Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.07.2010, Blaðsíða 52

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.07.2010, Blaðsíða 52
SightseeingCanoeingRafting Super-Jeep Whale Watch ATVHorse Riding Snowmobile Travel Agency Authorised by Icelandic Tourist Board Tourist Information Centre · Aðalstræti 2, 101 Reykjavík · tel. +354 570 7711 · Hilton Reykjavík · Radisson Blu · Hotel Loftleiðir · IÐA Bookstore · BSI Bus Terminal · Cruise Liner Visitor Centre STUFFED WITH STUFF ISSUE 10 YOUR FREE COPY YOUR ESSEnTIal gUIDE TO lIFE, TRavEl anD EnTERTaInmEnT In ICElanD PAGE 6 It is overwhelmingly tragic that after everything that’s gone on—all the bankruptcies, the rise in unemploy- ment, the pots and pans revolution and the SIC report—that we are still selling our wealth and resources at bargain rates in shady deals made behind closed doors. Have we learnt nothing? Björk wants to know PAGE 38 Now, Icelandic artists are no stran- gers to being bartered and bought by the infinitely rich. Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl on the fate of Icelandic artist PAGE 14 Iceland is a calm place, and this kind of drinking is really nice because in Iceland people drink enough. When I say 'enough', I mean a lot. Tourist Michel Jones on Icelandic drinking culture PAGE 18 Although it is an old Icelandic name, one would think giving a child a name like Ljótur (“Ugly”) would be downright abusive. Anna Andersen ponders Icelandic names. PAGE 20 Cutbacks in the educational system, like we are experiencing now, is the worst possible solution and, sadly, the one that has been chosen. It is pathetic to see that we are not seiz- ing the opportunities when they are in front of us. Professor Ágúst Einarsson thinks what we’re doing is pathetic PAGE 22 Fræbbblarnir, in a semi sulky mood, tell us that they feel left out, as nobody is considered cool unless “he has worked in a fish factory for ages.” Dr. Gunni remembers ‘Rokk í Reykjavík’.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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