Sameiningin - 01.10.1932, Side 23
Spare Time Training
that helps you
Beat The Depression
Do you want to beat the depression—take advantage of
it—use it to make your future safe? You can do it.
Depression weeds out the untrained—but actually creates
opportunities for those who have an up-to-the-minute training.
The trained young man or young woman is surer of em-
ployment and will be ready for the many opportunities sure
to come with returning !good times.
If you wish these advantages simply mark and sign the
coupon and full information will be sent without cost or
obligation of any kind. Send the coupon NOW.
Cooper Institute of Accountancy,
The Mall,
Please send me full inforniation regarding the business training and
service I have marked with an X below—without obligation.
riStenographic: Training for the position of Stenographer.
[~!]Secretarial: Training for the postion of Private Secretary.
\ff\Bookkeeping: Training for the position of Bookkeeper or
Assistant Bookkeeper.
Company Secretaryship: Training for the examinations of the
Chartered Institute of Secretaries.
| | Profession of Accountancy: Training for the examinations and
degrees of the various Accountants’ Institutes
and Associations.
\f2Business Management: Training for official, managerial or exe-
cutive positions.
QHi gher Accountancy: Training for positions as Internal Auditor,
Comptroller, Cost Accountant, Credit Manager,
^Stenotypy: The new machine shorthand.
Present Position ...............................
School Gracfe ..................................