

Atuagagdliutit - 28.11.1990, Blaðsíða 7

Atuagagdliutit - 28.11.1990, Blaðsíða 7
NR. 1 1990 AALISAAT/INUIT HUNTERS Baffin Islandimeersut, aalisartoqatimik Quebecimeersut sanianni issiasut, kalaalli sikuk- kut qaleralinniartameranni misilittakkat iluaqutigilluarsimavaat. Baffin Island, whose representatives sat next to the colleagues ofQuebec, has had great use ofthe experiences from the Greenlandic ice fishing for Greenland halibut. (Photo: Alfred Jakobsen). Canadami ataatsimiinneq AIL: Peter Davidsen, Qassimiut The Meeting in Canada By: Peter Davidsen, vice-president of KNAPK Oktoberip 6-ni 7-anilu il- loqarfimmi Nain-imi La- bradorimiittumi ataatsi- meeqatigiittoqarpoq Alaska-miit, Canada- miit Kalaallillu Nunaan- nit aalisartut sinniisaan- nit aammalu pisortaqar- fiit aallartitaannit peqa- taaffigineqartumik. Ataatsimeeqatigiinnerup siunertarisaa tassaavoq Is- sittumi sinerissap qanittua- ni aalisarnermut tunngas- suteqartunik paasissutissa- nik imminnut paarlaateqa- tigiinnissaq, aammalu sine- rissap qanittuani aalisar- nermi atortorissaarutitigut ineriartortitsinermi immin- nut paarlaateqatigiinnissaq suleqatigiinnikkut anguni- arneqassasoq. Ataatsimeeqatigiinnermi pingaarnerutilluguttaaq eq- qartorneqarpoq siunissami aalisarnerup ataavartuunis- saa aallaavigalugu aalisar- nermi atortorissaarutitigut siuarsaanermi ikioqatigiin- nissaq, tamannami Issittup inoqartuarnissaanut tunn- gaviulluinnarpoq sulissuti- gineqartuarnissaalu pin- gaarluinnartuulluni. Taa- mak oqarput issittormiut aalisarnikkut sinniisaat ul- luni marlunni Nain-imi La- brador-imiittumi ataatsime- eqatigiittut. Peqataasut Ulluni marlunni Nain-imi Labrador-imiittumi ataatsi- meeqatigiinnermi peqataa- sut pingaarnerit tassaapput Alaska-mi Aalisartut Kat- tuffianniit sinniisut, Cana- da-meersullu tassaallutik Pangnirtung-imit aalisartut aallartitaat, Baffin Island-ip kangimut sineriaani Qeqer- tarsuarmiit aalisartut aal- lartitaat, Quebec-ip avan- naani aalisartut aallarti- taat, Labrador-imi aalisar- tut assigiinngitsut kiisalu Ottawa-mi Isorliunerusu- nut Naalakkersuisoqarfiup pisortaqarfianiit aammalu aalisarnermi pisortaqarfiup immikkoortortaanit assi- giinngitsuneersut. Kalaallit Nunaannit Namminersornerullutik Oqartussat aallartitaraat InuuPi-mi atorfilik Bjørn Rosing aammalu KNAPK- miit peqataallutik Peter Da- vidsen, Qassimiut, Niels Nathanielsen-ilu Ilulissa- niit. Taakkua saniatigut nutserisutut peqataapput KNAPK-mi siunnersorti Al- fred Jakobsen, ICC-iip Nuummi allaffeqarfiani pi- sortaq Hjalmar Dahl aam- malu Nuka Møller, Ilisima- tusarfimmi ilisimatusartoq. Ajoraluartumillu Sovjet Union-imit aalisartut pini- artulluunniit sinniisaannik peqataasoqanngitsoorpoq, naak tappavaniit ataatsimii- nermi peqataasoqarnissaa siunertaralugu aggersaaso- qarsimagaluartoq. Oqaluuserineqartut Ataatsimeeqatigiinnermi pingaartillugu oqaluuseri- neqarpoq nunani issittuni assigiinngitsuni sinerissap qanittuani aalisarnikkut ineriartortitsineq pillugu paasissutisseeqatigiinneq tamatumani aalisakkat suut aningaasarsiutigalugit tuni- sassiarineqartamersut, suullu pigineqaraluarlutik aningaasarsiutigineqarneq ajortut ilanngullugit. Pingaarnerpaatut tikku- artorneqartoq tassaavoq ataavartumik sinerissap qa- nittuani aalis akkan ik inuu- niuteqarneq akornuserne- qarani ingerlaavarnissaa, tamannalu eqqumaffigalu- gu aningaasarsiornikkut ineriartortitsinissaq. Sinerissap qanittuani aa- lisarnermi angallatit ator- tullu assigiinngitsut pillugit paasissutissanik ilisimasa- nillu saqqummiussuisoqar- poq, siunissarlu eqqarsaati- galugu atortorissaarutit pil- lugit suleqatigiissinnaaneq paarlaateqatigiissinnaaner- lu ataatsimeeqatigiinnermi sammisat aamma ilagaat. Aalisakkanik tunisassior- nermi avammut tunineqar- tartut pillugit paasissutissa- nik ilisimasanillu saqqum- miussuisoqarpoq, siunissar- lu eqqarsaatigalugu assigii- kannersumik tunisassior- sinnaaneq ilaatigut inger- lanneqarsinnaasoq eqqaa- neqarpoq. Avammullu tuni- sinermi akit iluanaarutillu aalisartunut iluaqutaaneru- sunngorlugit pitsanngortin- neqassappata, akornuser- suunnanilu ineriartortinne- qassappata aaqqissuussa- mik suleqatigiissutigineqar- sinnaanerat ataatsimeeqati- giinnermi pingaartinneqar- tut ilagilluinnarpaat. Nuannaarutigaa KNAPK-miit peqataaqatim- ma Niels Nathanielsen-ip ataatsimeeqataasut ilaat Pangnirtung-imi ullumik- kut sikumiit qaleralinniar- nermik ingerlataqalersima- soq naapikkamiuk assut nu- annaarutigisimavaa. Tassami Niels Nathaniel- sen, 1986-imi ICC-ii aqquti- galugu Akilinermiunut si- kumiit aalisartameq ilinni- artitsissutigiartorsimavaa, taamanikkullu Pangnir- tung-imi piniarnerinnarmik inuussutissarsiortut ilinni- artissimallugit. Pangnirtung-ermioq oqa- luttuarpoq ullumikkut siku- miit qaleralinniarneq assut soqutigineqalersimasoq, pi- niartullu ullumikkut 100 sinnerlugit amerlassusillik tamanna iluaqutigillualersi- magaat, illoqarfiullu aali- sarnikkut ineriartortinne- qarnissaanik tunngaviliisi- manerarlugu. Taamatullu Niels Natha- nielsen-ip tusartinneqami- ni nuannaarutigilluinnar- paa nammineq ihsimalersi- masani ullumikkut Pang- nirtung-ermiunut ajunngit- sumik aningaasarsiornik- kut siumukaallatsitsisima- nera paasigamiuk. Taamatullu nunatsinniit ilinniartitsiartorsimaneq assersuutaavoq ataatsimee- qatigiinnerup siunertari- saanut. Nain-imi ataatsimeeqati- giinneq aaqqissuunneqar- poq Labrador-imi Inuit Pe- qatigiiffianniit Canada-milu Isorliunerusunut Naalak- kersuisoqarfimmiit anin- gaasalersorneqarsimalluni. Siullermik taamatut ataatsimeeqatigiittoqarsi- mavoq 1989-imi Eqalunni ingerlanneqartumik, taa- manikkullu ataatsimeeqati- giissimanermi isumaqati- giissutigineqarsimavoq 1990-imi Issittumi sineris- sap qanittuani aalisarneq pillugu ataatsimiissutigine- qassasoq. 1991-imilu ataatsimeeqa- tigiinnerup nanginnissaa isumaqatigiissutigineqar- poq, ataatsimiinnermi una aallarnisaataasutut isigine- qarmat aappaagulu ataatsi- meeqatigiinnissap sumi pi- nissaa suli nalunarallarpoq. At the 6th and the 7th of October, a meeting was held in Nain, Labrador, where representatives of the fishery organisa- tions and fishery direc- tories of Alaska, Canada and Greenland were pre- sent. The purpose of the mee- ting was, among other things, to exchange experi- ences and expertise in Coa- stal fishing in arctic regions, and to exchange informa- tion about the technological development in Coastal fis- hing in arctic regions especi- ally concerning unused fis- hable species and cost cut. From the submitted ma- terial during the meetings, great concern was expressed that the technological deve- lopment in Coastal fishing in arctic regions should be for- med with the strategy of hindering overfishing. Fis- hing is the pillar that ena- bles the arctic regions to be populated, which was one of the things stated during the meetings in Nain in Labra- dor. The participants The most important partici- pants during the two days of meetings in Nain, Labrador were the representatives of the fishery organisations in Alaska, while Canada was represented by fishermen of Pangnirtung and Holman Island (Qeqertarsuaq) on the east coast of Baffin Is- land and fishery-representa- tives from northern Quebec and Labrador. There was al- so participants from the De- partment of Indian and Northern Development, DI- AND, in Ottowa and from several different branches of the fishery director ate. From Greenland, the par- ticipants were Bjørn Rosing of the Directorate of Voca- tion, Peter Davidsen, Qassi- miut, and Niels Nathaniel- sen, Ilulissat, both from KNAPK In addition, Alfred Jakobsen consultant in KNAPK participated as in- terpreter, Hjalmar Dahl, Of- fice leader in the ICC-office in Nuuk, and Nuka Møller, student at Ilisimatusarfik. Unfortunately, there we- re no representatives from the Soviet Union, though in- vitations were sent from Ot- towa. The agenda One of the most important subjects was the exchange of information concerning the development in the Coastal fishing in the arctic regions, where great importance was laid upon the commercially exploited species, and which species where still unexploi- ted. Special importance was laid upon the issue that the economical development should be based on the atti- tude, that Coastal fishery is guaranteed survival in the future. Information was exchan- ged concerning the vessels and the equipment used in the Coastal fishing and expe- riences concerning Coastal fishing in arctic regions was submitted. The possibility of cooperation in the deve- lopment of Coastal fishing and mutual exchange of technology in the different regions was also discussed. Information concerning marketing of products and how the commercially ex- ploited species are produced at the location of the market was also submitted, and ge- neral agreement was expres- sed that an eventual coope- ration concerning a more uniform way of production could be established. And if some of the profit from ex- port is going to be of greater benefit to the fishermen, without stepping eachother over the feet, it’s necessary to have a more coordinated cooperation concerning op- tions. Was happy My partner Niels Nathaniel- sen, was very happy to meet one of his apprentices in ice-fishing from Pangnir- tung. The person in que- stion today performs ice-fis- hing for Greenland halibut. The faet of the matter is that Niels Nathanielsen in 1986 through ICC, travelled to Canada to leeture the lo- cal hunters overthere about ice-fishing, and hunting was at that time the main pro- fession in Pangnirtung. The ice-fisher of Pangnir- tung explained that there was a great interest for ice- fishing for Greenland hali- but, and that there today is more than 100 hunters who makes good use of the ice- fishing. This has, among ot- her things, given the possi- blity of development of tra- des in the town quite a push. And Niels Nathanielsen was very happy to hear the- se news, about the trade that he has been a major character of starting him- self, and has given to the hunters of Pangnirtung through his own experien- ces. He was especially proud to hear, that he thereby has been a part of creating a ba- sis for an economical deve- lopment beneficial for the whole population. This exact way of exchan- ge of know how is a clear example of the purpose of the meeting. The meeting in Nain was arranged by the Inuit-asso- ciation in Labrador and was among others financed by DIAND. A meeting like this, was for the first time held in Egaluit in 1989, where there at that time was general ag- reement to arrange a mee- ting in 1990 concerning the Coastal fishing with partici- pation of every region in the Arctic. There was agreement to arrange a simil ar meeting in 1991, but it is still unknown where the next meeting is to be held. We must go on By: Pavia Nielsen, president of KNAPK The fish catches in 1990 have decreased drastically compared to last year, and the de- crease is mostly in cod fishing. Everybody can tell the decrease, and thereby un- derstand that the fisher- men are in the middle of a deep economical crises. In spite of this faet, it’s an amazingly small num- ber of fishermen who have addressed KNAPK’s he- adquarters to receive ad- vice about what to do to ease the situation about the unpayed bilis. I personally think that it’s the fisherman himself who in the first round should try to do somet- hing if he has trouble paying fees to loans and interests, by possibly get- ting respite or a similar arrangement. There is also »The Spe- cial Helpfund« which the single fisherman or hun- ter can apply to, they should just remember to get a statement from the board of their local fis- hing- and hunting union. These are the options that all fishermen should exploit, and there’s not- hing wrong in exploiting them. It’s not the fault of man that the fishing has failed. I think that fishermen and hunters have an acute need for some kind of help to pay their expenses such as ESU-loans, BSU- loans and bank-loans, and this problem has to be taken seriously by the public authorities. I mentioned that the fishermen have economi- cal problems, and that the public authorities should show some understanding of the seriousness of the situation, and therefore an option must be giving to take in terest-free loans, loans and instalmentpe- riods for ESU-loans for vessels should be made longer, since this is better than respite. The different produc- tion-committees should participate in finding a new basis of production. We can’t just stop, we must go on.



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