Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.2002, Blaðsíða 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.2002, Blaðsíða 7
Lögberg-Heimskringla • 6 Desember 2002 • page 7 FRÉTTIR • NEWS IODE Scholarships Suzanne Victoria Rebekah De Haney Sparks Hiebert Allison Stevens I 8 | Kjarna Jamieson Wesley Petrowski Christopher De Guzman E. I. Benjaminson MemoriaL Scholarship Suzanne De Haney is the daughter of William and Violet De Haney of Brandon, MB. After graduating from High School in French immersion in 1990, she participated in a one- year exchange program to Denmark. This experience reinforced her interest in com- munities and provided her with a global perspective on the importance of health. Suzanne graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Master of Science in Physiology. Suzanne is in her first year of a doctoral program at McGill University, having joined the department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health in the Faculties of Graduate Studies and Medicine. She has received the Canada Study Grant for female doctoral stu- dents. In selecting Epidemiology as her program of studies she hopes to address many aspects of the question, "What makes a person healthy?" Suzanne is still developing ideas for her Doctoral research, but believes it will address different aspects of pain, both acute and chronic, in the elderly population. Kristin Stephensen Music Scholarship Victoria Sparks is the daughter of Laurie Olafson and Brian Sparks of Selkirk, MB. Her grandparents are Lois and Irvin Olafson of Gimli, MB. Victoria is enrolled at the University of Manitoba in a second year inte- grated Bachelor of Music/ Education program with a major in Percussion and is on the Dean's Honour Roll. She plans to become a music teacher in the public school sys- tem. Victoria has achieved Grade IX Piano and Grade II Theory with First Class Honours from the Toronto Conservatory of Music. She was awarded the School of Music Endowment Scholarship for excellence in performance. Victoria volunteered extensive- ly during her high school years acting as the music instructor for the Icelandic Language and Cultural Camp in Gimli, play- ing piano for 'First Day of Summer' celebrations in Selkirk and performing on the main stage during Islendinga- dagurinn in Gimli. During the Olympics at Salt Lake City, Victoria was hostess for site at the Iceland House. Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Scholarship Rebekah Hiebert is the daugh- ter of John and Gabriele Hiebert of Niverville, MB. Rebekah received a University Entrance Scholarship in 1998 and completed her first year of general science, with honours, at the University of Winnipeg. After taking a year off to work, she enrolled in a diploma pro- gram at Red River College tak- ing second year Chemical and Biosciences Technology. She received her diploma with hon- ours, and is now enrolled at the University of Manitoba to upgrade her diploma to a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Rebekah has been employed in a number of posi- tions to support herself, but has also found time to participate in unique volunteer opportunities. She taught English classes in Bosnia and was involved with renovations to a community centre there. While in Mali, West Africa, she helped plan and carry out activities for a children's camp. She has com- pleted her Grade VII Piano and Grade II Theory from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. Halldor Bjarnason Scholarship This scholarship is being given in the year 2002 to a student who has shown volunteer skills for the betterment of his/her community. Halldor is a previ- ous Jón Sigurðsson Chapter award winner and as a member of the Canadian Bar Association has been awarded a 2002 Community Service Award by the Canadian Bar Association of BC for his out- standing and dedicated service. To recognize Halldor's many successes, this award was pre- sented by his mother, Mildred Bjamason. Allison Stevens is the daughter of Lynn Stevens of Winnipeg, MB. Allison is in first year at the University of Winnipeg with plans to continue into Law or Medicine. She graduated from Sisler High School with hon- ours. She received numerous awards including the Dr. George Cooper Sisler Humanitarian Service Award, the Sisler Alumni Volunteer Award, a University of Winnipeg Access Award and Special Entrance Scholarship. She is also the 2001 and 2002 recipient of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet of the Year Award. Allison's many volunteer activi- ties include being student repre- sentative on the planning com- mittee for 'Seminar on Hunger and Global Food Security', par- ticipant in model United Nations, May 2002 and 'Encounters with Canada'. She also became the 'go-to' person at Sisler when the principal need- ed a knowledgeable, articulate and mature student to represent Sisler High School at inter- views, panel discussions or community events. She was a volunteer face painter and clown at many charitable events and played the bagpipes in the Crusaders Pipe and Drum Band. Eugene Clyde Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is awarded to a student in a University Education program. Eugene, the husband of Rose Clyde, a member of our Chapter, passed away this year. He earned his B.A. and B.Ed. from the University of Saskatchewan. In order to support his University education he worked at the CNR where, after graduation, he began a career as an educa- tor to employees on 'the rules of the railway.' His classroom was a special railway car that trav- elled across the western provinces. Later, he worked for the Education Department of Indian Affairs in Kenora, ON. Eugene was a strong supporter of the Chapter's scholarship program. Kjarna Jamieson is the daugh- ter of Larry and Christina Jamieson of Winnipeg, MB. Her maternal grandfather is Goodwin Sveinson of Winnipeg and her paternal grandmother is Elvena (Fredrickson) Jamieson of Glenboro, MB. Kjarna is enrolled at the University of Winnipeg working towards a two-degree program: a Bachelor of Education and a Bachelor of Science, with a major in physics and a minor in calculus. She plans a career as an educator. Kjama graduated from Dakota Collegiate with an excellent academic record and was awarded a University of Winnipeg Entrance Scholar- ship. Kjama does volunteer work with the Manitoba Marathon and one day a week assists with the adult program at St. Amant Centre, taking res- idents on outings, playing games or helping to supervise activities. Frank Wilson Memorial Scholqrship Two awards are being given in 2002 to honour the memory of Frank Wilson. Frank, the hus- band of Johanna Wilson, a member of our Chapter, passed away this year. Frank earned a B.A. and a B.Ed. from the University of Manitoba. He was a veteran of World War II, a permanent force education officer and a patriotic man. He believed in the work of the Chapter and gave his whole- hearted support to projects undertaken. Having had expe- rience as a high school teacher, he was intérested in the resumes of applicants and gave sound advice when called upon. Wesley Petrowski is the son of Joe and Frances Petrowski of Gimli, MB. His patemal grand- mother is Myrtle (Benediktson) Petrowski of Gimli. Wesley is enrolled at- the University of Manitoba working towards a degree in Computer Science. He graduated from Gimli High School with honours where he was awarded several scholar- e see Scholarships on page 8 Creating Community • Sköpum Samfélag



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