Atuagagdliutit - 28.11.1990, Blaðsíða 6
NR. 1 1990
Arferit amerlatsikkiartupiloorput
Arferit KNAPK’p pingaarnerpaatitaasa ilagilerpaat... kisiannili Greenpeacekutuunngitsoq uumasunillu
illersuiniaqatigiittut allatuunngitsoq!
Arferit puisillu amerla-
vallaarput, KNAPK’mi
ilaasortat isumaqarput.
Ullut tamaasa immami
allanit amerlanerpaallu-
tik saqqumilaarput.
Taakku amerliartorneri
aalisakkallu ikiliartor-
neri malittaraat.
- Assigiinngitsut taakku im-
minnut ataqatigiipput,
KNAPK’p siulittaasua, Pa-
via Nielsen, oqarpoq, qular-
nanngitsumillu ukiuni tul-
liuttuni KNAPK’p suliaasa
pingaarnerit ilagUerumaar-
Kalaallit aalisartut pini-
artullu kattuffiata,
KNAPK’p, suliarilerumaa-
gassai pillugit oqaloqatigiin-
nermi Pavia Nielsenip tikip-
pai immami miluumasut
amer liar tornerannut pissu-
taasut assigiinngitsut.
- Greenpeace’p uumasu-
nillu illersuiniaqatigiit aal-
lat ussassaarinerat anner-
paamik sunniuffissaminut
killissimavoq, oqarpoq. Pui-
sit arferillu qangatulli amer-
latigilerput. Inuulli inuus-
suteqarniarnini siornatigor-
nit allanngortissimavaa -
ilaatigut aalisakkat sammi-
nerulerlugit - taamaatumil-
lu puisit, arferit inuillu
pinngortitap nerisassaqar-
fissuani imminnut unammi-
Puisip neqaa
- Kikku t tamarmik malugi-
simassavaat ukiut 20-it ma-
tuma siornatigornit puise-
qarnerulersimanera. Ka-
laallit Nunaanni illoqarfim-
mi sumiikkaluaraanniluun-
niit ataatsimut isigalugu ul-
lut tamaasa puisip neqaanik
nutaartugassamik pisiassa-
qarpoq. Siornatigornit pui-
sit sinerissami aatsaat taa-
ma amerlatigilerput.
- Aammali arferit amer-
latsikkaluttuinnarput, Pa-
via Nielsen oqarpoq. Arferit
soqqallit, Greenpeace’p uu-
masunillu illersuiniaqatigiit
allat »annaanniarlugit«
ukiorpanngortuni takusi-
manngisatsitut immatsinni
aatsaat taama amerlatigiler-
KNAPK’ttaaq isumaqarpoq
arferit nungutinneqartaria-
- Pinngortitaq paarisaria-
qarparput, uumasullu assi-
giinngitsut tamarmik piuin-
narnissaat qulaqqeertaria-
qarparput. IUuatungaagulli
put uumasut ilaat ima atu-
gitsut ajoqutigisassaminnik
amerlavallaalerlutik, Pavia
Nielsen oqarpoq.
- Uumasut assigiinngitsut
oqimaaqatigiimmik atuga-
qartariaqarput, aammalumi
assigiinngitsutigut taman-
na akuleruftlgisareerparput
- ilaatigut aalisarnikkut,
taamaaliornitsigullu immit-
sinnut akisussaalersippu-
gut oqimaaqatigiinneq, uu-
masut assigiinngitsut piuin-
narnissaannik annertuner-
paamik tamanut tunngavi-
liisuusussaq nassaarissallu-
Uumasut angisuut
Puisit arferillu amerlatsipi-
loornerisa kinguneraa
amerlanerusut aalisakkanik
inuussuteqalernerat. Qanit-
tunnguaq tikillugu isuma-
qartoqaraluarpoq arferit
angisuut soqqallit taamaal-
laat immap uumasuarai tap-
piorannartut nerisarigaat -
immami uumasut mikiner-
saat - ilaatigullu Norgemi
misissuinerit ilaasa takutis-
simavaat arferit soqqallit
nerisaasa annertunerit ilaat
tassaasut aalisakkat, aam-
malumi allaat aalisakkat
ataatsimoortut nerisassar-
- Nalunanngilluinnarpoq
uumasorujussuit taakkua
nereersoorsuusut, taman-
nalu tunuliaqutaralugu
amerlassusaallu aalisakkat
amerlassusaannut naaper-
tuuttumik amerlassusiler-
lugit piuinnartittariaqarlu-
- Aamma puisit aalisar-
nermi ajornartorsiutinngor-
simapput, Pavia Nielsen
nangiUuni oqarpoq. Green-
peace’p New Foundlandimi
Jan Mayenimilu puisinniar-
nernik unitsitsiniarluni su-
liniamerata kingunerisima-
vaa taamatut piniarnerup
nera, tamatumalu kingune-
risimavaa ilaatigut aataat
tassanngaannarsuaq amer-
latseriarujussuarsim anerat.
Puisit tamakkerlutik aalisa-
gartortuupput. Amerlaqisu-
nillu nerisarput. Issittumi
- There are too many
whales and too many se-
als, is the opinion of
KNAPK members. They
see it every day at sea,
where these people move
about more than anybo-
dy else. They see the po-
pulation grow and follow
the decline of the fish.
- These exact two trends
are related, says the
KNAPK president, Pavia
Nielsen, - and this is with all
probability going to be one
of the key issues of KNAPK
in the years to come.
In a conversation about
the topics, that the union of
Greenlandic hunters and
fishermen, KNAPK, is going
to pay special attention to,
Pavia Nielsen enumerates a
number of causes for the ad-
vance in the population of
general marine mammals.
-The propaganda of Green-
peace and other enviromen-
tal organisations has had a
great effect, says Pavia Niel-
sen. Seals and whales are
gathering in flocks in sizes
not seen in generations. But
since then, human beings
have started utilizing the
fish resources on a much
larger scale. This means
that seals, whales and hu-
mans are now competitors
in the great larder of the
nukinnik atuinerujussuar-
tik pissutigalugu puisit aali-
sakkat amerlassusiinik ikili-
- Aalisartuusugut qularu-
tiginngilarput tamanna aa-
lisarneq nalinginnaasumik
isigalugu appariartitsisoo-
KNAPK’p sulissutiginiar-
paa arfattassiissutit amerli-
neqarnissaat, taakku am i
Ilaasortat ilaasa videomik
filmiliat uppernarluartut
nassiuttarsimavaat, taak-
kunanilu ilaatigut takune-
qarsinnaalluni qipoqqaat
ima amerlatigisukkaartar-
tut oqaatigineqarsinnaana-
ni 25-iunersut 50-iunersul-
Iliuuslssat allat
KNAPK maannakkorpiaq
suliniuteqarpoq ilaasortat
- Everybody must have
noticed, that there are more
seals now than there was
twenty years ago. There’s
not a single town in Green-
land, where you can’t buy
fresh seal on a basically dai-
ly basis. There are a lot more
seals along the coast than
there used to be.
The population of whales
is increasing as well, says
Pavia Nielsen. - The great
barleen whales, which Gre-
enpeace and the enviromen-
tal organisations have made
a large issue of »saving«, are
frisking about the waters of
Greenland in numbers not
seen in the last many years.
KNAPK also thinks, that
the whales should survive.
We have to take care of the
nature, and we must make
sure that all species by all
means are preserved. - But
we also have to be careful
not making the conditions of
surviving so good for some
species, that they breed mo-
re than good is, says Pavia
- There has to be a balance
between the species - among
other things by fishing - and
thereby we have put a re-
sponsibility upon ourselves,
to preserve a balance, that
will give the best conditions
of living for all.
neqalernissaannut maleru-
agassiornissamut. Pavia
Nielsen Siumumi KNAPK’p
oqallisissiaanik saqqummii-
simavoq, tassanilu siunner-
suut ilalerneqarpoq. Ta-
manna pillugu aviisimi tul-
lermi atuagassaqarneruju-
- Aamma nangittumik su-
lissutigissavarput tunisassi-
assat nutaat ineriartortin-
neqarnissaat aalisarneqar-
sinnaasullu allat nassaari-
nissaat, Pavia Nielsen oqar-
poq. Naatsorsuutigisin-
naanngilarput ukiuni tul-
liuttuni marlussunni saa-
rullinniarnerup ajutoortup
taartissaanik nassaarsin-
»Aalisaat«: - Tupissutim-
- Aap, tupissutit tassaap-
put iluaqutigineqarsinnaa-
sut aallutilertariaqakkavut.
Taakkulumi amerlaqaat,
massa saarullinniarnermut
A boom in the population of
seals and whales means that
there will be more animals
for the same number of fish.
It is true that until lately, it
was the general belief that
the great barleen whales li-
ved of plankton only - the
smallest animal of the oce-
ans - but later examinations,
some of which by Norway,
have shown that a quite sig-
nificant part of the barleen
whales food, consist of fish,
and they actually seek food
in shoals of fish.
- It is obvious, that these
enormous animals consume
a very large amount of food,
and on that background we
have to keep an eye on them
and preserve them in a num-
ber which is proper concer-
ning the fish stock.
- The seals have also beco-
me a problem for the fishing
industry, Pavia Nielsen con-
tinues. - The Greenpeace
campaign against sealhun-
ting on New Foundland and
by Jan Mayen has complete-
ly stopped this trade, and
the result has been a boom
in the stock of the Green-
landseal, among others.
All seals eat fish. And they
eat a lot. Because of the se-
als high need of nourish-
ment in these cold waters,
the perform quite a cut in
the stock of fish. We fisher-
men are convinced that this
sanilliutissallugit taama
Pissutsit atukkavut imaap-
put aalisakkanik allanik ta-
manik pissarsiarisinnaasat-
sinnik aalisartariaqalersin-
neqarluta. Aalisarnerit ilua-
naarnarnerpaat imaaliin-
narlugit toqqartorsin-
naanngilavut, tuniniassal-
lugilli periarfissaqarfigisa-
vut tamaasa aalisarniartari-
- Aammalumi imaallu-
arsinnaavoq, Pavia Niel-
sen naggasiilluni oqarpoq,
arfattassavut amerlineqar-
tut, aammalu taanna tunu-
liaqutaralugu tunisassiat
annikitsualukkaat nunat-
sinni nunanullu allanut tu-
nis assiarineqarsinnaasut
ineriartortikkivut! Arferit
ilaat neqerissorsuupput, eq-
qortumillu suliaralugillu ag-
goraanni annertunerusu-
mik nioqqutigineqarsin-
is one of the causes of the
decline of the general fis-
hing industry.
For these reasons,
KNAPK is going to work for
a raise in the existing quotas
for the species of whales,
who’s numbers are getting
too high. Some members ha-
ve sent us very convincing
video recordings of flocks of
humpbackwhales consisting
of such a great number of
individuals, that it was im-
possible to tell whether the-
re was 25 or 50 of them.
Other efforts
KNAPK is working at the
moment with the prepara-
tions for some guidance li-
nes concerning sickness be-
nefit for the members. Pavia
Nielsen has visited Siumut
(a political party) with pre-
sentation of this, and has
meet a pretty positive at-
mosphere toward the propo-
sal. More on this issue fol-
lows in the next paper.
- And we’re continuing
the work on developing new
Products and finding new
fishable species, says Pavia
Nielsen. - We can not expect
to find a replacement for the
failing cod fishing withing
the next couple of years.
»Aalisaat«: - How about
■ Yes, last is of course a
resource that we have to
start utilizing. And there’s
quite a few of them, even
though it won’t reach quite
the same scale as the cod fis-
hing. We’re in a situation
which forces us to fish all
species possible. We are not
in a position to be picky bet-
ween the most lucrative spe-
cies to fish, but we have to
aim at all the sellable species
we have the opportunity to
catch. - And we just might
get the whale quotas increa-
sed, Pavia Nielsen conclu-
des, relying on this, a detail-
produktion could be develo-
ped for both the domestic
market and for export! So-
me whale species have meat
of very high quality, and
with the right treatment
and the right cut there
should be a pretty good
chance of an increased sale.
Kalaallit Nunaata imartai arferpassuaqarput. Taamaattu-
millu aalisartut piniartullu pisassaat amerlineqarnissaat
piumasarilerpaat, qipoqqaallu piniaqqusaaleqqinnissaat
aamma piumasaraat.
The population of whales is increasing in Greenlandic wa-
ters. The fishermen and hunters therefore demand, thatthe
quotas be raised, and that the humpbackwhale should be
included in the quotas. It’s a iinwhale on the photograph,
caught by Nuuk. (Photo: AG’s archive).
The whales
presently in
great progress
KNAPK have the whales very much at heart... Though
not with the same priority as Greenpeace and other
enviromental organisations!