Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.05.2003, Side 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.05.2003, Side 3
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur, 9 Maí 2003 • page 3 FRÉTTIR • NEWS New Iceland Youth Choir Performs Afternoon Concert PHOTO COURTESY OF PATRICE ODEGARD The New Iceland Youth Choir perfroms in front of a captive audience Patrice Odegard WlNNIPEG, MB At 2:00 pm, Sunday, April 6, 2003 the New Iceland Youth Choir, under the direc- tion of Rosalind Vigfusson, performed at the Scandinavian Center in Winnipeg. The Frón Chapter of the Icelandic League sponsored the after- noon concert and silent auc- tion as a fundraising opportu- nity for the choir’s upcoming trip to Iceland in July. The choir has a full schedule planned for their trip in late July and early August. David Gislason of Arborg emceed the concert. He pro- vided the audience with a bit of background information about Rosalind and the forma- tion of the New Iceland Youth Choir. The program began with seven numbers by the choir followed by two beautiful selections on the flute by choir member Heiða Simundson. She performed Dance of the Blessed Spirits by Christopher Gluck and Andante Espressivo by Felix Mendelssohn. The choir then took center stage again for seven more songs, one of which was Senn kemur vor. This is the song that they sang on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth’s visit to the Forks in Winnipeg in October 2002. Rosalind Vigfusson then played two pieces on the piano, the first being a very moving piece which she had written several years ago entitled Wishing fol- lowed by The Arborg Waltz, a piece she wrote for the Arborg Centennial. David Gislason then recited two poems. The first was one he wrote entitled Sixteen. He then recited a translation of Minni íslands which was writ- ten by Böðvar Jakobsson and had been published in a pro- gram booklet for the íslendin- gadagur at Hnausa in 1949. The choir then sang seven more numbers, one being the poem by Böðvar Jacobsson, which was put to music by Rosalind. The group received a standing ovation from the crowd at the end of their per- formance and delighted the audience with an encore of A Sprengisandi. One audience member remarked that everyone, at some point during the per- formance, had to wipe away a tear or two, and this was evi- dent during the performance of The Gimli Waltz. This tal- ented group of young people under Rosalind’s direction will certainly do us all proud when they are in Iceland this summer. The families of the choir members provided a delicious lunch afterward. There were several beautiful prizes in the silent auction, which were won by lucky ticket holders. David then thanked the Frón Chapter, on behalf of Rosalind and the choir mem- bers and their families, for the opportunity to perform and also to those who had donated prizes for the auction. He went on to say that the group is going to be very busy with their fundraising from now on and look forward to perform- ing as much as they can in order to help pay for their trip. Those who have not had the opportunity to see The New Iceland Youth Choir should definitely take advantage of any chance to hear them per- form. They give a wonderful performance and should be applauded not only for their songs and music but also for the interest that they are tak- ing in their cultural heritage. Copies of the fundraising CD From the Heart by The New Iceland Youth Choir are available froni Rosalind Vigfusson by phoning 1-204- 376-2769. They can also be purchased at Arborg Nic Nacs in Arborg, at The New Iceland Heritage Museum in Gimli, and at Tergesen’s Store in Gimli. Afhendir stjómarskrána frá 1874 Delivers the Constitution from 1874 Um 90% íslendinga ánægðir í vinnunni About 90% of Icelanders are Satisfied with Their Jobs Arecent research done on working conditions in Iceland shows, that even though Icelanders point out things that they think could be better han- dled in their work places, about 90% say they are satisfied with their jobs. Dr. Andreas Liefooghe, an Industrial Organizational Psychologist and a professor at Birkbeck College, University of London, said that this is very unusual because in most work places, in other countries, job satisfaction is usually about 50%. Liefooghe is Sólveig Jónsdótir’s instructor for her master thesis at the university, which is an extensive research on the working conditions at Landsspítalinn - University Medical Hospital - but that research is a part of national research, where twelve Icelandic work places have already participated in. Liefooghe said that when the outcome of the research will be published next June the expla- nation for these lcelandic char- acteristics will hopefully be explained more fully. Personally he thinks that the explanation could be found in the Icelandic National Soul, but Liefooghe has worked quite extensively among Icelanders and has been in Iceland many times to do research on working conditions. “Perhaps you have a higher threshold and can with- stand greater initation and frus- tration than other nations. That could be the explanation. Icelanders seem to be able to go through a lot and are able to handle many difficult problems that they come up against.” VlKING INN Gimli, MB (204) 642-5168 • 21 Renovated Rooms • Gord Lee’s Chinese Dining Ph. 642-5170 • “Two Friends” Nite Club • Beer Store The Danish Premier, Andres Fogh Rasmussen, made an official two-day visit to Iceland the week of April 7th to 12th. Besides talking with Premier, Davíð Oddsson, he delivered the first Icelandic Constitution from 1874 to Icelanders. The Danes had recently agreed that the Constitution would be returned and preserved in Iceland when Tómas Ingi Olrich, Minister of Education in Iceland and Brian Mikkelsen, the Danish Minister of Culture, discussed the matter last January. The Danish Premier arrived in Iceland on Wednesday, January 9th and spoke with Davíð Oddsson that afternoon and dined at the restaurant Perlan at the Premier’s invitation that evening. On Thursday, he went sightseeing around Reykjanes and the south part of Iceland and had lunch at Bessataðir by invitation from the President of Iceland, Ola- fur Ragnar Grímsson. The Danish Premier left Iceland on Friday morning, April llth. Information from Morgunblaðið, Á. H. Visit us on the web at http://www.logberg.com



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