
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.2002, Qupperneq 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.2002, Qupperneq 8
page 8 » Lögberg-Heimskringla » 6 December 2002 Continued from page 7 Scholarship Cultural Exchange Fund Yearly Appeal ships, among them the Millennium Scholarship, Evergreen School Division Scholarship, R.M. of Gimli Scholarship and a University of Manitoba Entrance Scholarship. Wesley was engaged in many extra curricu- lar and volunteer activities dur- ing high school where he co- edited the Gimii High School 2002 Year Book, was the 'Desktop Publisher' in the pro- duction of the school newspa- per, and assisted teaching staff with technical problems that arose with regard to computer programs. He also gave assis- tance to seniors in their homes by offering computer set-up and support and by offering computer training. Christopher De Guzman is the son of Guillermo and Marisa De Guzman of Winnipeg, MB. Christopher is enrolled at the University of Winnipeg with a view to becoming an Optometrist. He graduated from J. H. Bruns Collegiate with an exceptional academic record. He had the distinction of never having missed a day of school during his entire High School career. Christopher received a number of awards, among them the University of Manitoba Advanced Early Admission Scholarship and the 2002 Knights of Rizal Academic Excellence and Leadership Award. During high school he was involved in intra-mural sports and the school choir. His volunteer activities include working with the Volunteer Department of St. Boniface Hospital in a variety of staff support areas. Citizenship Awards Midway through the aftemoon program, a 'Certificate of Appreciation in Recognition of Outstanding Support' was pre- sented to Frank Wilson and to Helle Wilson. Frank (son of member Johanna Wilson) and his wife, Helle, have been very supportive of the work of the Jón Sigurðsson Chapter. Frank, retired Head of Mathematics at Vincent Massey Collegiate, has given invaluable direction to the scholarship committee. Helle has for many years offered her capable assistance and support at all our fund-rais- ing events. This presentation was made by Citizenship Officer, Frances Selver. The aftemoon's proceed- ings began with remarks by Deanna Isliefson, President, and Shirley McCreedy, Education Officer. The scholar- ships were presented by Erla Wankling, Assistant Education Officer. Family members and friends of the students being honoured were invited to attend this important event. After the program had ended, everyone socialized while enjoying the delicious refreshments served by members of the Chapter. Gail Einarson-McCIeery, O.F. Toronto, ON We are a little late in reminding everyone of the chance to contribute to cul- tural exchanges between Iceland and Canada — we got a Gail Einarson-McCleery, O.F. Toronto, ON Following the recent suc- cessful tour of musicians Inga and Gurrý in North America under the Intemational Visits Program, the Icelandic National League of North America is now call- ing for writers to apply to visit North America in 2004. Writers of international stature who have work translat- ed into English or English and French are invited to apply to the program. It is hoped that we may be able to tie in to writer's festivals and writer-in- residence programs, as well as having the winning applicant visit various chapters. The deadline for applications is January 15, 2003. The International Visits Program began in 1997 with the tour by Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson, then Curator of the National Gallery of Iceland. little involved this year in all the arrangements for the tour of Icelandic musicians Inga and Gurrý (Ingveldur Ýr Jónsdóttir and Guðríður St. Sigurðardóttir) under the aus- pices of the International Visits Program of the Icelandic National Leagues of North America and Iceland. There are many more of these exchanges coming up, including coming from Iceland, a writer, and going to Iceland Martha Brooks, jazz vocalist/author and Ruth Christie, aboriginal storyteller, while artist Ross Snashall will Since then, photographer Páll Stefánsson, national costume expert Fríður Ólafsdóttir and musicians Ingveldur Ýr Jónsdóttir and Guðríður St. Sigurðardóttir have toured North America. Ambassadors from Canada to Iceland have been visual artist Patricia Guttormson Peacock, bird-carver Einar Vigfusson, soprano Carole Davis with pianist Harold Brown, and spinning wheel maker Doug Rognvaldson. Coming up are visits by aborig- inal storyteller Ruth Christie and jazz vocalist/author Martha Brooks in 2003. The success of this cultural exchange program has been due to the support of Icelanders in both Iceland and North America in attending events and in contributing financially to the Cultural Exchange Fund be touring North America. So think about supporting these programs by contributing to the Cultural Exchange Fund of the Canada-Iceland Foundation so that it can make grants to artists for this impor- tant work. Charitable receipts are provided for your donation. Make all donations payable to the Canada-Iceland Foundation Inc. (re Cultural Exchange Fund) and send to: Cultural Exchange Fund c/o Iris S. Torfason 617 Shawinigan Dr. S. W. Calgary, Alberta T2Y 2Y6 of the Canada Iceland Foundation, which makes grants to artists for this impor- tant work. Support has also been received frorn Icelandair, the Foreign Ministries of Canada and Iceland, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ministry of Science, Education and Culture of Iceland, as well as íslands- banki. An application form for 2004 is posted on the INL/NA website at: http://users.imag.net/~sry.ras- geirs/default.html and go to the News section and look for "Intemational Visits from Iceland" For more information, con- tact Gail Einarson-McCleery, Director, International Visits Program 416-726-8627; email: icegem @ compuserve.com QleÁiletf, jól! fyaMadt eufit ád MeASuf ClouAÍ+naA.! cMapifuf Jleea IfeaA.! Argyle Transfer Ltd. Specializing in livestock transportation Wally & Linda Finnbogason Stonewall, MB Wally 467-8822 Mobile 981-1666 Daryl 322-5743 Mobile 981-5460 %eíamf Jíome 939 6th Street New Westminster, BC (604) 519-1224 Askfor Kicki beautifulbc @mostlysunny. com Iceland House Loving care has been taken over tcn years to restore the house in keeping with its history, while at the same time updating to modem standards. It's a large house with five upstairs guest rooms: two single rooms, thrce double, and two bath- rooms to share. Guests may enjoy the usc of the kitchen. Located in New Westminster, BC, it is “Home away from Home." www.geocities.com/iceland_house_in_bc WlNNER OF 2 CUiSINE CANADA CULINARY BOOK AWARDSi The Culinary Saga of New Iceland by Kristin Olafson-Jenkyns $23.95 US/S32.95 CDN ISBN 0-9689119-0-0 THE ULTIMATE D I RECTORY ITRST EDITÍON $18.95 US/$23-9n CDN ISBN 0-9689119-1-9 hM Now Available Falcons Gold Canada’a Fixat Olympic Hockoy Horoes By Kathleen Arnason Illustrated by Luther Pokrant $17.95 US/$22.9B GDN ISBN 0-9689119-2-7 COASTLINE PUBL! S H I N G 5UITE5I1 3-304 STONE RD. W GUEIPH, ON N1G 4W4 T: 519.856.1449 POSTMAST«®COBriM-PIJí Individual ordcrs please add $5 S/H per tirlc and GS'Í'. Booksellers iisted at <www.coasdixie-publishing.com>. Joifíing to a stocfyng near yöii..'. Btsí Wisbes 101 Reykjavik by Hallgrimur Helgason $18" FALCONS GOLD by Kathleen Amason $22,9S from the owners and staff at H.P.Tergesen & Sons 82-lstAvenue Gimli, Manitoba 642-5958 Call for an Icelandic Writer to Tour North America in 2004 <m it i4nn* Rin* LTnn m' 'nrhiiisi hri h TTranr NiirrRirm m rini \ rin 'nk'HitiiiHi-



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