Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.07.2010, Blaðsíða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.07.2010, Blaðsíða 8
8 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2010 STAY HUNGRY FOR HEALTH Delicious Vegetarian and Chicken Dishes and the World’s Best Soups RESTAURANT - FOOD STORE - TAKEAWAY Suðurlandsbraut 12 - Tel. 557 5880 - Open all weekdays from 11:00 - 20:00 ENJOY AND RELAX 1919 restaurant offer a new and very exciting menu in a relaxed atmosphere at a prime location. 5 course tasting menu: 5990,- Radisson Blu 1919 Hótel Pósthússtræti 2 101 Reykjavík +345 599 1050 1919 R E STAU R A N T AND LOUNGE The Icelandic Gaming Industry is a relative newborn among the organisa- tions here in Iceland. Formed just over a year ago, the IGI was created with the hopes of fostering a stronger and more supportive environment for gam- ers and game designers alike. One of their many projects is an annual awards competition, aimed at attracting new talent to the field. The first IGI Awards took place this past winter; the win- ners were just announced at the end of May. We sat down and chatted with some of the folks involved in the IGI and the awards to get a better sense of this fledgling industry. A MAN OF MANy HATS Kristján Friðbertsson has played many roles for the Icelandic Gaming Industry. He has done web editing, event plan- ning, public relations, and a smatter- ing of other things to support this new community. But, that’s the point he says; the IGI was set up to be an egali- tarian club. “The whole organisation is based on everyone donating what time they have and it makes for a very nice, collaborative feeling. The only people with specific titles are the board, but most of them do other things inside the organisation as well,” Kristján explains. Kristján hopes that this style of organi- sation will prevent barriers from form- ing, allowing any and all who are inter- ested to take part. “We want this to be a grassroots thing and we're also trying to get many interested people who aren't involved in the industry yet. A lack of titles is a good thing.” Along with this egalitarian set-up, the IGI Awards is another measure that, Kristján believes, will bring in new members. “We knew people that were trying to create their own games, so we wanted to try to activate these people more and give them a chance, not just to show- case what they're doing but to give them a platform to express that and try to formalise it,” Kristján says of the motivation behind forming the awards, a long winded competition that intro- duces newcomers to the entire process of creating a game. The end goal was to offer support and encouragement to those who are interested in game production, but may lack the proper resources and guidance required to break into the field. COLLABORATION IS KEy The non-hierarchical nature of the IGI and its principles results in the organi- sation being completely separated from advertisers and money for market- ing. Because of this, getting the word out about the awards relied largely on word-of-mouth—through Face book, bloggers, free media and the IGI’s on- line forum. Officially starting in November 2009, the Icelandic Gaming Industry Awards consisted of a number of monthly meetings, intended to familiarise all the applicants with the field of game pro- duction. The meetings featured talks by industry experts who explained the comprehensive steps involved in build- ing, creating, and designing a complet- ed game. Another purpose of these monthly meetings was for interested partici- pants to meet other like-minded game enthusiasts and hopefully form produc- tive collaborations. From the beginning, Kristján and other IGI members expect- ed that interested entrants would band together, combining their individual skills, in hopes of creating a successful game. “We never expected everyone to have the entire skill set,” Kristján com- ments, “because it's quite a big skill set you need to create a computer game. The hope was that if you were interested and if you had a skill in art or programming, you’d show up and see if one of the other group’s projects was something you could see yourself working on.” In most cases, particularly with the winning teams, this was what happened. qUALITy & qUANTITy This long competition came to an end on May 29th at the University of Reykjavík’s Day of Games celebration, where winners were announced and prizes were awarded. This being the very first IGI Awards, Kristján and the judging panel, com- posed of industry professionals, were unsure of what to expect from the en- tries. However, Kristján tells us that, “every one of the judges said that they were amazed by the quality of what they were shown. It was definitely a close competition.” The entries were judged using a number of criteria, with special focus placed on the game as a whole. “We were looking at the big picture, the entire product. Game design is always important, but we looked at the whole package,” Kristján explains. With the large number of quality entries re- ceived, honourable mentions were also included at the awards ceremony. AND THE WINNERS WERE... A group calling itself Clockwork Alien took home first prize. The group is eleven people strong, and consists of programmers, artists, designers, and writers. Project leader Auðunn Jónsson and lead writer Kristjón Halldórsson had been working on their own game world for years, but had never really gotten off the ground. “We had nearly everything we need- ed. We were just waiting for talented programmers, designers and things like that; we couldn’t do anything with- out them. So this competition really did it for us, because before, no mat- ter how much we advertised, no one responded,” says Auðunn. Having the IGI Awards in their pocket, Auðunn and Kristjón can solicit for programmers and artists with an actual, tangible backing to their project. “The competi- tion gave us the grounds to start talking to people,” Auðunn comments. Clockwork Alien’s winning entry was a demo of their large-scale project, ‘Path To Ares’, an alternate universe adventure RPG featuring a biopunk (a slightly different variety of steampunk) society. This competition has helped to provide their project with some legiti- macy and encouraged them to follow through with this game, for which, they assure me, they’re very grateful. The group took home an HP com- puter from Opin Kerfi, software from Microsoft, books and a workspace from Innovation Center Iceland, and a free semester of a business course from Klak—basically everything a develop- ing, independent company needs to get up and running. Through this competi- tion, Clockwork Alien has turned itself into a real gaming company. Similar sentiments were offered by the second place group, aGame Com- pany, who captured both the ‘Most In- novative Entry’ as well as ‘The Best En- try from the North’. Their approach was slightly different from Clockwork’s, in- stead focusing on completing a simple, level-based flying game. At the IGI Awards, aGame Compa- ny’s eight-person team scored a work- space in Reykjavík and Akureyri from the Hugmyndahúsið, as well as books and a course from the Innovation Cen- ter. aGame project leader Kjartan Jóns- son says that his “main goal with this competition was to get to know people who also wanted to spend time creat- ing games.” It appears this was a suc- cess, as the group is now working on several mini-application games for vari- ous gaming platforms. LOTS OF THINGS ON THE HORIzON It appears that this grassroots industry is undeniably taking off. The IGI is cur- rently negotiating a partnership with the University of Reykjavík as well as Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík. At the same time, ideas are being tossed around to ensure that next year’s IGI Awards are bigger and better. Other goals for this budding industry focus on govern- mental lobbying, to ensure that gaming companies can continue to flourish and operate here in Iceland. The Icelandic Gaming Industry Awards are only a small part of this new exciting industry, but they have certainly had an auspicious beginning. In attempting to increase accessibility to the industry and attract newcomers, they have helped birth two new Ice- landic gaming companies; something quite unexpected in the aftermath of the kreppa. More things are on the ho- rizon for the IGI. Keep your eyes peeled as this organisation focused on creat- ing virtual realities, manages to change our own! Will We Foster A Nintendo-Of-The-North? Feature | Supplement The Icelandic Gaming Industry is starting to grow some roots These 'Icelandic Gaming Industry' guys are part of the 'creative economy' that's the focus of former Grapevine ed. Sveinn Birkir Björnsson's excellent feature (see page 20). We think they're pretty cool, but what's with that 'Icelandic Gaming Industry' moniker? Sounds odd. ALLISON SAvAGE jULIA STAPLES 1. Auðunn jónsson & Kristján Friðberts- son 2. Fly On The Wall, the entry from aGame Company 3. The team from Clockwork Alien posing with their new HP Computer.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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