Tíminn - 27.02.1991, Side 20

Tíminn - 27.02.1991, Side 20
NOTAÐ & wrýtt 20 miövikudagur 27. febrúar 1991 BIRD-CAGE wantedl I would like to buy an old-fashioned (Victorian?) Bird-cage, with cupola-roof or sim- ilar. Pls send a pnoto & price to: Mari Wikingsdotter, Birger Jarlsg.102 A, S-11420 Sthlm, Sweden A charming attractive man 31, 176, blond & intell. seeks pretty young woman for a free vacation in Sweden. Come & visit me, maybe marriage Photo to: M.Svensson, Frejg.6;17, S-11479 Sthlm, Sweden Can you afford it? If you want to be noticeable - buy a Swedish Lapland- ish knife.exclusive engraving. Hand- made, a work of art & a raising value. Photo from C.Granstrom, PL 2245, 94012 Blasmark, Sweden Swedish man, well situated, seeks beautiful woman for long relations- hip. I’m 30y.o. 190-80, my intr: movies, travelling & more. Welcome to Sweden! Rolf Aaberg, Drottning- gat.17, S-59730 Motala, Sweden Dutch-indo guy, 26,176, 71, attract- ive, nice look, and extra cute, seeks attractive male for letters, future meeting. Photo please, gets mine. Richard, PO Box 2638, 7301 EC Apeldoorn, The Netherlands. Who wants to exchange letters and holidays with an extreme adventurer, 25. We can frankly discuss everything. Write now: Ts- vetan Diloff, 2 Skobelev str, 1463, Sofia, Bulgaria. Exchange of houses: Offer: big, lux- ury house with garden. Living 10x5 m, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, from 13th July till 10 August. Inez Teacher, PO Box 7010,2701AA Zoet- ermeer, The Netherlands. To rent: I’d like to rent an apartment or house for 2 persons, July or Aug- ust 1991. Paulis Yvonne, Myehof 113, 1106 HD Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Which woman enjoys to have a bit on the side with guy from Amster- dam. I can visit, 30, but your age, looks are no barrier. Jan, PO Box 8943, 1006 JC Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Want to visit Amsterdam this Sum- mer? Nice apartment available for pretty woman, fees very negotiable, for more info: Write with Photo: J Hillebrandt, Wijttenbachstraat 28 III, 1093 JC Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Attractive male, 30, 186, 75, dark blond, seeks handsome male for exchange visits, letters. Photo. Come visit holland, and stay with me for fun. Wim, PO Box 2638, 7301 EC Apeldoorn, The Netherlands. Young man, 25 y., tall, attr., seeks you pretty woman. Write in Engl., French or Germ. Don’t forget a photo. Carl Ebelshaeuser, Helm- noltzstr. 76, D-W-5000 Koeln 30 (FRG) German bov, 21, wants to correspond to girls ana boys. I want to see Island and you will see Germany. Juergen Esch, August-Bebel-Str. 85, D-W- 5024 Pulheim (FRG) Journalist, 29-183, Austrian seeks a very beautiful, attractive, young, slim lady, interested in fashion and sports. Write with photo, English-German: Box FAB 0130, P.O.B. 575, A-1041 Vienna, Austria 5 students (4 girls, 1 boy) seek an interesting job during summer-holi- days (July, August). Languages: German, English, French. Write to: Manuela Handler, D’Orsayg. 7-18, A- 1090 Vienna, Austria, Europe I am looking for people to exchange stamps! Suche Tauschpartner fuer Briefmarken. Karl Kaindl, Judenleit- en 20, A-4320 Perg, Austria Male, 29, from Salzburg would like to correspond with you! - female. Please \vrite with photo to Amiga, P.O.Box 45, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria, EU Oesterreichische Studentin, 24, sucht Brieffreunde. Zuschriften bitte nur in Deutsch an Maria Fehringer, A-4580 Windischgarsten 324, Austria, EU Attention collectors. Please send me some stamps from your country, and receive the same quantity and quality from Germany. Peter Dawid, Waldstr. 6, W-5429 Ebertshausen, Germany. My girlfriend’s birthday is on 12th March. She will be 22 this year. Will you surprise her with a greeting card? The address is: Tanja Richly, Hauptstr. 42, W-6530 Bingen-Spons- heim, Germany. Italian boy, 23, wanto to correspond (and maybe more) with girls 19-23. Photo píease. Staiano Gaetano, Via S.Pio X 13-A, 80027 Frattamaggiore, Naples, Italy PPlease don’t react to the ad, start- ing with: Woridng over the world? By ITS LTD, PO Box 11614, 2502 AP Den Haag, Holland. This company doesn’t exist. The editor, Via Vla Holland. Young man, unmarried, single and free, seeks a young woman to know each-other! I am prepared to leave E- urope to start a new life with you! PterVinck, Botermelkstaat 114,9300 Aalst, Belgium. Michael, 28, verheiratet, 2 Kinder, sucht feste Arbeit mit Wohnung mit Familie! Michael Wienecke, Peenestr. 5, W-2000 Hamburg 53. W-Germany Atlantic Forest Rio Brazil property to be sold 30.000m2, preserved ground with house.Inf:MrsJacques; Rua Dias da Rocha, stree 40-801, Cep-22051, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil. Brazilian male, good looking attract- ive, 45 years old, lawyer divorced, grey hair brown eyes, ton skin, seeks European woman until 35 years old for compromisse. FredericojP.O.Box 12135, Copacabana, Cep-22022, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil. Computer Amiga swapping programs send your list to: Kurt Huschak; Estrada do Dende, 1921- 301, Cep-21920, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil. Brazilian male^ 24 wants to correspond with girls 16-25 for fri- endship. Answer in English, German or Portuguese. Please send photo. Celso Pineiro. R Cadapui, 491 - SP - 03621 - Brasil. Stamps exchange. I would like to correspond with you to exchange stamps. Write to: Marcos Km. R Anita Garibaldi, 29 7and - SP - 01018 - Brasil. White Braz boy 21 wants to correspond with males 18-28 in English or Portuguese. Letter-photo to: Joacyr Oliveira. Av Pedro Bueno, 235 ap 12 SP - 04342 - Brasil. I’m a 15 yo girl. I’m looking formpenpals 13-18 yo. I like; horses, books, movies, friends, letters. Write soon. Lotte Achur, Langebakken 14, DK-2960 Rungsted Kyst. I’m a Danish boy who is looking for friends in your country. Boys or girls between 17-21. Write to: Allan Steen, Bjergvej 3, DK-8400 Ebeltoft. Fromaerker koebes-byttes fra Island til Island, ogsaa europa har inter- esse. F.O.Zicari, Kaeruldvaenget 67, DK-5250 Odense SV. Old stamps, covers and postcards with stamps from Denmark, Green- land and Danish West Indies wanted by collector. Poul Soerensen, Artillerivej 74, DK-2300 Copena- hgen S. Stamps: If you send 100 different stamps from Finland and I’ll send you 100 different used stamps. Bent Edlefsen, Maanevaenget 8, DK-5592 Ejby. 72 maater aa tjene paa. Heftet med mange gode raad, tips, veiledn- ing, adresser etc. Mange pengeinn- bringende prosjekter. Kr. 100,- + porto. Informasjon sendes gratis. Arne Hansen, Box 2618, N-9001 Tromsoe, Norge. Frimerkepakker a 50 frimerker, kr. 50,- pr. pakke + porto. Foelgende pakker tilgjengelig: Sovjet, Israel, Polen, Spania, Oesterrike, Norden. Bestill fra Arne Hansen, Box 2618, N-9001 Tromsoe, Norge. Penger? Tjen store penger paa fritiden, ved enkelt hjemmearbeid. Passer for alle. Gratis informasjon. Arne Hansen, Box 2618, N-9001 Tromsoe, Norge. Finnishman, 39,183,85, seek single woman for marriage and cor- repondence. I like travelling, sport, music, reading. Write to: E. Saar- elainen, H. Ibsensgt. 5, 3700 Skien, Norway. Wolpert Micro Harteprufer, Micro hardness tester, VTD 12, With test certificate 1985, unused, in orig. cond., price on request. Harald Ar- onsen, 3340 Aamot, Norway. Tlf. 47 3 784346. Fax: 47 3 785665. Amiga 500 soft\hardware + litterat- ur oenskes kjoept. Tor E. Andersen, Andresbakken 14, N-2323 Ingeberg, Norge. Apokryfiske boeker: til gamle testa- mentet (var med i gamle bibelover- settelser, kr. 198,-, til Nye testa- mentet (svensk) kr. 100,-. Bokliste gratis. Porto tilkommer. Per Prytz, Box 2618, N-9001 Tromsoe. Norge. Urevangeliet, et fullstendig ara- meisk evangelium, naa for foerste gang en fulT oversettelse til dansk. Per Prytz, Box 2618, N-9001 Tromsoe, Norge. Tall man, 35, artist-inventor, seeks tall lady for penpal, friend. I live near Los Angeles. Can also exchange audio tapes. Tom Williams, POB 11, Indenpendence, CA 93526, USA. American man, 48, mathematician, seeks feminine, sexy woman. Ro- bert, POB 40018, Pasadena, CA 91104, USA. American guy, 25, likes to have fri- ends in Island. I travel a lot , and love cinema, beaches and adventu- res. Will visit Iceland, so please send a letter response: Chris Kaian, 5748 Hazeltine Ave 4, Van Nuys, CA 91401, USA. American male, 27, very handsome, likes everything about life, seeks female 20-32 to exchange letters, thoughts and feelings. Write with photo to: M.Brittan, POB 7000-232, Alta Loma, CA 91701, USA. Handsome man looks for romantic girl, 19-29, for relationship. I am good-looking, financially secure, fun-loving, romantic and sincere. Tell me about yourseslf with photo to: Don, 9362 Malahine, Huntington Beach, CA 92646, USA. We shall be masters of an art older than time. I and her as we weave and bind. A thing of a greater truth to grow stronger with time. Do you like poems? Girls only: Oliver, POB 59316, Los Angeles, CA 90059, USA. Compact discs, used but excellent condition, each 15 US Dollars. I pay postage. Send me a list of what you want: Rich Varenchik, 23052 16th St, Newhall, CA 91321, USA. Who will send me anything about Motley Crue? I will send you Skid Row, Poison, GNR, Slaugnter, etc. Thanks: Karen McKaskle, 3506 Ver- dugo Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90065, USA. ALALDUS PAGE MAKER VERS. 4.0, orig. version, still in package, for Macintosh Apple Systems. Price:2.000 US Dollars, now, 1.100 US Dollars. Britta Stein- roetter, Kurhausstr. 112, W-4690 Herne lI.Germany. Handsome inteipreter, 33, slim, dark hair, is convinced of finding his lady on Iceland. Pls write to: Win- fried Krebs, Alte Landstr. 2, W-4000 Duesseldorf 31. W. Germany. To know more about Iceland and his people. I’m looking for nice penpals, age 25-40. I’m 27, female, blond, blue eyes, 165 cm. Pls write with photo to: Gabriele Reich, Schwanen- str. 63a, W-5650 Solingen 11. W. Germany. 1 am a young woman, 30, and not married. I seek for people who want to write me. I like cats, nature and more. Write in English to: Doris Berens, Kronprinzenstr. 16, W-4300 Essen 1. W. Germany. 23 y.o. girl is looking for penpals from IceTand. I’m happy about every Ietter. Pls write to: Elke Kaesler, Heidenheck 15, W-4250 Bottrop, W. Germany. What about an intl. penpalship? Me, female, 27, seeks for educated humorous penpals. Age from 29 to 35. I’ve many interests. Bettina Klein. PO Box 1546, W-4150 Krefeld, W. Germany. Nette Dame gesucht. Haben Sie Zeit und Lust m. erfolgr. Geschaefts- mann zu reisen? Evtl. wird mehr draus? Zuschriften bitte m. Bild an: Ralf Jaeckel, Lobbericher Str. 55, W- 4150 Krefeld. W. Germany., T\vo extraordinary German girls, 25, are looking for penfriends. Intere- sted in literature, travelling and playing. If you are curious, write to: Karmen & Sabine, PO Box 460143, W-4100 Duisburg 46. FRG Vinsamlegast takiö tillit til efftir- taldra atriöa áöur en þiö fylliö út eyöublaöiö: - skrifið með prentstöfum; - reynið að takmarka stafafjöldann við200 eða færri (nafn og heimilisfang meðtalið); - skrifið á ensku eða tungumáli þess iands sem auglýsingin á að fara til; - ef þú vilt láta birta aug- lýsingu þína í mörgum borgum samtímis eða láta endurtaka hana, kostar það þig 100 kr. fyrir hverja aukabirt- ingu; - aðeins verða birtar aug- lýsingar sem skrifaðar eru á þar til gerða seðla sem eru á bak- síðu blaðsins. Eðlilegur tími fyrir svar til að berast til baka er 4 til 6 vikur. AUGLÝSIÐ ÓKEYPIS ÚT UM ALLAN HEIM! Fullt nafn Heimilisfang Póstnúmer Sími Smáauglýsingin á að birtast í borginni ATH.: Ekki fleiri en 200 stafir - nafn og heimilisfang teljist með Fyllið eyðublaðið út og sendið í frímerktu umslagi til: Meðlimur í NOTAÐ & NÝTT /TÍMINN- Pósthólf 8925, 128 Reykjavík F.A.P.I.A. J



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