

Atuagagdliutit - 16.01.1991, Blaðsíða 3

Atuagagdliutit - 16.01.1991, Blaðsíða 3
NR. 1 1991 AALISAAT/INUIT HUNTERS 3 Arfanniartoqartariaqarpoq - Kalaallit Nunaata nunanJ assigiinngitsuni arfanniarneq pillugu kommissionimut IWC- mut uppemarsarpaa arferit neqaat Kalaallit Nunaanniinuussutissatutpisariaqartinneqar- toq. Kalaallit Nunaanni aalisartut piniartullu kattuKanni siulittaasoq Pavia Nielsen (qeq- qarleq) ukiup ingerlanerani Uummannami qilalukkanik qernertarniartillugu assilineqarsi- masoq takuneqarsinnaavoq. (Ass.: Bo Nørreslet). Greenland has provided documentation to the international whaling commission IWC that meat from whales is an essential food in Greenland. Pavia Nielsen (in the middle), the chairman of the Greenlandic Association of Fishermen and Hunters is shown here following a harwhal hunt in Uummannaq earlier this winter. (Photo: Bo Nørreslet). Whaling is necessary The chairman of KNAPK, Pavia Nielsen, retorts a new Danish book The chairman of the fis- hermen’s and hunters’ organisation KNAPK, Pavia Nielsen, is discon- tended with the informa- tion about whaling in Greenland, which has been published by the Danish writer Willy Jo- hannsen in his book: »World of the Whales«. Pavia Nielsen comments the book thus: - The writer must know, that the exploi- tation of the living resources of the ocean is the most im- portant basis of living in Greenland, since the popu- lation in Greenland gets their natural food mainly from the ocean, and that the fishermen and the hunters use government-approved gear and weaponry here for their activities. Pavia Nielsen is very sur- prised that Willy Johann- sen, who apparently is con- cerned about the terms of li- ving of all animals, only at- tacks the Greenlanders. - Whales aren’t the only animals! What about chlcken and pigs? - If it’s the intention of the writer to publish a new bo- ok, Pavia Nielsen suggests he should write about the world of chicken and pigs, if he dåres! - Several enviromental or- ganisations deliberately choose not to deal with the matter of the methods used at Danish slaughterhouses, where chicken are plucked alive, hung on a transporta- tion-string, and transported to their death, says Pavia Nielsen and adds: - What about pigs, which are kept in captivity using as little space as possible. I think these conditions are more important to deal with. But personally I think that the enviromental orga- nisations are afraid to deal with these matters, because billions of kroners are at sta- ke. - Pigs and chichen are two of the most common menu- es for millions of homes around the world, and if this market is diminished, a lot of people would be unem- ployed. - Why this distrust? Willy Johannsen also que- stions the truthfulness of many of the officially pre- sented documents about the importance of whaling in Greenland to the Interna- tional Whaling Commision (IWC). Pavia Nielsen says, that the writer must know, that Greenland has documented to the IWC the importance of whale meat as a natural food source in Greenland. And that representatives from the member nations of the IWC, after having studi- ed the contents of these re- ports in detail, have appro- ved them. - So why this distrust, Pa- via Nielsen asks. - The book brings infor- mation about collective whaling of minke whales and the use of harpoons in these hunts, which are di- rectly misleading. The exi- sting guidelines specifically referring to the collective hunts, do not State in any parts that the whales should be harpooned, before shoo- ting them, says Pavia Niel- sen, and adds that sassat do not take place each year in Greenland. - Were vou there yourseli? Moreover, Pavia Nielsen points out that Willy Johan- sen should have worked mo- re seriously with the infor- mation he published concer- ning the sassat (hunt), which took place in the Dis- co-bay this year. The writer claims that there was around 500 tons of whale meat at this sassat which was merely rotting away on the ice. This is impossible due to the veiy low tempera- tures! - We know that scientists normally work seriously with their analysis, but I wonder if he was there him- self on the ice during the hunt, where the temperatu- res were between 20 to 30 degrees below zero, and if he counted every single nar- whale or beluga which was caught, Pavia Nielsen asks. Did the writer analyze every single whale, since he writes that there was 500 tons of meat? - It seems that Willy Jo- hanasen is playing a scien- tist, by taking figures out of the blue sky and publishes them in his book, believes Pavia Nielsen. The chairman of KNAPK, Pavia Nielsen concludes: - To you, who is trying to wri- te as a scientist, I’d like to say that you are dealing with matters here, which you apparently don’t know the slightest thing about! KNAPK-p siulittaasuata Pavia Nielsen-ip qallunaat atuakkiaat nutaaq sakkortuumik oqaaseqaateqarfigaa Paasissutissat Kalaallit Nunaanni arfanniartar- nermut tunngasut, qal- lunaap atuakkiortup Willy Johannsenip atu- akkiaatigut: »I hvaler- nes verden«ikkut saq- qummiunneqartut aali- sartut piniartullu peqa- tigiiffianni KNAPK-mi siulittaasup, Pavia Niel- senip, naammaginngil- luinnarpai. Atuagaq taanna pillugu Pa- via Nielsen imatut oqarpoq: - Atuakkiortup ilisimasaria- qarpaa immap uumasuinik iluaquteqameq Kalaallit Nunaanni inuuniarnermi tamanit pingaarnerpaajum- mat, kalaallimmi inuussu- tissamik pingaarnerpaar- taat imaaniit pisarpaat, aammalu aalisartut piniar- tullu atortuuteqarlutillu sakkuuteqarput piniarner- mi atorneqartartut pisorta- niit akuerisaasimasut. Pavia Nielsen-ip mikinn- gitsumik tupaallaatigaa, Willy Johannsen-ip, uuma- sunik ilisimatuunerartup, kalaallit saassutiinnavim- magit! - Arferimmi kisimik uu- masuunngillat! Kukkukuuaqqamml puulukillu - Atuakkiortoq atuakkioq- qikkusukkuni, Pavia Niel- sen siunnersuivoq, taava tullianik kukkukuuaqqat puulukillu pillugit atuak- kioriannguarli, qununngik- kuni! - Uumasunik illersuinia- qatigiiffiit assigiinngitsut qallunaat uumasunik toqo- raaviini pissutsit amiilaar- narluinnartut isiginngit- suusaarpaat, tamakkunani- mi kukkukkuuaqqat suli uumasut niuinnaasigut ni- vinngarsinnarlugit tullerii- aarpassuakkuutaarlugit to- qoraavimmut ingerlaartit- tarpaat uumatillugillu eri- sarneqartarlutik, Pavia Nielsen oqarpoq nangilluni- lu: - Aammami puulukit ini- mineerakasinni aalariarfigi- nerluunniit ajornangajattu- nik uumasuutigineqartar- put. Uanga isumaga malillu- gu pissutsit taamaattut as- suarisassaqqinnerungaara- luarput. Uangali isumaqar- punga, uumasunik illersui- niaqatigiiffiit pissutsit ta- makku uparuartussallugit ersisut, tamakkumi anin- gaasanut milliarterpassuar- nut attuumassuteqarmata. - Puulukimmi kukkuku- aaqqallu silarsuarmi inup- passuit nerisaasa pingaar- nersaraat, inuillu tam akku nerisartakkatik allanngor- tissappatigit taava inuppa- rujussuit suliffissaarutis- sapput. - Sooq tatiglnngilaatigut? Willy Johannsen-ip aamma apeqqutigaa Kalaallit Nu- naanni arfanniartarneq pil- lugu nunat tamat arfanniar- neq pillugu ataatsimiititali- aannut (IWC) uppernarsaa- titut pappiararpassuit pisor- tatigoortumik saqqum- miunneqartartut ilumut eq- qortuunersut. Pavia Nielsen isumaqar- poq, atuakkiortup ilisimasa- riaqaraa, Kalaallit Nunaata IWC-mut uppernarsareersi- magaa arferit neqaat maani inuussutissatut pisariaqar- luinnartuusut. Aammalu nunat IWC-mi ilaasortaati- taqartut sinniisaasa upper- narsaatissat tamakkua mis- issorluareersimallugillu na- lilersorluareersimagaat na- lunaarusiallu imai tamak- kerluinnarlugit akuersissu- tigereersimagaat. - Soormiuna taava tati- ginngittuaannaraatigut, Pa- via Nielsen aperivoq. - Atuakkami saqqum- miunneqarput paasissutis- sat ataatsimoorluni qooror- tuut atorlugit tikaagullinni- artarnermi pissutsinut tunngasut sallulluinnartut. Tassami uagut nalunngilar- put taamatut ataatsimoor- luni qoorortuut atorlugit ti- kaagullinniarnermi tikaa- gulliit naaleqqaarneqarnis- saannik ullumikkut aalajan- gersakkani atuuttuni allas- simasoqanngilluinnarmat, Pavia Nielsen allappoq nan- gillunilu: Aammalu atuak- kiortup ilisimasariaqarluin- narpaa Kalaallit Nunaanni ukiut tamaasa sassisoqar- neq ajormat. - Nammlneq najuukkavit? Pavia Nielsen-ip ilanngullu- gu apeqquserpaa, ukior- manna Diskobugt-imi sassi- simaneq pillugu paasissutis- sanik Willy Johannsen saq- qummiussuinialerami peq- qissaartumik • paasiniaaq- qaarsimanersoq, ilisima- tuummi sulinerminni misis- sueqqissaarneq tunngavigi- sarmassuk. Atuakkiortormi allappoq, sassinermi tassani arferit neqaat 500 tonsit missaanniittut sikumi asiu- tiinnarneqarsimasut. - Taamanikkununa mi- nus 20 aamma 30 gradit akomanni issittumi sassiso- qarnerani nammineerluni najuussimanersoq, aamma qilalukkat pisar ineqar tut tamarluinnaasa kisissima- nerai, Pavia Nielsen aperi- voq. Atuakkiortup nammi- neerluni qilalukkat pisari- neqartut tamarluinnaasa uuttortartarsimaneramigit oqaatigaa neqit 500 tonsiu- simasut? - Willy Johannsen ilisima- toorsuaasaarpoq, taamaak- kaluartorli kisitsisit paasis- sutissallu piumasaarsuu- taannarluinnaat atuakkia- minut Uanngussorsimavai, Pavia Nielsen oqarpoq. KNAPK-p siulittaasua Pavia Nielsen naggasiilluni oqarpoq: - Ilisimatoorsuaa- saartutit oqarfigissavakkit, nalusarnut ilanngukkavit! - Arfanniarneq inuiaqatigiinni kalaallini pisariaqartuuvoq, KNAPK’p siulittaasua Pavia Nielsen danskit atuakkamiksaqqummersitaannut nutaamut tunngatillugu oqarpoq. (Ass.: Louise-Inger Lyberth). Whaling is necessary for the Greenlandic society, says Pavia Nielsen, chairman of KNAPK as a commentary to a new Danish publication (Photo: Louise-Inger Lyberth).



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