Reykjavík Grapevine - 11.06.2004, Blaðsíða 24

Reykjavík Grapevine - 11.06.2004, Blaðsíða 24
Hard Rock Cafe Kringlan Mall Originally I had intended on skip- ping the larger chains like Hard Rock. However, during my thor- ough and highly scientific poll of hamburger scholars, the place came highly rated over and over. I went and asked the waitress what her favorite burger was. She brought a magificent 200 gram slab of beef patty, smothered (but not too smoth- ered) in hickory smoked BBQ sauce, dressed in melted cheese, red onion, lettuce and tomato. Always listen to your waitress. Hamborgarabúllan Tryggvagata 4-6 Hamborgarbúllan is an interest- ing place; it´s shape can best be described as...weird. Inside, the walls are covered with hipster Americana; a promotional poster for the first Blues Brothers movie, a portrait of Johnny Cash looking all speed-sick and beautifully ugly and a picture of the cast of the Sopranos blocked to put you in mind of DaVinci´s Last Supper, though without the mighty J.C. But out the windows, you can watch as the boat Hrefna Rós gets a new coat of paint before launching back into the bay. The burgers are excellent. I had a simple single patty with lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise and ketchup with melted ´yellow cheese´. I was so happy to discover my beloved American cheese on the burger, I was nearly moved to tears. I highly recommend this place. Great burgers in an interesting spot, cooked right in front of you. Grillhúsið Tryggvagata 20 At Grillhúsið I again relied on the opinion of one of the servers. And again it paid off. I was presented with a juicy burger, cooked perfectly medium rare (exactly as I asked and it´s easier said than done) topped with melted cheese, bacon and a ´special sauce´. The burger was so good, when I got home I actually wrote: A beautiful example of ham- burger artistry. Kaffi Brennslan Pósthússtræti 9 Here I was honored with a Dijon- glazed grilled burger, piled high with lettuce, tomato, red onion, cheese, and an excellent mustard mayonnaise sauce. This was a true gourmet bit of work, not too be missed. Kaffi Brennslan will soon be changing their already excellent menu, but I was assured they would retain the old favorites like this burger. Vítabar Bergþórugata 21 I left Vitabar for last because it´s the closest to my heart. It´s also the clos- est to my house. I ordered the burger that has made them famous through- out the city. A full 200 grams of burger with all the fixings, covered in a blue cheese and onion dressing, all this going on between the best hamburger bread I have encountered on either side of the Atlantic. I can only describe it as fucking rocking. I highly recommend you take a walk to this place on a Sunday afternoon and order this meal accompanied by two or three pints. If this doesn´t cure your hangover, I recommend a pistol and some time alone. THE 2ND WORST THING YOU CAN SAY TO A GUY ON A 2ND DATE by Beerman She tasted like whiskey, and I hadn’t tasted whiskey in a long time. It’s not that I don’t like the taste, you see. It’s the morning after. And when you have your first sip and you’re already smelling the morning after, it’s time to find new ways to erase your mind. Paddy´s Top Five Burger Joints by Padraig Mara Hamburgers are by now a staple of the local diet, and it shows. But which ones are the best? We asked an expert from the United States, Dr. Padraig Mara, to do some research, to which he replied: “Fuck it, I´ll just ask some folks and go eat some burgers.” This wasn’t just my imagination running wild. She really did taste like whiskey. It was her New Year’s resolution. To acquire the taste. And she was doing just fine. She started out on bourbon, but I knew she would soon graduate to scotch. She was my kinda gal. To be frank with you, most girls are my kinda gals. But I’m not most gals kinda guy. I don’t dance. I don’t buy drinks. I’m not into risk investment. Buy a girl a drink, the chances of getting her to sleep with you are still pretty slim. Drink enough of them yourself, and you can be sure of get- ting drunk. That’s the one thing you can always count on with alcohol. And me, I go for the sound invest- ment. But this one bought her own drinks. As I told you, she was my kinda gal. All I had to do was have a beer and wait for her to do all the work, and then I’d reap the reward. She was already halfway there when we met. By the time she finished her drink, she was moving over my way. Maybe it was the whiskey. I didn’t mind. And I didn’t mind the taste when she put her tongue in my mouth. But I’ve already told you that. Where were we...ah? Just so you don’t get the wrong idea. I am not without morals. I do think it wrong to sleep with women more drunk than you are. So usually I try to catch up. But I was running out of time. It wasn’t the first time we met. We’d met before, under similar circum- stances. Done the deed. We were equals then. Alcohol is the great equalizer. The beautiful and the hideous, the old and the young, the ignorant and the wise, at the end of the night, no one can hold a conver- sation any better than they can hold their drink. Which was why I liked bars. That great socialist Jesus must have been drunk when he said the last shall be first, the first shall be last. Its guys like me that always fall down last. This is where we get our revenge. But I digress. So far, everything was going according to plan. The plan’s always the same, but women rarely play according to rules, much less plans. Even if most plans include them. And I had plans for Miss Bourbon. And Miss Bourbon was playing along. The fiddler plays the tune and she was tapping her foot in time. It wasn’t as if I was doing anything wrong, I mean, she had already acquiesced once. Do you ever make the same mistake twice? Or is that just being careless? I had another hit of equalizer and she lent over toward me. She whis- pered in my ear, softly. But what she said wasn’t what I wanted to hear. The very worst thing a woman can say to a man on a second date is: “I’m going to have your baby.” A child is 18 to life. There’s no “I’m sorry babe, it won’t happen again.” Once the words are spoken, it’s too late for regrets, too late for see- you-laters. All you can do is harden yourself to a decade of hangovers in movie theatres watching afternoon cartoons with a kid that’ll grow up to be just like you. But that wasn’t what she said. What she said was the second worst thing a woman can say on a second date. “I think I have Chlamydia,” she said. That was a downer on the general mood of where the night was going. I no longer felt like holding tight and drowning in her sinking eyes. I made my excuses the way you do, but it wasn’t even morning yet. I had other plans for the morning. I had waiting rooms and doctors and piles of outdated magazines with pictures of people you’d like to sleep with, if only you weren’t going to see the doctor. That’s what I had in the morning. That, and a hangover. So much for the cartoons. illustration by Þorsteinn Davíðsson 24


Reykjavík Grapevine

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