Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.05.2003, Síða 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.05.2003, Síða 1
 Satigjföj&g£& I ffiaagai5aa.Me»^ WeeA; at a glance New lceland Youth Choir Performs in front of a captive audience Page 3 The lcelandic Association of Utah donates a framed photograph of lcelandic emigrants Page 5 Friday, 9 May, 2003 • Number 16 / Númer 16 • Föstudagur, 9 Maí, 2003 Lögberg Lögberg stofnað 14. janúar 1888 Heimskringla stofnað 9. september 1886 Sameinuð 20. ágúst 1959 Heimskringla The Icelandic Weekly www.logberg.com PAP Registration no. 08000 Agreement no. 1402161 117th year /117. Árgangur ISSN 0047-4967 Province to Fund Arrival of Viking Ship and Historic Exhibit for Gimli Area The New Iceland Heritage Museum will receive $70,000 to assist in bring the full scale Viking ship to sail on Lake Winnipeg from mid-June to September, Premier Gary Doer announced officially at the Museum on Monday, April 2003. Some of the funds will be used to help support the muse- um’s companion exhibit Full Circle: First Contact - Vikings and Skraelings in Newfoundland and Labrador. “This 44-foot replica of an ancient Viking ship reminds us of the strong cultural ties between Iceland and Manitoba,” the premier said. “The Viking Saga ship and the accompanying Viking exhibit will have great appeal for locals and tourists alike and will enhance the existing charm of our Icelandic history.” To complement the exhib- it, the town of Gimli is offering promise a significant, positive a cultural tourism package that influence, not only on regional, PHOTO BY KERRI TAVERNER - COURTESY OF THE NEW ICEIAND HERITAGE MUSEUM Premier of Manitoba Gary Doer, officially announcing the coming of the viking ship but on provincial tourism as well. The package includes a series of programs, special events, workshops and lectures to be held from May through October 2003. “This is an excellent oppor- tunity for visitors to get a taste of the life the early Vikings led,” said the Premier. “And the boat will be shared with various partners around the shores of Lake Winnipeg for inclusion in any special summer events they are planning.” Visitors can don costumes and they can even take a tum at the oars while they sail the vast expanse of Lake Winnipeg. The ship will also carry two Viking interpreters from Newfoundland. Funding support for this initiative comes from Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism ($25,000 through Tourism Development and $20,000 though the Heritage Grants Advisory Council) and Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs ($25,000 through the Rural Economic Development Initiative). “The Viking theme has a proven tourist appeal,” the premier said, “and this will make an adventurous and romantic link to this unique chapter in Canadian and Manitoba history.” Saturday; June 21 st, is the official Grand Opening of Full Circle: First Contact - Vikings and Skraelings in Newfoundland and Labrador. A wild and exciting Viking Feast will mark this event which includes . entertainment and a miniature Viking Village with craftspeople and artisans. This celebration presents some of the entertaining parts of Viking heritage and also that of First Nations. Sunday the festivities continue at Waterfront Centre with special lectures and demonstrations. Special guest, author David Arnason will be giving a read- ing of current work. The Vikings are Coming A replica ship, that is, is sailing into Gimli PHOTO COURTESY OF NEW ICELAND HERITAGE MUSEUM The full scale Viking ship sailing near Newfoundland Mia Rabson Legislature Reporter Winnipeg Free Press WlNNIPEG, MB Viking history will come to life on Lake Winnipeg this summer when a 13.5- metre replica Viking ship hoists its sails and drops its oars into the lake near Gimli. “A Viking ship on the Prairies,” said an excited Tammy Axelsson, executive director of the New Iceland Heritage Museum. “It’s an actual working, authentic repli- ca. It will be moored in the har- bour and people will be able to go on board, raise the sails, feel the oars and go for a ride.” From June 20 until the middle of September, the ship will be open to the public for viewing. There will be Viking costumes available for the public to put on, and you will be able to board it and get a feel for the Viking way of life, Axelsson said. Twice a day, at sunrise and sunset, the ship will leave its moorings and go for an hour- long jaunt on the lake, with two professional interpreters on board to tell Viking stories and give a living history lesson. The public can even hoist the sails and take a hand at the oars themselves. “It’s very unique,” said Axelsson. “It’s a really perfect fit to have it here.” The muse- um is hosting the ship at the same time as a museum exhib- it from Newfoundland on the first contact of Vikings in. Canada. The ship, built and owned by a Newfoundland couple, will arrive in Manitoba via flat-bed truck. It will take up to fifteen days to move the ship cross-country because it takes up a lane-and-a-half of road- way and is not permitted to travel on weekends because it will back up traffic. The ship is scheduled to arrive in Winnipeg by June 15th and will be put into the water at The Forks. Then it will sail up the Red River to Lake Winnipeg and dock at the shores in Gimli in time for the opening of the museum exhib- it - Full Circle: First Contact - Vikings and Skraelings in Newfoundland and Labrador. The exhibit was created for the 2000 Newfoundland celebration of the 1,000-year anniversary of the Vikings’ landing there. At that time, one of the commemorative events had a replica Viking ship sail across the Atlantic to Newfoundland to replicate the first crossing. Please see The Vikings are Coming on Page 7 Creating Community • Sköpum Samfélag



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