Lögberg-Heimskringla - 30.04.1999, Side 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 30.04.1999, Side 1
Inside this week: neimsKringia The lcelandic Weekly Lögberg Stofnaö 14. januar 1888 Heimskringla Stofnaö 9. september 1886 icelandic News 1, 3 Viewpoint 2 Letters to the Editor 2 Memoirs of Guðmundur Jónsson from Húsey 3 The lcelanders of Kinmount 5 The Saga of Guðríður Þorbjarnardóttir 7 Calendar of Events 7 113. Árgangur “The oldest ethnic periodical still publishing in Canada” Föstudagur 30. apríl 1999 Númer 15 113thyear Publications Mail registration no. 08000 Friday 30 April 1999 Number 15 Judith Jonsson Edmonton, AB What DO you CALL a gathering of 250 Icelandic families and friends? Sköflungur Grafa? Blása Úti? (The author profusely apol- ogizes for the blasphemous use of the Icelandic language.) We called it Þorrablót 1999, held Feb. 20 in Edmonton, Alberta. From the Elizabethan-catered meal to the last melody frora the John Anderson Trio, those who attended enjoyed “tala saman” laughter, good fellowship, Icelandic delicacies, and drink. After dinner entertainment was supplied by Carl Krenbrenk, who played several classical guitar pieces as well as one of his own compositions; and the Saga Singers who perfonned, in their usual inimitable way, Icelandic songs of the past and present. There were twenty-six prizes given out throughout the evening, as door prizes and spot dance prizes, as well as the youngest in costume, the longest married, from farthest away, and the family with the most members. These prizes ranged from pairs of hockey tickets to phonics books and choco- lates. The highlight of the evening was the Raffle draw and the draw for mem- bership. The ralfle for $100.00 cash was won by Keriy Bjamason; $200.00 cash was won by Bonnie Clark; an afghan (donated by Margret Reykdal). was won by Melissa Larondelle; and the big prize, Icelandic Saga Books, was won by Angela Schenstead. The membership draw was for two 27-inch TVs, donated by RTO Enterprises (Gordon Reykdal, President, and John Johnson, Vice-President). This was won by Johann and Laura Eliasson. A new narae for Edmonton? Þorrsborg!! Above: Cal Krenbrenk entertains; below: Angela Schenstead, winner ot The Complete Sagas of lcelanders ICELANDIC NEWS A Valiant Dinner Guest The couple Inga Þorvaldsdóttir and Birgir Ámason at Straumnes at Skagaströnd have fed birds in their yard or on the beach below it for many yeárs. They have received immeasura- ble joy from serving their dinner guests. About seven years ago they first noticed the most unexpected, and undoubtedly the most valiant visitor, a beautiful falcon. Last winter marked the eighth winter the falcon visited Straumnes. The couple at Straumnes were sur- prised when the bird was attracted to a piece of meat which they had put out- side and he surprised them by retuming again and again. Inga and 'Birgir soon named the bird Friðrik after the Danish Crown Prince. They did not realize that “Friðrik” is a female bird; female fal- cons are about one fourth larger than male birds. However, they did not see any reason to change the name as he would not be affected by teasing on account of it. Friðrik comes and goes as he/she pleases, especially in cold weather. The bird is usually first seen in October and then visits off and on until April, when he disappears, most likely to his nesting grounds. The couple at Straumnes take good care of him and bring him various goodies such as beef liver and horse- meat. Even ptarmigans at Christmas. Bird photographer Jóhann Óli Hilmarsson visited Straumnes recently to film Friðrik. He said that Friðrik was a very beautiful “Falcon lady,” as he put it. “Seen from below the bird is very light in colour, a bit like a Greenland falcon, but the grey colour on his back and head show unmistak- ably that he is of Icelandic origin. It is actually invaluable and rare to get an opportunity to film a falcon in this way lcelandic News continues on page 3



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