Reykjavík Grapevine - 28.08.2009, Blaðsíða 22

Reykjavík Grapevine - 28.08.2009, Blaðsíða 22
OUTSIDE REYKJAVÍK Akureyri Botanical Garden August 28 Akureyri Town Festival Opening Ceremony 8pm Free entrance Akureyri Church Museum August 29 The Kammer Choir 6pm and 9pm Free entrance Húsið August 29 Nursing a Semi, final show 7pm Free entrance Akureyri Artist Alley August 29 Sickbird, Hundur í Oskilum, Manhattan and Runar Eff and Hvanndalsbrædur 8pm Free entrance Akureyri Church August 29 Orkustodin 10pm Free entrance Græni Hatturinn August 29 Inga Eydal and Band 10pm Free entrance Strikið August 29 Kristjan Edelstein 10pm Free entrance Sjallinn August 29 The Bravo Beatles and Comet Midnight Possible admission fee Keflavík Paddy's August 29 The G-Strings Midnight Free entrance September 3 Trúbatrix 10pm Free entrance September 5 Green Bug Midnight Free entrance M U S I C AUGUST/ SEPTEMBER – continued – Tel +354 577 60 50 MUSEUM BY THE SEA VÍKIN MUSEUM CAFÉ VÍKIN Traditional Icelandic delicacies! OPENING HOURS: Summer (June 1st – September 14th) Daily from 11am to 5pm Winter (September 15th – May 31st) Tuesdays – Sundays from 1pm to 5pm MARITIME MUSEUM | GRANDAGARÐI 8 | REYKJAVÍK WWW.SJOMINJASFN.IS PO RT h ön nu n Suðurgata 41 · 101 Reykjavík · Tel. +354 530-2200 · The country’s largest museum of cultural history featuring a permanent exhibition on Iceland’s extraordinary history from settlement to present day. Opening hours: Summer (May 1st – September 15th) Daily 10–17 Winter (September 16th – April 30th) Daily except Mondays 11–17 National Museum of Iceland Art | Venue finder 101 Gallery Hverfisgata 18A | F6 Thu–Sat 14–17 and by appoint- ment www.101hotel. is/101hotel/101gallery/ Artótek Tryggvagata 15 | D5 Mon 10–21, Tue–Thu 10–19, Fri 11–19, Sat and Sun 13–17 Artotek ASÍ Art Museum Freyugata 41 | G10 Tue–Sun 13–17 Árbæjarsafn Kistuhylur 4 The Culture House Hverfisgata 15 | F6 Open daily 11–17 Dwarf Gallery Grundarstígur 21 | H8 Opening Hours: Fri and Sat 18–20 The Einar Jónsson Museum Eiriksgata | G9 Tue–Sun 14–17 Fótógrafí Skólavörðustígur 4a | F7 Gallery 100° Bæjarháls 1 Open weekdays from 08:30–16:00 Gallery Auga fyrir Auga Hverfisgata 35 | G7 Gallery StartArt Laugavegur 12B | G7 Tue–Sat 1–17 Gallery Ágúst Baldursgata 12 | F9 Wed–Sat 12–17 Gallery Fold Rauðarástígur 14-16 | J9 Mon–Fri 10–18 / Sat 11–16 / Sun 14–16 Gallery Kling & Bang Hverfisgata 42 | G7 Thurs–Sun from 14–18 Gallery Turpentine Ingólfstræti 5 | F7 Tue–Fri 12–18 / Sat 11–16 Gerðuberg Cultural Centre Gerðuberg 3-5 Mon–Thu 11–17 / Wed 11–21 / Thu–Fri 11–17 / Sat–Sun 13–16 Hitt Húsið – Gallery Tukt Pósthússtræti 3-5 | E6 i8 Gallery Klapparstígur 33 | G7 Tue–Fri 11–17 / Sat 13–17 and by appointment. Living Art Museum Vatnsstígur 3 – G7 Wed, Fri–Sun 13–17 / Thu 13–22. Lost Horse Gallery Skólastræti 1 | F6 Weekends from 13–19 and by appointment on weekdays. Hafnarborg Strandgötu 34, Hafnarfjörður The National Gallery of Iceland Fríkirkjuvegur 7 | E8 Tue–Sun 11–17 The National Museum Suðurgata 41 | C9 Open daily 10–17 The Nordic House Sturlugata 5 | C11 Tue–Sun 12–17 The Numismatic Museum Einholt 4 | K9 Open Mon–Fri 13:30–15:30. Reykjavík 871+/-2 Aðalstræti 17 | D6 Open daily 10–17 Reykjavík Art Gallery Skúlagata 28 | H6 Tuesday through Sunday 14–18 Reykjavík Art Museum Open daily 10–16 Ásmundur Sveinsson Sculp- ture Museum Sigtún Hafnarhús Tryggvagata 17 | E5 Kjarvalsstaðir Flókagata | K11 Reykjavík City Theatre Listabraut 3 Reykjavík Maritime Museum Grandagarður 8 | C3 Reykjavík Museum of Pho- tography Tryggvagata 16 | D5 Weekdays 12–19 / Sat–Sun 13–17 www.ljosmyndasafnreykjavi- Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum Laugarnestangi 70 Grapevine events September 4 Grand Rokk 10 pm gogoyoko presents: Grapevine Grand Rock Dr. Gunni Hellvar INSOL Blóð 1000ISK Admission 18 Hemmi og Valdi 9 pm gogoyoko presents: Grapevine Grassroots #8 TBA FREE CONCERT I Heart RVK NASA 22:00PM 2500 ISK in advance, 3000 ISK at door The resurgence of dubstep into the mainstream has come hard and strong over the last year, burning up dance floors all over the UK, America and Reykjavík. Now one of the biggest crews on the block, ATG (Ahead of The Game) is dropping into town. Headlining are the guys everyone is talking about: Skream (recently famed for his killer remix of La Roux’s ‘In For The Kill’), Kanio (“The Dirtbag” producer) and breakbeat duo producers The Equalizers. A buttload of world-class acts wanted all over the world right now and they plan to make it get dark and dirty up in there. Wot! GO THERE! RL S.L.Á.T.U.R Final Show of Nordic Tour Nordic House 20:30PM Possible admission fee After a weeklong trip through the Scandinavian mainland, the sonically challenging collective S.L.Á.T.U.R. is wrapping up its Nordic Tour with a much deserved homecoming show. Over the course of the week, these self-described “artistically obtrusive” composers have performed eight new pieces of music composed especially for this tour on a wide variety of instruments, from the homemade to the traditional, high technology to historical. They will now wrap up this great endeavor playing original pieces by the collective’s members, as well as pieces by Davíð Brynjar Franzson, Hlynur Aðils Vilmarsson and Þráinn Hjálmarsson, for a truly memorable and subversive artistic experience. RL 28 Aug. 5 Sept.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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