Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2009, Blaðsíða 25

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2009, Blaðsíða 25
to their best abilities. The workshop will go on all day and into the night. CITY LIBRARY - TRYGGVAGATA WAFFLES AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS STRUGGLE Waffl es, coffee, hot chocolate, music and human rights struggle! Amnesty International in Iceland invites everyone to visit their offi ces, receive refreshments and sign postcards to governments all over the world, pressuring them into honouring human rights. Employees tell about the organisations operations. Come and learn! AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL - ÞINGHOLTSSTRÆTI 27 WAFFLES AND COFFEE Þingholt residents invite you for freshly baked waffl es and aromatic coffee. Everyone is welcome! BALDURSGATA 1, FRAKKASTÍGUR 17, ÓÐINSGATA 8B, ÞINGHOLTSSTRÆTI 7, FREYJUGATA 28, LAUFÁSVEGUR 10 14:00 - 17:00 THE NUMISMATIC MUSEUM A display of Icelandic coins and bills as well as foreign monies from centuries past that connect to Icelandic history. Also featuring educational multimedia materials about the operations of the Central Bank. THE CENTRAL BANK OF ICELAND - KALKOFNSVEGUR H2 – THE CREATIVE SUMMER GROUPS OF HITT HÚSIÐ H2 – The Creative Summer Groups of Hitt Húsið will entertain passers-by with their talent. HITT HÚSIÐ - PÓSTHÚSSTRÆTI 14:00 - 18:00 LANDSBANKINN AT CULTURE NIGHT Cultural programme at Landsbankinn. Art tour with Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson, live music, coffee and waffl es. LANDSBANKINN - AUSTURSTRÆTI THE TOWER AT HÖFÐATORG ON DISPLAY The public is invited to view the 19th fl oor of the tower at Höfðatorg. From the top fl oor, you can observe a great view to all directions. THE TOWER AT HÖFÐATORG - BORGARTÚN ART AND VIEW Garðar Jökulsson exhibits art on the 19th fl oor. He draws inspiration from Iceland’s landscape and nature. Garðar was born in 1935 and soon became interested in art, especially landscape painting. THE TOWER AT HÖFÐATORG - BORGARTÚN OPEN HOUSE AT THE ICELANDIC INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY The IIDA handles developmental cooperation on behalf of the Icelandic government and operates in four African nations: Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia and Uganda. THE ICELANDIC INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY - ÞVERHOLT 14 FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS AT JOY SQUARE BY ÓÐINSTORG Students of fl oral arrangements from the Icelandic Agricultural college guide the public in making fl oral decorations and bouquets that can be hung on the houses in town. Flower farmers provide fl owers for the decorations. Those who participate pay a modest fee that goes to the charity collection ‘Á rás fyrir Grensás’. ÓÐINSTORG 14:00 - 22:00 LITERATURE AND JAZZ Tómas R. Einarsson and Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir. Ragnheiður Gröndal and Aðalsteinn Ásberg. Eðvarð Lárusson and Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir. Sunna Gunnlaugsdóttir and Óskar Árni Óskarsson. Elva Ósk Ólafsdóttir, actress, directs. IÐNÓ - VONARSTRÆTI 3 14:00 - 23:00 ÁRBORG – THE VISITING MUNICIPALITY OF CULTURAL NIGHT 2009 Árborg will provide a diverse programme that, among other things, contains cows and music. The Mayor of Reykjavík opens the programme. REYKJAVÍK CITY HALL - TJARNARGATA 14:30 - 15:00 MEDITATION AT LJÓSHEIMAR Have you always wanted to try meditation but never dared? Did you meditate back in the day? Now is your chance! Ljósheimar offer an open house during Culture Night and offer guided 15-minute meditation sessions. We steady the mind and look inwards, and fi ll with energy. LJÓSHEIMAR - BORGARTÚN 3 14:30 - 16:30 GARDEN CONCERT Concert in the garden featuring various performers, among them Helgi Valur, Retro Stefson and FM Belfast. Waffl es, coffee and Þorbjörg Pálsdóttir’s sculpture exhibit at the same place. INGÓLFSSTRÆTI 21 A REYKJAVÍK CULTURE NIGHT 2009 – AUGUST 22 14:30 - 18:00 SING TOGETHER AT THE REYKJAVÍK ACADEMY OF SINGING AND VOCAL ARTS A feast of song under bare skies. Group singing of those present, eight choirs perform their own programmes. Songbooks available on site, enjoy singing the old songs that everyone loves. Hot chocolate, coffee and kleinur at good prices. Conducted and presented by Garðar Cortes. THE REYKJAVÍK ACADEMY OF SINGING AND VOCAL ARTS - SNORRABRAUT 14:30 - 22:00 JOY SQUARE AT ÓÐINSTORG Family gathering at Óðinstorg to support the charity drive ‘Á rás fyrir Grensás.’ The square will be turfed over and decorated with fl owers and benches. Lots of events at the square, music, children’s craft workshop, etc. ÓÐINSTORG 15:00 - 15:30 AIKIDO DISPLAY Aikido display where members of Aikikai Reykjavík perform their art. AUSTURVÖLLUR KJARVAL AND THE ANIMALS – FAMILY TOUR The Northern Hall of Kjarvalsstaðir is dedicated to young guests, but this display emphasises paintings that Kjarval made of animals. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - KJARVALSSTAÐIR - FLÓKAGATA PSALM FALLS At the start of the year, the Icelandic National Church’s Music fund ordered seven psalms from Icelandic composers and poets. These psalms will be débuted by Hallgrímskirkja's Motett Choir, as conducted by Hörður Áskelsson. HALLGRÍMSKIRKJA CHURCH - SKÓLAVÖRÐUHOLT LIVING ROOM CONCERT AND URUGUAY ART Living room concert where singer Sólveig Unnur Ragnarsdóttir performs Icelandic classics accompanied by pianist Hilmar Örn Agnarsson. Also present is a display of hand-made clay statues by artists from Uruguay SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍGUR 25 THE BOMB GENE AT DECODE GENETICS The Bomb Gene has since 2003 staged impressive chemistry displays at the DeCode Genetics hall on Culture Night. Impressive chemistry tricks from the masters of the craft. DECODE GENETICS - STURLUGATA 15:00 - 16:00 JAZZ FESTIVAL WALK Birna Þórðardóttir leads a jazzy walk around Hafnarhús and the near surroundings. Group meets at Grófi n. Learn Icelandic jazz history. Live music at certain places, as well as information on the music, the instruments and the performers. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM- HAFNARHÚS - TRYGGVAGATA 17 LINE DANCING WITH ÓLI GEIR Dancing instructor Óli Geir and his students display line dancing at Ingólfstorg. Guests are invited to participate. INGÓLFSTORG SQUARE 15:00 - 16:30 GHETTOBLASTER MUSIC FESTIVAL Unsweetened street concert in downtown Reykjavík. » 15:00 Orang (dub session) » 16:30 Gnúsi Yones & the Crackers » 18:00 Captain Fufanu » 19:30 Axfjörð » 21:00 Oculus » 22:30 Óli Ofur (DJ set) Ewok DJs between sets BY REYKJAVÍK CITY LIBRARY - TRYGGVAGATA 15:00 - 17:00 FLOATING PATH FROM THE HÖFÐATORG TOWER TO HÖFÐI The Reykjavík division of the Hjálparsveit skáta rescue squad will perform a stunt at Höfðatorg. Members will build a fl oating path from the top of the tower to Höfði and fl oat it through. They will also lower themselves down the tower with ropes. THE TOWER AT HÖFÐATORG - BORGARTÚN THE TOWER CLIMB A climbing contest will be held at the Höfðatorg tower, in association with the Reykjavík Climbing Club and Klifurhúsið. Participants will compete in speed, two and two at a time. The wall is a 26 metre high stone wall, from the ground up to the roof of the seventh fl oor. THE TOWER AT HÖFÐATORG - BORGARTÚN THE INDIAN EMBASSY To celebrate Culture Night along with Icelanders, the Indian Embassy offers the public a chance to view its offi ces. SKÚLAGATA 14 15:00 - 22:00 JAZZ AND ART Artist Pétur Gautur’s workshop at the corner of Snorrabraut and Njálsgata celebrates a ten-year anniversary at Culture Night. The studio will be open to the public, new paintings by Pétur Gautur on display. PÉTUR GAUTUR - NJÁLSGATA MOTHERS 2009 Opening of photography exhibit Mothers 2009. A cooperative effort of women from four cities, including Reykjavík, spearheaded by Wilberforce Women. The goal is to bring women from different backgrounds together using photography. BORGARBÓKASAFNIÐ - TRYGGVAGATA 15:30 - 16:00 JAZZ AT KJARVALSSTAÐIR Vibraphone player Reynir Sigurðsson’s trio plays familiar music in a jazzy way. Trumpet player Snorri Sigurðarson plays in the spirit of Chet Baker. Who knows if the singer Chet is involved too. Brazilian singer Jussanam Dejah also performs. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - KJARVALSSTAÐIR - FLÓKAGATA PSALM FALLS The Langholtskirkja Graduale choir won the gold medal at the international choir summit in the Czech Republic this spring. Now they perform for your pleasure, conducted by Stefán Jónsson. HALLGRÍMSKIRKJA CHURCH - SKÓLAVÖRÐUHOLT SAILOR SINDRI AT SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍGUR Sailors Sindri and Sami entertain outside Ófeigur’s jewellery workshop. They are Ketill Larsen and Árni Ísleifs. ÓFEIGUR’S WORKSHOP - SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍG THE TR & TSDK GUITAR SQUAD PERFORMS FLAMENCO MUSIC The TR & TSDK Guitar squad performs fl amenco music as conducted by Þorvaldur Már Guðmundsson. The squad counts 17 students of music, 13 guitar players, two percussionists, a bass player and a trumpet player. REYKJAVÍK CITY LIBRARY - TRYGGVAGATA 16:00 - 16:30 FAMILY GUIDANCE- THE EXHIBITS AT KJARVALSSTAÐIR Exhibits Kjarval and the animals, Kjarval – Key works and From Unuhús to Eight street looked at from the family’s perspective. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - KJARVALSSTAÐIR - FLÓKAGATA OLYMPIC FENCING Fencing enthusiasts from the FH fencing division and the Reykjavík Fencing Club will display Olympic fencing. Attendees will be given the chance to fence our national team. VERBÚÐ 17 - GRANDAGARÐUR PSALM FALLS Psalm 2009 – everyone sings along. New and older psalms taught and sung. The Áskirkja choir, conducted by Magnús Ragnarsson, will lead. HALLGRÍMSKIRKJA CHURCH - SKÓLAVÖRÐUHOLT ERRÓ – HUMAN DESCRIPTIONS - GUIDED TOUR The exhibit Erró – Human descriptions emphasises the sort of storytelling portraits Erró has evolved over the years. The works depict various known individuals in the fi elds of politics, science, literature and arts and refl ect their ideas and images. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - HAFNARHÚS - TRYGGVAGATA 17 16:00 - 17:00 BRASS BAND SVANUR Brass band Svanur plays a concert in the alley. The programme contains well-known party songs by artists such as Abba, Stevie Wonder, Henri Mancini etc. Guests can sit down and enjoy refreshments during the concert. Conducted by Matthías V. Baldursson. LYSTIN - LAUGAVEGUR 73 THE ANIMALS OF THE NORDIC HOUSE Sax player Óskar Guðjónsson performs Thorbjörn Egner along with Matthías Hemstock and Eðvarð Lárusson. THE NORDIC HOUSE - SÆMUNDARGATA JAZZ AT THE NATIONAL MUSEUM The Ragnar Árna trio plays sweet and mellow bossa nova music by messrs Jobim, Gilberto and Getz. The trio is comprised of Ragnar Árni Ágústsson (saxophone), Gabríel Markan (guitar) and Gunnar Gunnsteinsson (bass). THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ICELAND - SUÐURGATA 41 LET’S TALK LOCAL - REYKJAVÍK Let‘s talk local is a fun and vibrant play in English where you learn all you need to know about the birth of Reykjavík from the time of the Vikings until present day. This is a one-hour comic show with two actors who will give you a great insight into the historical background of Reykjavík. KAFFI REYKJAVÍK - VESTURGATA 2 16:00 - 18:00 THE ART OF GRAFFITI Two young Icelandic men will display their arts in the back yard. Orri and his friends are great artists and you can already view graffi ti by Orri at the backyard. VERALDARVINIR - HVERFISGATA 88 KRAMHÚSIÐ ‘Open fl oor’ at Kramhúsið. Dance exhibitions, featuring everything from Argentinean tango to street dancing. Guests are invited to join in. The lower hall will sport mystic ambiance and modern dance will be at the forefront. A guitar troupe shows up to play light fl amenco music. KRAMHÚSIÐ - SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍGUR THE TANGO ADVENTURE CLUB Between the houses in town, steaming Argentinean tango will being danced at Bríetartorg square. Dancers from the Tango Adventure Club dance. Guests are invited to partake and learn about this tantalising dance that passionate dancers dance up to four times a week. BRÍETARTORG SQUARE - ÞINGHOLTSSTRÆTI 9 16:00 - 19:00 GRJÓTAÞORP – FAMILY FESTIVAL Trumpets from the rooftops of the Grjótaþorp neighbourhood. Brass players from the east, west, north and south slowly play their ways into the garden of Vinaminni, in the heart of Grjótaþorp. Featuring a tent, a BBQ, a house-scavenger hunt, a house-cake and surprise events. GRJÓTAÞORP - MJÓSTRÆTI MUSIC AT THE JOY SQUARE BY ÓÐINSTORG Three times between 16:00 and 19:00, musicians from the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra perform at the square. Sigrún Eðvaldsdóttir and Kristján Matthíasson play the violin, and Helga Þórarinsdóttir plays the viola. ÓÐINSTORG SQUARE 16:00 - 20:00 THE VADIM FYODOROV TRIO Russian accordion player Vadim Fyodorov’s trio performs songs from the band’s new album, Papillions Noirs. The band performs acoustic French musett and jazz music. Gunnar Hilmarsson and Leifur Gunnarsson play alongside Fyodorov. HRESSÓ - AUSTURSTRÆTI 20 16:30 - 17:00 PSALM FALLS Lára Bryndís Eggertsdóttir plays the Klais organ. HALLGRÍMSKIRKJA CHURCH - SKÓLAVÖRÐUHOLT 16:30 - 17:30 AN INSIGHT INTO THE ARCHITECTURE OF KJARVALSSTAÐIR The Reykjavík Art Museum offers an insight into architecture. Guja Dögg Hauksdóttir from the architecture department will guide the museum’s facilities. Expect an insight into the houses’ histories and their appearances viewed in context with their different standing in the city environment. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - KJARVALSSTAÐIR - FLÓKAGATA JAZZ FESTIVAL WALK Birna Þórðardóttir leads a jazzy walk around Hafnarhús and the near surroundings. Live music at certain places, as well as information on the music, the instruments and the performers. Jim Black, Siggi Flosa, Jóel Pálsson, Kristjana Stefánsdóttir and others performs. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - HAFNARHÚS - TRYGGVAGATA 17 16:30 - 18:00 A HOUSE WITH A SOUL – HOUSES FOR THE SOUL Prayer and calm moments at the Bahái centre. Guests offered the opportunity to experience different prayer and calm moments—spiritual nutrition for the soul. THE BAHÁI CENTRE - ÖLDUGATA 16:30 - 22:00 ADOPT A POTATO! Welcome to the studio at Vesturgata 12 to adopt a potato. The potatoes are sold in boxes that contain instructions for sprouting, growing and cooking. You may also write your potato’s journey and travels. In the future, proceeds from the sales will go towards buying seed potatoes in cooperation with aid agencies and teaching those in need how to grow their own potatoes. VESTURGATA 12 17:00 - 17:30 THE VODAFONE STREET ART TEAM The Vodafone street art crew displays great talent by the statue on Arnarhóll. The show consists of circus artists, parkour performers and actors, and should provide great entertainment for all. You do not want to miss this ARNARHÓLL PSALM FALLS Psalm 2009 – Everyone sings along.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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