The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 27.01.1945, Page 5

The White Falcon - 27.01.1945, Page 5
5 sa«c;i<itt?xjiiQa4JO?soaQooattCi«ocoeoc>o«»c<iao«i<i<ioa«aaaoeccocooooc«oc;K5QOC!JOGO<j;i«o; -THE AMERICAN SCENE- saoaaaaaoaaaaGacaaaaasooaoocaaaaaaaotiowiaoaoaaacaasiawiaaaaaaaaoaa^oaat TlajfyaAcLs <fjiom i^Kocuiu)joaj. Movie starlet Janice Carter models a “bare mid-riff” job which costume designers say is going to “loom ominously” on the 1945 fashion front. Let it loom, brother, let it loom! ARMY'S MEW CARGO PLANE SETS U.S. SPEED RECORD The Army’s giant new C-97 Stratocruiser - a cargo- transport counterpart of the B-29 Superfortress -— has just flashed across the U.S. to set a .new transcontinent- al speed record. The huge Boeing transport rocketed 2,323 miles from Seattle to Washington, D.C., non-stop, in s:x hours, three minutes, 50 eonds, the War Dept- reveals, for an average speed of 383 miles an hour. Described as “something like the Umpire Slate Build- in;- with wings,” the mam- moth new airliner is the first big bomber converted to transport use which fits into postwar plans and at the same time meets all the mili- tary needs for actual war use. As a cargo carrier it can handle a payload of 25,000 pounds ami has 10,000 square feet of useable cargo space. Gloria De Haven, singing star of TWO GIRLS AND A SAILOR, is ready to disillu- sion anyone who thinks those pictures of her in bath- ing suits and tennis shorts really mean ishe swims or plays games. “I can’t,” she confesses, .“I just pose for those cheesecake sport pic- tures because it is expected of me, but I really can’t swim or play any games. My only activity is doing up my own hair and pressing my clothes.” Anyway, Gloria sure looks good! Bill Goodwin was eager to break his contract as an- nouncer on the Burns and Allen show. On three suc- essive programs, Time magazine reports, he signed off with a groan, an “ouch” and finally a screech. They gave hime the release. Barbara Stanwyck (star of MY REPUTATION which is premiered tomorrow' night at the Fieldhouse) and Paul Henreid wall be co-starred in the film version ‘of the Broadway hit THE TWO i MRS. CARROLS........Joyce ] Reynolds who played the title role in JANIE has been elevated to stardon by the Warner Brothers for her next, picture JANIE GETS MARRIED .... Bill Good- will, mentioned elsewhere in this column, has been sign- ed as comedian on the new Frank Sinatra show which takes to the air lanes this month. Margaret O'Brien, wee w’insome eight-year-old lass, was the juvenile sensation of 1944. The new year saw her name in lights on two Bdwy. theaters. She all but took Hie honors from young star Judy Garland in MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS and is co- starred with Jimmy Dur- ante and Jose Iturbi in MU- SIC FOR MILLIONS .... June Allvson is also featur- ed in-the latter named film. June is the Westchester County, N.Y., girl with the small, pretty face and the light-blue stare- She was plucked out of a Broadway chorus line — says she writ- es poetry but never show anybody her lines. The. Saint, made' notable by Leslie Charteris in his series of popular, well-sell- ing mystery thrillers, and portrayed bv George Sand- ers in many motion pictur- es, is making a radio debut on a new program over NBC on Saturday evenings. Edg- ar Barrier will have the title role on the air ... . Dorothy Lamour w'ears a sarong in THE ROAD TO UTOPIA which has action set in Al- aska. So tire sarong, without which Dorothy wouldn’t be Lamour, is fur-lined. PRESIDENT OF U.S. ROCKET SOCIETY While there seems little chance of an immediate land rush, the U.S. Dept, of the Interior is all set to advise the public on how to file claims on the moon. President of the United States Rocket Society, R.I. Farnsworth of Glen Ellyn, III, wrote to Washington for information on the matt- | er and lfist week received his answer. The Dept, of the Interior told him that the same laws which govern the , acquisition of land in the U. j S- will also apply where the moon is concerned. Exactly how the rockets are going to get there the Dept, leaves to ! Farnsworth. THE LUNATIC FRINGE KANSAS CITY: A woman telephoned the Kansas City Star recently and asked, “Is it true that anyone over six- foot tall doesn’t have to pay taxes?” OKLAHOMA CITY: In a letter to Jeff Griffin, district information executive, a man has offered to hire out his nose — explaining that he can tell just by sniffing the exhaust fumes whether an automobile is using A or C card gasoline- PORTLAND, ORE.: “Sorry, no cigarettes, but why not use a pipe during the short- age?” John R. Poliodakis told a customer. The man did, and Poliodakis was taken to the hospital with a three-inch head wound. The customer went to jail—but not before the police took away from him a lead pile. TAMPA, FLA.: The teach- er blinked in surprise as a 22-year-old veteran enrolled in the sixth grade in one of; Tampa’s public schools. “There’s nothing we can do about it,” said the principal, “but it’s not such a good idea to have grown-ups in classes with children.” Under the GI Bill of Rights, a discharged veteran can go back to school and receive $50 a month. NASHVILLE, TENN.: An elderly backwoods lady here is se'ekfhg freedom from her mate because he wears his shoes in bed “even in the summertime.” DRAFT BOARDS TO CALL UP 364,000 DEFERRED FARM WORKERS—DOTTY DiX WORRSED OVER WAR’S EFFECTS ON WOMANHOOD-SPY TRIAL IN N.Y. Draft boards have been ordered by Selective Service Director Maj. Gen. Louis B. Hershey to reclassify for immediate induction 364,000 deferred farm workers in the 18 -25 age group. Hershey ordered local boards to give pre-induction physicals to all agriculturally defer- red registrants 18 to 25 unless such men were previously rejected for military service. The boards will then decide w'hether those physically fit should he inducted imme- diately or retain their deferred status. The Army and Navy, which reportedly have urged the induction of all men in the lower age brackets, state that the eligihles in the 18—25 age group will be exhausted early this year and that it is essential to the effective prosecution of the war to induct more of them as soon as possible. Dorothy Dix, heart-throb counselor, is worried over the effects of the war on American womanhood. The number of women popping the question, she says, has- added “one more danger to the dangers of war.” It used to be the man who looked ’em over and took his choice,” Dorothy said recently, “and all that the poor girl could do was to sit on the Anxious Seat and look willing. But the war has changed all that. Now no longer do girls cherish a secret passion. They institute a whirl- wind courtship that sweeps their victims to the altar be- fore they know what’s happening to them. “That girls are doing the proposing now explains the vast number , of furlough weddings that have swept the country like- an epidemic,” she maintains. “For it takes more sophisti- cation and backbone than the average boy possesses to- resist the cutie who is hellbent on marrying him.” Second Service Command headquarters at New York , announced this week that the spy trial of William Curtis Colepaugh and Erich Gimpel, alleged Nazi agents, will he conducted secretly at Governor’s Island in New York, harbor. The date of the trial was undisclosed. The FBI charges that Colepaugh and Gimpel were landed from a German'sidiinarine off the Maine coast last Nov. ,29. Living up to its name, the “smoggy mornings” in Pitts- burgh have forced tire Public Works Department to lcave- the street lights on until nine o’clock so that children can reach school safely. Cheap wartime fuel, plus capa- city production in most industrial plants, is blamed foi increasingly poor visibility in Pittsburgh. The Army- Surgeon General told the House Military Committee this week that the inadequacy of nursing in the face of a 270 percent increase in battle casualty pati- ents has made it imperative that nurses be drafted. Hi said that Army patients have increased from 260,000 A 450,000, while the number of Army nurses has increased ; only 2,000 in recent months


The White Falcon

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