

Atuagagdliutit - 16.01.1991, Blaðsíða 2

Atuagagdliutit - 16.01.1991, Blaðsíða 2
2 AALISAAT/INUIT HUNTERS NR. 1 1991 Aalisaat /Inuit Hunters KNAPK'p aviisia BOX 386, 3900 Nuuk. Telephone 2 2a 22 - Telefax 2 5715 Aalisaat/lnuit Hunters KNAPK'p Qaammarsaanermut llinniartitaanermullu Aningaasaateqarfia sinnerlugu saqqummersinneqartarpoq Atuagassiivik/Eskimo Press-imit Aaqqissuisoq: Alfred Jakobsen. Naqiterneqarfia: Kujataata Naqiterivia, 3900 Nuuk. Aalisaat/lnuit Hunters is produced by Atuagasiivik/Eskimo Press for KNAPK's Education and Information Fund. Telephone 2 13 00. Editor: Alfred Jakobsen. Print: Sydgrønlands Bogtrykkeri, 3900 Nuuk. No Thank You To Whale Hypocrisy Many different nations in our world have from time immemorial used wild animals as their basic food in order to survive at all - not least the Inuit in the Arctic. In recent years very strong forces have moved to disseminate grotesque and erroneous information telling the »city people« in Europe and in America that whales and seals are on the verge of extinction. One Animal Welfare association and Environmental Conservation organization after the other spread atrocity propaganda as if it were a competition: Who can offer the most grotesque and mis- leading information about how terrible it is having to depend on wild animals, includingg marine mammals, for a living. Horror stories about the killing of baby seals and whaling,- campaigns to save whales, campaigns to adopt whales, atrocity campaigns about the trapping of fur-bearing animals - all of this with the one purpose of prohibiting all forms of hunting of wild animals. The faet that these organizations at the same time score a fat profit on the campaigns, we are not told. The many hundred millions of »city people« all have one thing in common: They live in the city, far away from the wild, pure nature. Distanced from the wild animals, few of them have any knowledge of the order of nature and the interplay between man and the animals. And it is preciselyy this lack of knowledge which the organiza tions of animal lovers and environmentalists exploit to their own advantage and to the detriment of us, the hunters. The same organizations do not speak of all the beached whales around the globe - killed by pollution. In the scientiflc report submitted to the 1988 meeting of the international whaling commission IWC it is stated that 17 humpback whales were beached in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The whales had been killed by polluted food. The organizations do not speak of the hundred of thousands of dolphins and other small whales which are caught as a result of tuna flshing in the Pacific Ocean. It is the sovereign right of each independent nation to develop their own strategies, management procedures and exploitation of the many natural resources, within the frame- work of international conventions and agreements, of course. By using grotesque images and stories these rights are swept aside and reduced to trivialities by the organizations of environmentalists and animal lovers. On the other hånd these same organizations through their myth-like stories creat romantic ideas in the »city man« about how elever the whales are, and what warm feelings exist among whales, seals and other animals. In this way a difficult barrier is erected between the hunters and the »city man«. In Greenland the fishermen and the hunters have in recent years seen a distinet inerease in the number of humpback and fin whales as well as minke whales, and thus cannot understand how the world-embracing whaling commission IWC can continue to preserve one whale species after the other and to place unreasonable limits on the quotas allotted to the whalers. In Greenland it is wellknown among fishermen and hunters that the big whales and the seals consume enormous quantities of various species of flsh and not only of crill, small prawns or capelin. Man thus is involved in open competition against the marine mammals with regard to the flsh resources. In recent years fishermen and hunters have observed wintering humpback, fm and minke whales. The reason for their wintering in Greenlandic waters could be that they find one of their most important feeding areas here. Denmark has submitted doeumentation to IWC showing that during a period of 20 years, from 1965 to 1985, the annual catch in Westgreenlandic waters was 232 minke whales and between 10 and 20 fin or humpback whales, corresponding to about 670 tonnes of edible meat and fat products. This amount, which was accepted for the first time in 1990 by IWC, is considered to cover the requirement for meat in Westgreenland for the year 1991. In 1991 the hunters are allowed a catch of 95 minke whales and 21 fin whales in Westgreenland. Calculated in terms of edible meat and fat products this constitutes 400 tonnes of meat and fat products for the families in Westgreenland. So there is still a deficit in Westgreenland of about 270 tonnes of meat and fat products from minke, fin and humpback whales. It should be added that quotas are decided by the members of the international whaling commission IWC, whose members are sovereign, independent States. Denmark as an inde- pendent state is a member of IWC. As Greenland and the Faroe Isles are parts of the realm with an interest in whaling, well, then the Danish state must listen to the demands of these two groups of inhabitants and defend their requirements. Unfortunately Denmark is a nation divided on this question. On the one hånd Denmark must defend the interests of the whalers, but on the other hånd Denmark helps to save and protect whales with »the like-minded group« within the IWC. It is held that »the like-minded group« in IWC is constituted by »protection-friendly« countries which, in short, are only interested in stopping all forms of direct whaling. If Greenland is to hope for an allotment of a larger quo ta of minke whale and a small quota of humpback whale, then Denmark will have to consider a withdrawal from »the like-min- ded group« seriously as this group only harms the Greenlandic whaling interests. And here it is important that the Home Rule in cooperation with the hunters unite to defend their point of view. Akerlilersuisut naaggaarpavut Nunarsuarmi inuiassuit qangarsuaaniilli nungutitaajumanatik uumasut nujuartat inuussutigiuarsimavaat - minnerunngitsumik nunani issittuni Inuit akornanni. Ukiuni kingullerpaani pissaanerit angeqisut aallartissimapput ingasattajaakkanik kukkusunillu paasissutissiisarlutik, Europami Amerikamilu »illoqarfissuar- mioq«’mut oqaluttuartumik arferinngooq puisillu nungutaangajalersut. Uumasunik pinngortitamillu illersuiniaqatigiit unammisutut ilillutik tulleriiaarlu- tik annilaangasaarutinik paasiniaatitseqattaarput: - Kikkut ingasattajaagaanerpaanik paasissutissanillu paatsiveerutsitsiniutaanerpaanik saqqummiisinnaappat qanoq ajortigisoq uumasunik nujuartanik, aammalu miluumasunik imarmiunik inuuniute- qameq qanoq ajorluinnartigisoq. Puisaaqqat qiveerneqanngitsut pillugit annilaangasaaraluni paasisitsiniaanerit, ar- fanniarneq pillugu annilaangasaaraluni paasisitsiniaanerit, arferit annaanniarlugit paasisitsiniaanerit, arfernik qitornarsiartaarnissaq pillugu paasisitsiniaanerit, kiisar- tut atorlugit uumasunik meqqorissunik piniarneq pillugu annilaangasaaraluni paasi- sitsiniaanerit ilaalu ilanngullugit - tamakku tamarmik ataasiinnaq siunertaraat, tas- salu uumasunik nujuartanik piniarneq tamarmi inerteqqutaatinneqalissasoq. Sulinia- qatigiiffiit taamaattut paasisitsiniaanermikkut aningaasarpassuarnik iluanaaruteqar- tarnerat tusarneq ajorparput. »Illoqarfissuarmiut« untritilikkaarlutik millionit tamarmik ataatsimik assigiissute- qarput: Illoqarfissuarmiuupput, pinngortitamit peqqarniitsumit eqqiluitsumillu un- gaseqalutik. Uumasut nujuartat ungaseqigamikkit amerlanersaasa pinngortitap aaq- qissugaanera ilisimasaqarfiginngilaat, aammalu ilisimasaqarfiginagu inuup uumas- sullu akornanni ingiaqatigiinneq. Ilisimasaqannginnerlu taannarpiaq uumasunik pinngortitamillu illersuiniaqatigiit namminneerlutik iluaqutissamut atupiluppaat, uatsinnulli piniarnermik inuussutis- sarsiortunut ajoqutaasumik. Peqatigiiffiit taakkorpiaat nipituuliuutigineq ajorpaat nunarsuarmi tamani tamaa- ni arferit sissamut qaqisoorsimasut, - mingutsitsineq pissutigalugu toqusimasut. Nu- nat assigiinngitsut arfanniarneq pillugu kommissionianni IWC’mi 1988’imi ataatsi- miinnermut atasumik ilisimatuut nalunaarutaanni ilaatigut takuneqarsinnaavoq qi- poqqaat 17’it »Gulf of St. Lawrence«’mi sissamut majorassimasut nanineqarsimasut. Arferit inuussutissanik mingutsitanit toqquteqarsimapput. Nipituuliuutiginaveer- saartarpaat delfinit arferillu mikisut allat Manerassuarmi tunfiskemiamermi unteri- tilinnik tusintilikkaarlugit pisarisoomeqartartut. Naalagaaffiit ataasiakkaarlutik nammineerluinnarlutik piginnaatitaaffigaat periu- sissamik ilusilersornissaat, nakkutiginninnermi periusissat aalajangersarnissaat aam- malu pinngortitap uumassusilinnik tunniussinnaasarpassuisa atorluarneqarnissaan- nut tunngasut, soorunami nunat assigiinngitsut maleruagassatut aalajangigaasa isu- maqatigiissutaasalu iluanni. Annilaangasaarinertigut allatigullu ingasattajaakkanik oqaluttualiornertigut pigin- naatitaaffiit tamakku pinngortitamik uumasunillu illersuiniaqatigiinnit illikartinne- qartarput, suulluanngitsutullu isikkoqalersinneqartarlutik. Illuatungaagulli peqati- giiffiit taakkorpiaat oqaluttualiaannartut isikkulinnik oqaluttualiomermikkut, nal- linnarsaakkatullu isikkunitsitsinermittut »illoqarfissuarmioq« isumaqalersittarpaat arferit qanoq silatutigisut, aammalu arferit, puisit uumasullu allat qanoq misigissuse- ritsigisut. Taamaaliornikkut piniarnermik inuussutissarsiuteqartut »illoqarfissuar- miullu« akornanni qaangeruminaatsorujussuarmik avissaaruteqartoqalersarpoq. Kalaallit Nunaanni aalisartut piniartullu ukiuni kingullerni marlussunni malugaat qipoqqaat tikaagulliusaallu, kiisalu tikaagulliit malunnavissumik amerleriamerat, taamaattumillu paasisinnaanngilluinnarlugu nunarsuaq tamakkerlugu arfanniamer- mut kommissionip IWC’p sooq arferit assigiinngitsut tulleriiaaginnavillugit eqqissisi- tanngortittamerai, aammalu arfanniarnermik inuussutissarsiuteqartut pisassittarlu- git killiliivigineri naleqqutinngilluinnartunik. Kalaallit Nunaanni aalisartut piniartullu akornanni nalinginnaasumik nalunngi- saavoq arferit angisuut puisillu aalisakkat assigiinngitsut tupinnaannarmik amerlas- susillit inuussutigigaat, tassaannaanngitsut uumasuaqqat, raajaaqqat ammassalluun- niit. Taamaalillunilu inuk immami uumasunut miluumasunut aalisakkanik piniar- nermi unammillersunngortarpoq. Ukiuni kingullerpaani aalisartut piniartullu takusarsimavaat qipoqqaat, tikaagul- liusaat tikaagulliillu ukiisut. Arferit imartatsinni ukiisamerannut ilaatigut patsisaa- sinnaavoq taakkua neriniarflisa pingaamerpaat ilaat imartatsinniimmata. Danmarkip IWC’mutuppernarsarsimavaaukiut 20’it, 1965’imiit 1985’imut ingerla- nerini, kitaani tikaagulliit ukiumut 232 missaat, aammalu tikaagulliusaat qipoqqaal- luunniit qulit 20’illu akornanni pisarineqartartut, taakkulu neqinngorlugit orsunn- gorlugillu 670 tons nerineqarsinnaasuullutik. Annertussuseq taanna IWC’p aatsaat 1990’imi akuersissutigisaa naatsorsuutigineqarpoq Kalaallit Nunaata kitaani 1991’imi neqinik pisariaqartitaattut annertussuseqartoq. 1991’imi piniartut kitaani 95’inik tikaagullissinnaatitaapput, 21’inillu tikaagulliu- saarsinnaatitaallutik. Taakkua nerineqartussatut neqinngoraanni orsunngoraannilu katillugit kitaani ilaqutariinnit nerineqarsinnaasut 400 tonsiussapput. Taamaattumik kitaani suli neqinik orsunillu tikaagullinniit, tikaagulliusaaniit qi- poqqarniillu pissarsiarineqarsinnaasut 270 tons missaannik amigarput. Tamatumunnga ilanngulugu oqaatigineqassaaq pisassat amerlassusii nunat assi- giinngitsut arfanniamermut kommissioniani, IWC’mi, aalajangersarneqartarmata, tassanilu ilaasortaallutik nammineerlutik naalagaaffiit. Danmark nammineerluni naalagaaffittut IWC’mi ilaasortaavoq. Kalaallit Nunaata Savalimmiullu kunngeqar- fimmi arfanniarnermik soqutigisalittut ilaanerat pissutigalugu danskit naalagaaffiata inuiaqatigiit taakkua marluusut piumasaqaataat pisariaqartitaallu pinngitsoorani il- lersugassarai. Ajuusaarnaraluartumik suliami tamatumani Danmark naalagaafiluvoq assigiingit- sunik isumaqarfiusoq, illuatungaagut Danmarkip arfanniarnermik inuussutissarsiu- teqartut soqutigisaat illersortussaallugit, illuatungaagulli peqataasarluni arferit an- naanneqamissaannut eqqissisinneqarnissaannullu, IWC’mi isumaqatigisani peqati- galugit. Oqaatigineqarpoq IWC’mi isumaqatigiit tassaasut nunat »eqqissisitsinissamik so- qutiginnittut«, taamaalillutik naatsumik oqaatigalugu taamaallaat arfanniarneq toq- qaannartumik unitsitsinissamik soqutiginnittut. Kalaallit Nunaat tikaagullinnik amerlanerusunik, qipoqqarnillu ikittunnguanik pi- sassinneqarnissamik neriuuteqassappat oqaatigiinnartariaqarpoq Danmarkip ilun- gersuullugu isumaliutigisariaqaraa isumaqatigiinniit avissaamissi, taakkumi Kalaal- lit Nunaata arfanniarnermut soqutigisaannut ajoqutaammata. Tamatumanilu pin- gaartuuvoq namminersomerusut arfanniat peqatigalugit isummamik tamatuminnga illersuinissaat.



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