Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.06.2010, Blaðsíða 45

Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.06.2010, Blaðsíða 45
33 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 08 — 2010 Dear Editor. Last time I wrote I did so to warn Icelanders about the imminent attack the country was facing. Although none of the big media took heed of my words, the mes- sage got out to some via your fine pub- lication. However, the numbers were sadly not great enough, as one of the last remaining fortresses of men has now fallen into enemy hands, namely: the good city of Reykjavík. Many Icelanders were flabbergast- ed by the recent municipal “elections.” A new party lead by a local comedian got astonishing results. Besti flok- kurinn or “The Best Party” is the name of the party, and our new mayor is one Jón Gnarr. Their victory has received international attention, as the party seemingly emerged out of nowhere and the whole thing was made out to look like a joke. But to me, the only thing funny is the smell of deceit sur- rounding the leading candidates. When the party came forward a few promises were made to voters, most of which were absurd. One of the first promises made was that the party would ensure that a polar bear be added to the fauna of the local “zoo,” currently inhabited mostly by sheep, pigs, horses and other “domesticated” beasts. Although I was worried by this sinister promise, a part of me just smiled, as it seemed to be made in the healthy atmosphere of a genuine joke. However, the Best Party (or the Beast Party, as it should be named) has decided to dismiss all their promises as a joke except for one... and guess which one. Yes. They ARE going to ac- quire a polar bear and move it into the heart of Reykjavík where it will reside as a next-door neighbour to the “Fam- ily Garden” visited by approximately 50.000 children yearly. In my darkest nightmares I could not have foreseen the cunning way in which The Beast would penetrate this great fortress of mankind. The main- stream media is still ignoring my mes- sage, but those who have opened their eyes to the conspiracy of the Beast should not be in any doubt. This is the evil doing of the Knut, the White Spawn of Berlin. My warnings have hitherto been in vain, and the cunning plan of The Beast Lord has been set in motion via the democratically elected Beast Party. Now my worst fears have become a reality. The White One will get his foot- hold in one of the last havens of men, Reykjavík. Let me remind you of the graveness of our situation. Only last year, two po- lar bears did their best to destroy us by attacking Iceland from the north. Luckily our defences held. But just as I said then, and will say again: I knew that more trouble would be ahead. As a fervent fighter against animal influence in the world of men, I knew they would return. Knut, the latest successor to the throne of Hell, would certainly not give up and surely I was right. With the media on his side, Knut the White has managed to do what his predecessor Keiko the Dark failed to. Break Iceland’s capital fortress by planting a demon in the heart of our land. One of his own. A polar bear. Jón Gnarr, our new major, has a shady history in show business. La- belled an “anarchist,” Jón got his middle name changed from Gunnar to Gnarr, presumably to resemble the snarl of a flesh-eating demon. How he fell into the service of the Beast I do not yet know in detail, but my investigation has led me to believe that he became tainted by the Beast’s spell in April of last year. Just like many other notorious lead- ers—Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon and George W. Bush to name a few—Jón was enlisted to The Beast’s human army by a terrier puppy. This puppy calls himself Tobbi, and al- though Jón was at the time considered the most talented and successful actor in Iceland, suddenly his eye started tilt- ing towards politics. Coincidence? I think not. Political commentators have yet to understand what happened to Jón. The public has yet to realise that Mr. Gnarr is not the actor or the comedian he used to be, and his actions are not intended to bring joy and laughter to anyone. He is possessed. He is pos- sessed by the worst of evils. It is dif- ficult to come to terms with, but he has enrolled himself to the service of Knut, the White Spawn of Berlin. Maybe when our society has crum- bled under the paw of The White Bear, people will remember my words. The same people that dismissed my letters as rambling of a madman. But I will tell you this: The day a polar bear enters the heart Reykjavík will be the day hu- manity lost the war against The Beast. Mark my words. The Beast will rule over all of man- kind, just like it almost did when the demon bitch Blondi ruled Germany. May God bless us all. 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Reykjavík Grapevine

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