Lögberg-Heimskringla - 10.05.2002, Síða 11
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 10 Maí 2002 • 11
spjalla saman converse vel well, ntuch gætir could ætlarðu will you?
frábært excellent æði, æðislegt terrific kannski perhaps afhverju why
fundist thought, found 'skemmtu have fun, enjoy ferð trip vita know
örugglega defmitely dauðöfunda deadly jealous geggjað crazy hringi phone
hversu how óska wish myndi would komuna coming
hlakka til
look forward to
Continued in next issue
<(t» it iiw fiiii* im Ntr •nk'hitiet hri n ww NtiYrititrrt tit nm t rin 'ní'NWHHi-
Eftir að krakkarnir fóru sátu Anna og Michdlc og spjölluðu saman um afmælisboðið.
After the kids left Anna and MicheUe sat and talked to each other about the birthday
party. Michelle: Þetta var nú alveg frábært It was an excellent
afmælisboð. birthday party.
Anna: Fannst þér það? Do you think so?
Michelle: Já, alveg æði. Yes, really terrific.
Anna: Ég vona að hinum krökkunum 1 hope the other kids
hafi fundist það líka. thought so too.
Michelle: Alveg örugglega. Defmitely.
Anna: Það er gott að vita það. lt’s good to know.
Michelle: Ég heyrði John og Paul tala um I heard John and Paul speak
hversu vel þeir skennntu sér. about how much fun they were having.
Anna: En stelpurnar? And the girls?
Michelle: Jú, þær skemmtu sér líka vel. Yes, they also had fun.
Anna: Finnst þér ekki æðislegt að amrna Don’t you think it is terrific that grandma
hafi sent mér tlugmiða til Islands? sent me a ticket to fly to Iceland?
Michelle: Jú, ég dauðöfunda þig. Yes, I am deadly jealous.
Anna: Ég vildi óska þess að þú gætir 1 wish you could
komið með mér. corne with me.
Michelle: Kannski ég geti fengið pabba til að
gefa mér ferð til Islands í afmælisgjöf.
Anna: Væri það ekki geggjað?
Michelle: Jú. Afmælið mitt er í maí, svo
þetta myndi alveg passa.
Anna: Ætlarðu að spyrja hann í kvöld?
Michelle: Afhverju ekki.
Anna: Þú verður að láta mig vita, strax.
Michelle: Ég hringi í þig strax og ég fæ svar.
Anna: Ég bíð eftir hringingunni. I’ll wait for the call.
Michelle: Það er best að ég fari heim. I’d bettergo home.
Anna: Takk fyrir komuna. Thanks for coming.
Michell kveður Önnu og faðmar hana að sér og segir: „Ég er farin að hlakka til þá
þegar. Ég er viss um að pabbi gamli gefur mér fyrir farinu, hann neitar mér aldrci um
neitt.” Michelle says goodbye to Anna, hugs her and says: “I am already looking for-
ward to it. I am certain that my old dad will give me the money for the fare. He never
denies me anything.”
Perhaps 1 could get dad to
give me a trip to Iceland for
my birthday.
Wouldn’t that be crazy?
Yes. My birthday is in May' so
it would be just right.
Are you going to ask him tonight?
Why not.
You must let me know right away.
ITl phone you as soon as I get an
Anna og Michelle spjalla saman Anna and Michelle talk to each other
continued from previous issue
Children 's Corner
Ámý Hjaltadóttir, Winnipeg, MB
Iceland Comes to North America
Sofa Artists Coming to Manitoba and North Dakota
Icelandic artists Anna and Ólöf are bringing
their “sofa art” show to Gimli, and are plan-
ning to meet North Americans who display art
above their sofas, in the hope that they can
photograph it.
They described their show in Iceland: “At
the Reykjavík Art Museum, they projected
large slide images on a screen, representing
photographs of a sofa and the painting above,
the photographs changing every foity-five
seconds or so. At the same time, we projected
slides with comments (in Icelandic) that the
owners of the sofas and paintings had made
while we were photographing. In another
room we made an installation of a living room
next to large photographic landscape images
from Þingvellir. On a table, people could look
at the photographs of sofa paintings, in family
albums. The exhibition awoke a great deal of
attention, people even stood in lines waiting to
look at the photo albums!”
They arrive in Canada on May 20th, and
leave from Minneapolis on May 29th. Their
show will be mounted in the New Heritage
Museum in Gimli on May 25th at 1:00 pm.
Don Martin is organizing their stay in Gimli.
They also plan to go to other places in the
Interlake, to Winnipeg, and North Dakota. If
you have a painting above your sofa, and have
not already contacted the artists, let Don know
that you would like to speak to them. He can
be reached at Don Martin’s horne at 204-682-
5593 or e-mail at admartin@mts.net. While in
Gimli, Anna and Ólöf will be staying with
Laura Sigmundson, and can be reached there
also by telephone at 204-642-5513.
Sunnukórinn Comes June 7th to 21st
Sunnukór, a choir from ísafjörður was
founded in 1934 and it is the oldest com-
bined choir that is in existence,in Iceland.
Jónas Tómasson who ran a bookstore in
ísafjörður, was the man who first established
and conducted the choir for about 20 years.
Ragnar H. Ragnar conducted for the next
15 years. Right from its institution, the choir
has taken on many works and definitely has
stood by their original intention which was
taken at their first meeting to increase and
strengthen the art of singing within the town.
• The present conductor of the choir is
Margrét Geirsdóttir and her accompanist is
Sigríður Ragnarsdóttir.
The choir will be in Minneapolis, North
Dakota, and Manitoba. Watch the Calendar of
Events for their itinerary.
Jónas Þór’s Students
Coming to the Settlements
As part of their course, the students in
Iceland studying the history of the immi-
grants to North America, will be coming here
for two weeks to see the settlements thern-
selves. They arrive in June, and their itinerary
will be in a later issue of the paper, and in the
Calendar of Events.
Rendezvous continued
from page 8
woman who was the leader. He
summoned her over and ordered,
“Kneel before me, woman.”
She looked him straight in
the eyes and said in a stem voice,
“First, say please.”
At that remark, the Viking
placed his hands on his hips,
reared back his head and roared
with laughter.
“Já, já,” he laughed. “There
is always one in every class.
Listen. I am going on a long
journey and I need to take a
woman with me.”
He lifted the woman over
his shoulder and started to carry
her off toward the door, much to
the chuckles and hooting of the
other women.
Velvet later leamed that the
Viking was none other than a
moonlighting high school
teacher from Reykjavík and his
Irish slave was a local photogra-
pher, who actually had quite a
beautiful singing voice.
With a broad smile on her
face, Velvet realized that she
hadn’t had so rnuch fun in years.
Such hospitable and warm-
hearted people live in Iceland.
Ann Reykdal Robertson
says, “this is a fictional, but
partly true story about my first
trip to Iceland in 1997. Only the
names have been changed to
protect the innocent. ”
It was previously published
in the ICC ofBC Newsletter and
the 2001 Langley Writers’ Guild
Top Ten ways to cure the
10. Hold your breath
9. Get someone to give you a scare
8. Drink water while holding your nose
7. Breath into a paper bag for 2
6. Eat a teaspoon of sugar
5. Have someone put a cold spoon down
the back of your shirt
4. Lie ,on your back, hang your head
over an edge with mouth open and
breath deeply and slowly
3. Plug ears and count to twenty
2. Drink a glass of water upside-down
1. “I bet you 5 bucks you can’t hiccup
again!” (always works!)
Match the Icelandic word or
phrase to its English meaning.
(Answers below.)
passenger ship
dtqs jsSusssyd 'diysnSjjjnf
heoqMOi ‘jnipqojp ‘.soubo 'jnipqjvqjvq
íjBoq ‘jnjvq'.wpvK ‘vþp/auspsKj tjBoqiojoui
‘jnjpqjpA UBoqiiBS ‘jnjpqiSss tdiqs 'diqs