The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 03.03.1945, Blaðsíða 3

The White Falcon - 03.03.1945, Blaðsíða 3
n O I he Wolt Copyright 1945 by Ltonjrd Sint one. distributed by Camp Newspaper Service "This isn't quita what I expected!" YALTA WAS LIKE HOLLYWOOD, NEWPORT AND eSi Describing Yalta as New- port, Hollywood and the deep South all rolled into one, but with lasting scen- es of wartime desolation in the background, Pres. Roose- velt this week told a press and fruit, conference (the first since his return to theU.S.) that the jess gave to top personnel. Prem- (which was to carry him to ier Stalin, he said, served Alexandria to meet Mr. Vodka, five wines, caviar, Roosevelt) with a herd of bread and butler, consom- 100 sheep. When told that, me, sturgeon beef and mac- the ship’s stores had all the aroni, sweet cake, tea, coffee food necessary for the trip, | the King compromised and • One of the most colorful. brought only eight sheep events of the trip occurred I aboard which were tether- only social affairs at the Rig on the return trip when the ted to stanchions. Three meeting were dinners | King of Saudie Arabia wanl- whieh each of the principals! ed to list Leave (Continued from Page 1) one of us or not. Then when lie came a little closer I saw Shat he was a German sMT- er. Refore lie could spot me I hid behind a wrecked Ger- man tank and waited for lum. When he had gotten eal close 1 lumped out and he got off thct hike and rais- ed his hand without offer- ing any resistance a I all: lie si rriied kind of surprised, but what he may have been thinking I don’t know be- cause he couldn’t speak any. English and I don’t under- FLANE (Continued from Page 1) called the office of the Svslu- maSur in Borgarnes. With- in less than an hour, through excellent cooperation by telephone operators and farmers in the area, the plane’s flight had been trac- ed to the scene of its forced landing. One farmer after another reported having seen the plane going over his place. The last one contacted, just before noon,said he had seen the plane land on the sandy beach at Alftanes. Although stand German. I guess he] the landing was a relatively had been sent out to repair j difficult one, the plane was that tank I hid behind, for. only slightly damaged and he was carrving a pile of i the pilot — who was takenbuiU t() assemblej store PARIS’ CAT POPULATION DWINDLES FAST AS HUNGRY INHABITANTS PAY $5 APIECE FOR CARCASSES Although Paris is a popular gathering place for -off-, duty GIs, the city’s cat population is finding it a good place to stay away from. Since the city was liberated. 30,000 of the feline friends have been butchered and eaten, With the cats bringing $5 each on the open market— $2.50 for the meat and $2.50 for the fur—cat “disappear- ances” are estimated at between 200 and 309 every day. Some enterprising Parisians, otherwise unemployed, were said to be dangling fishiines from upper story windows —with “good results.” GERMANS HAD BUILT LAUNCHING RAMPS AT CHERBOURG FOR HURLING ROCKETS ON U.S. Germans The Germans had built huge launching ramps .at Cherbourg which werg intended as platforms for rockets aimed at the U.S., according to a statement made recently by Joseph D. Keenan, vice-chairman of the WPR. Keenan said that Gen. Eisenhower had told him the installations were First USSR Soldier In Berlin To Collect $1,000 A New York City business- man, David Kay, has posted The King refused lire use of the- Captain’s quarters, so his nine miscellaneous slav- es and cooks pitched striped desert tents on deck. Be- autiful Arabian and Persian rugs were •oread over most of the available deck space, liis Majesty’s food was cook- ed on a small charcoal braz- ier as Ihe destroyer travell- ed at reduced speed lest the wind blast Ihe tents over- hoard. tools with him. He seemed ■ at once to to he verv voum; — all of Borgarnes the hospital m fiVc rockets at the U.S. - proved to have them do.” Another of the men, Pvt. Leon Tsagaris o f Lowell, suffered only minor injuries incurred while landing. Wednesday’s incident of 'gv K—h Proposed For Soldiers Overseas A proposal that members of the armed forces be grant- ed a five percent increase for each year of over- seas duty (after completion of the first year) has been made h)7 Rep. John J. Spark- man (D.-Ala.). The increase would be in addition to the flat 20 percent increase for a $1,000 award to be given enlisted men and ten per- il) the first Russian soldier, cent for officers. or unit, to enter Berlin. Kay ___________ had previously made a sim- _ . ilar offer to the first Amer- ^Army Trains ican soldier to reach Paris German Police Force after ihe invasion. Mass., is assigned to an AAA| cooperation is similar to unit stationed in Holland, many which have pre- Captured German police- men are being trained by the American 1st Army. Pur- pose of the special school lliey are attending “some- near ihe German Tsagaris also bagged a live German. “He was a talkative one and spoke English very well. He said he was glad to be taken by us. “In France, Belgium and Holland all the people I’ve met have been very friendly. Some of them even offered to wash clothes for us -— for nothing.” “By the way,” he said, “have you heard how the girls over there camouflag- ceded it, officers of the gar-! rison here say. One of the) most recent examples of ex- cellent cooperation on the part of Icelandic local auth- orities was in ihe Sclfoss area. Two farmers on the south coast saw a plane diving into the sea. Tliev called the THE Japanese soldier is taughi blind obedience. Before the war, a group of Jap soldiers on summer maneuvers were ordered not to drink from their canteens except upon the order of the , CO. Although 20 men .fell from thirst Syslumaour at Self OSS, and I .1nd exhaustion,-and 5 died, examina- liomefront Wolves Given Brashoff By FLY. Girls 1 A CNS report states that some girls in New York City where who • have husbands and border” is to fit them for l sweethearts in the armed taking over the administra- forces are appearing in the lion of occupied German1 streets of the big town wear- districts. A Liberty Maga- ing a lapel decoration de- zine article, about the recon- signed to let homefront structed German stales that wolves know they are out of out of 200 candidates for al- circulation. On llio button is tendance at the school only onC word: “Taken.” 89 were selected, however. within T5 minutes the infor- mation had been communi- cated to ihe military aulli- ed themselves? They’d put oriliesinReykjavik.Reeon- blackcning on their teeth, cut j naIssance Planes already in their hair and do just about Eight were at the scene in time to be of help — had it been possible to give any. Military, authorities say that the friendly helpfulness of Icelanders in instances such as these is always off- ered unhesitatingly. tion of their canteens revealed they had not been touched. everything they could think of to make themselves look ugly. They did this to keep the Germans from bothering them—and they say the trick worked too.” Tec 5 William Bauer of Brooklyn, N.Y., who has been knocking around re- placement centers in the ETO waiting for permanent assignment, said that it’s a tough life anyway you look at it — even when you’re not up at i;)e front tangling wiili 1 ells Germans. EourJi man in the group was 1st Sgt. Edmund Rond- eau of Brockton, Mass., who- was formerly with a port unit here. judge In Savannah Wives To Get Along With Husbands Or Go To Work Warning ‘childless wives either to get along with their j husbands or go to work, Sup- erior Court Judge David S. j Atkinson of Savannah, Ga., j has said that lie will no long- er grant alimony in divorce cases where (here are no: children requiring support, j “In my opinion,” Judge At- kinson says, “every ablebod- ied woman, provided she lias; no children to care for,-ought to work like a man.” Amid snow and ice, a soldier of the 5th Armored Di- vVon >v ! machine-gun which guards a road in Belgium. Things tool, pretty well frozen over.


The White Falcon

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