Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.09.1996, Page 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.09.1996, Page 3
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 6, september 1996 • 3 Learning Icelandic Could you inform me as to wheie I could obtain a book on the Icelandic language? Something of a basic nature, of course, such as learning the alphabet, conjugating verbs, simple sentences etc. I guess what you’d call basic Icelandic. Since I have become friends of some of the country’s people, and acquainted somewhat with its fascinating culture, and history, I would like to know something of its language. Robert Houser In reply: The following is some information on leaming the Icelandic language which has been updated from an arti- cle that appeared in Löberg-Heim- skringla in 1994. LEARNING ICELANDIC One of the requests most often made at the Icelandic National League headquarters office is the availability of Icelandic books and audio cassette tapes for learning Icelandic. Since many people do not have access to Icelandic language classes, books and tapes are the easiest way for them to indulge their interesst in the language. There is an interest out there and there are some sources and tools available for those with the buming desire to leam to understand and speak Ice- landic beyond the usual pönnukökur and vínarterta. There are textbooks for leaming Icelandic; however, many do not come with cassette tapes and many are not conveniently or affordably avail- abie. Some that are available follow and a list of contact names will be provided at the end of this article. The Icelandic Canadian Club of British Columbia (I.C.C. of B.C.) has language cassettes available which come with mimeographed sheets for $12.00 CDN (includes postage) and which are designed for beginners. The Norðurljós Icelandic Club of Edmonton has two language kits available at $20.00 each. One kit in- cludes a tape cassette. The club has permission from the publisher to sell these kits. The $20 includes postage. There is a correspondence course called Icelandic for Beginners, avail- able through the Bréfaskólinn, Reyk- javík, Iceland. The course was devel- oped by Anh Dao Tran and Stanislaw Baitoszek in 1990. It claims to be “a practical guide” to leaming Icelandic. The course also claims to be designed to help the student achieve a basic level of language proficiency and ac- quire the ability to communicate in The Manitoba Department of Edu- cation Textbook Bureau has textbooks for leaming Icelandic in their cata- logue. They include introductions to Icelandic by G. Gunnarsson and also by S. Bessason as well as exercise and reading books. There are audio cassette tapes available for one of the Introductory courses (Gunnarsson) through the re- source desk at the Depaitment of Edu- cation Library, (call number PT 439.698 G85). These are available for loan directly to teachers or student teachers but are only available to the MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta Lúterska Kirkja Pastor Ingthor I. Isfeld 1030 a.m. The Service First Lutheran Church 580 Victor St., Winnipeg R3G 1R2 Ph. 772-7444 general public through interlibrary loan. The cassettes are not loaned out- side of Manitoba, however, there are dubbing services available through the Department of Education with a cost for the dubbing and the tape. There is a book on the market called Teach Yourself Icelandic by PJ.T. Glendening and published by the NTC Publishing Group based in the U.S. It might be possible for your local bookstore to order in copy of this for you. There are texts with basic courses in Icelandic available in Iceland. One is called Icelandic in Easy Stages by Einar Palsson. Another book which may be useful is called Pronunciation of Modern Icelandic by Ari Pall Kristinsson which also comes with a cassette tape. Both these and others are available through “Mál og Men- ning Bookstore and Publishers” in Reykjavík, Iceland. The íslenskXEnsk Orðabók by Sver- rir Hólmarsson, Christopher Sanders and John Tucker was published by Iðunn Pubhshing Company originally in 1989. It is available in hardcover and paperback with the paperback being the most affordable at about $40. The most economical way to oider a copy of this book would be to contact the bookstore “Mál og Men- ning” directly. These are only a few possibilities for leaming Icelandic. Another would be to check in your area for an Ice- landic organization that may offer Ice- cational but social activities for those interested in their Icelandic heritage. For those living outside of Manitoba, it would be an idea to check at your provincial or state Department of Edu- cation to see what they may have available. CONTACT NAMES: Icelandic Canadian Club of B.C. President, Margaret Amirault 868 Cumberland Cres North Vancouver, B.C. (604) 980-8443 Mál og Menning Laugavegi 18, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland Fax: 011-354-562-3523 The Icelandic Correspondence Col- lege Nóatún 17 125 Reykjavík, Iceland MB Dept. of Educ. Library 1181 Portage Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba (204) 945-5371 Manitoba Textbook Bureau 130 lst Avenue West Souris, Manitoba (204) 483-4040 FAX: (204) 483-3441 Norðurljós Icelandic Club of Edmon- ton President, Joanne Olafson 17328-86 Ave. Edmonton, AB (403) 444-4798 Come Visit Iceland — The Sightseeing Wonder! A í;:. 'y ’ aMj i ■$ '. '£'fr .. .• • •» v.. > Jm i :• < ¥ ». ý> .•> « ••<> VJ-XJW.^V.V.'.V.V.'.ÍV.'.ÍAV.'. • ».. .. ft .. .<•.•:•••• From Akureyri in the North to the Westmann Islands in the South, the welcome mat is out for Western lcelanders and their friends. If you've never visited lceland before, 1996 is the year! Icelandair offers extra value airfares from North America to lceland all year long in 1996! 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