
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 23.05.2003, Qupperneq 6

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 23.05.2003, Qupperneq 6
page 6 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday, 23 May 2003 “Any man 's death diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind... No man is an island, entire ofhimself ”—John Donne • “Maður er manns gaman. ”—Hávamál Spotlighting lives lived and milestones in the lives oflcelandic North Americans. Björn Jóhannsson látinn Björn Jóhannsson Deceased Björn Jóhannsson, Deputy Editor of Morgunblaðið, died suddenly at his home on Wednesday morning April 23rd, at the age of sixty-eight. Bjöm Jóhannsson was bom in Hafnarfjörður April 20th 1935. His parent’s were Jóhann Kristinn Bjömsson, industrial worker and Kristrún Marta Kristjánsdóttir, housewife. Björn graduated from Menntaskólinn in Akureyri in 1956. He studied philosophy and English at the University of Iceland and history and philoso- phy at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland in 1957 and 1958. Björn became the Managing Director of Alþýðublaðið in 1958 and was a news reporter for Alþýðublaðið from 1958 to 1962. He was the executive editor for the daily paper Myndar in 1962 and the same year he began to work for Morgunblaðið. Björn became a news reporter at Morgunblaðið in 1962. Inl967 he took over the job of News Editor. In 1981 he became the Deputy Editor of Morgunblaðið, a position he held until his death. Björn held many positions in different organizations during his lifetime. He sat on the board of directors for the Association of Icelandic Journalists from 1960 to 1963 and had a seat for a while on the board of directors for Varðberg, an association interested in westem collabora- tion. He was the editor for Nordisk Kontakt, the paper pub- lished by the Council of Nordic Countries about politics, parlia- ment and Nordic matters, from 1965 and editor of the Icelandic chapter of the Yearbook Þjóðsaga from 1966. He was the news correspondent for the news agency Associated Press from 1964 to 1982 and he was News Correspondent for the daily newspaper Politiken in Copenhagen from 1966 to 1975. Björn was also a News Correspondent for the daily newspaper Helsingin Sanomat in Finland and Dimmalætting in the Faroe Islands for a while. He wrote articles for papers and periodicals in many coun- tries, for instance Nordisk Tilskrift and lately he wrote for the periodical of the Nordic Association in Finland. Then he was one of the supervisors for the radio program Efst á baugi (In the Forefront) for the Icelandic National Radio Station from 1961 to 1970. Björn married Valgerður Ákadóttir in 1962 and they had two children, Jóhann Áki and Kristrún Helga. Björn and Valgerður divorced. In 1973 he married his sur- viving wife, Guðrún Egilson, a teacher and an author. They had two children, Snædís Huld and Þorsteinn Brynjar. Björn Jóhannsson was one of the leaders of the editorial staff of Morgunblaðið and had many responsibilities at the paper which he performed with care and vigilance. PHOTO COURTESY OF MORGUNBLAÐIÐ Björn Jóhannsson Morgunblaðið thanks Bjöm for a long and successful collab- oration and friendship and send his wife, children and loved ones their deepest sympathy at the time of his passing. Infonnation from Morgunblaðið, Á. H. Continued from Page I A Big Thank You During the two days of pro- gramming, Connie Clark, with her technical expertise, and Jeff Kristjanson as chair of the ses- sions, kept things running smoothly despite some of those inevitable computer glitches and timing problems. PHOTO BY ROBERT ÁSGEIRSSON Páll Pétursson Perhaps the best part of all was the chance to renew old acquaintances and to meet new ones, including many from the U.S.A. This convention set a new record for attendance, which was a credit to the organ- izing committee’s work. Those involved included Jerry Kristjanson, Del Sveinson, Bob SEEKINC ENTHUSIASTIC VIKIN6S!!! Ifyou are 16 or older and are looking for an opportunity to learn about lcelandic Language and Culture this would be the job foryou!!! Vte are currently looking for Camp Counselors, Instructors, Cooks and a Lifeguard. We are a/so looking for Volunteers. For more information about the camp visit our website www.icelandiccamp.com or contact the Camp Director at (204) 452-9769 Please e-mail resume to Camp Director at icelandic_camp@hotmail.com or mail to: lcelandic Language and Cultural Camp c/o Jodi Burgess, 135 Tufnell Drive Winnipeg, MB R2N 1J7 CANADA SCHOLARSHIPS JON SlGURDSSON CHAPTER IODE The following Scholarships are offered for Manitoba students: (1) Johanna Gudrun Skaptason Memorial Scholarship... $500. For a student who has successfully completed Grade XII and who is registered in a first year programme at a Manitoba University. (2) Members Memorial Scholarship...............................$500. For a student beyond 1st year and registered in a Degree programme or enrolled in Post-Graduate work. (3) Hildur Guttormson Memorial Scholarship.....................$500. For a female adult, resuming studies, with the objective of obtaining post secondary certification or a degree. (4) IODE Music Memorial Scholarship............................$300. For a student who has obtained a high standing, vocal or instrumental, (Grade VIII or above) in Canada Conservatory or Royal Conservatory of Toronto examinations. (5) Snjolaug Gillis Memorial Scholarship................... .$300. For a student registered in a Nursing program. (6) Gyda Naylor Memorial Scholarship..........................$300. For a student who has successfully completed at least one year in the Faculty of Human Ecology, preferably in Family Studies. (7) The E. I. Benjaminson Memorial Scholarship..............$300. For a worthy Medical student, preferably specializing in Geriatrics. (8) Kristin Stephensen Music Scholarship.................... $300. For a student studying music, vocal or instrumental, (with Grade VIII or higher standing) Royal Conservatory of Toronto or School of Music, University of Manitoba. (9) Eugene Clyde Memorial Scholarship.......................$300. For a student who is enrolled in a University course of study leading to a Bachelor of Education. Candidates will be selected on the basis of academic excellence, good citizenship and leadership potential (Mention Icelandic ancestry, if any). For further information and application forms, please write, phone or e-mail: MRS. SHIRLEY MCCREEDY 31 CARNARVAN ROAD WINNIPEG, MB R3J OX4 TEL: (204) 832-3091 E-MAIL: mccreedy@mts.net Applications must be received by October 5, 2003 Argyle Transfer Ltd. 4 Specializing in livestock transportation Wally & Linda Finnbogason Stonewall, MB Tgr Wally 467-8822 Mobile 981-1666 Daryl 322-5743 Mobile 981-5460 On a personal level, I was very pleased with the acknowl- edgment, both public and pri- vate, of my contribution since 1997, as Director of International Visits ... and happy to hand on the leadership to the very capable Joan Ey olfson-Cadham. Here’s to next year at Hecla! Höldum áfram! Gordon Reykdal, INL Convention Director Laura Sigmundson and a long, long list of other organizers and out- standing volunteers. We said “thank you” to out- going president Sigrid Johnson for her outstanding three years as president, and welcomed new president Paul Westdal, who worked with Ray Johnson to put together the proposal for Future Directions. Everyone also acknowledged the dedicat- ed work of Helga Malis, INL Executive Secretary. There were many sponsors and we were all grateful for their part in making this event possible. PHOTO BY ROBERT ÁSGEIRSSON Harley Jónasson Rennie, Connie Clark, Walter Sopher, Jeff Kristjanson, Shirley and Solli Sigurdson, Honorary Consul-General <m ih unh* Rin* im mv mri u rvwfer .NiimiifN <nt nm >1 nn whkiim



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