra. Thrush One day the children saw four small eggs in the nest. But then the thrush came flying. “There comes the mom and the dad,” said Erna. "But I don’t know which is the mom and which is the dad.” Then they saw that one of the birds flew to the nest and sat down on the eggs. "This is the mother,” said Arni. “That is right, Arni dear," said their mother. Sailing in a Tub by Jacobina Nord Red Deer, Alberta Rub - A - Dub - Tub - Three men in a tub. But this time -1 am informed Your young brother is sailing in the tub. How can I manage? So far out from shore. I’ll try to rescue him. How can I? Swim, walk and hurry. For that gentle breeze is pushing My brother further on and out to deeper waters Now, when I reach him, can I touch bottom? This I must try, and gentle must I be. So as not to upset the saílor you see l've obtained my destination. On tip-toe now and water up to my mouth Gently I reached the tub and on standing position. We are on our way back and what a relief to be back to shore. In remembrance of Kitchener Olson, my brother, who was 7 years old when this hap- pened. I was 14 - just beginning to learn to swim. That was our fírst bit of luck. 1 couldn ’t touch bottom in piaces so I went farther north, this helped so all went OK. One saved from drowning at Steep Rock, Manitoba. Tues., May 2 Wínnípeg May 5 - 7 Sat., May 6 Vancouver Sun., May 7 Winnípeg Thurs., May 11 Winnipeg Mon., May 17 Gimli May 19, 20&21 Edmonton Sat., June 3 Vancouver Bettyjane Wylie Launching New Book - 7:30 p.m. Reading Between The Lines at McNally Robinson Booksellers, 1875 Grant, Kenaston Mall. □ □ □ Annual INL Convention & Þorrablót - in Toronto. □ □ □ Spring Luncheon & Bake Sale - 1 lam - lpm at Oakridge Lutheran Church, 585 West 41st Ave. by Women’s Auxiliary. □ □ □ Víctory Brunch - Help Frón celebrate 50 years of freedom at the Scandinavian Centre, 764 Erin Street. □ □ □ Frón Annual General Meeting - 7 pm. Everyone Welcome. At the Scandinavian Cultural Centre, 764 Erin St. □ □ □ Gimli Chapter INL Regular & Annual Meeting - 7 pm. Betel Conference Room □ □ □ Námskeið - Icelandíc Language Camp - Family Weekend Language Camp at the Parker cabin right on Sandy Lake. AIl ages welcome. Modest fee. Contact June Parker 459-8624 orjudithjonsson 459- 2291. □ □ □ Sólskin June Tea & Bazaar - from 1 to 3:00 p.m. at Höfn, Icelandic Care Home, Vancouver, B.C. □ □ □ Courtesv ICCT Newsletter What's happeníng ín your area? We want to hear from you before and after the events... just send us a few lines... or a Iot. Please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope íf material and photos are to be retumed. Be sure to send your notices to: Lögberg-Heímskríngla, 699 Carter Ave., Wpg., Man„ Canada R3M 2C3 Can you match these words? See how manyyou can put together of these lcelandic and English words: FJOGUR 1. RIGHT LITIL BIRD EGG FLEW HREIÐUR 4. SIT HVOR LITTLE SETJAST THE CHILDREN RETT 7. EGG BORNIN NEST FUGL WHICH FLAUG 10. FOUR £ + 01 "Z + ‘6 ‘9 + '8 “l + 'L ‘V + 9 “6 + •£ “8 + > "L + £ ‘£ + Z ‘01 + X :sa3AVSNV



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