Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.11.2010, Síða 7

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.11.2010, Síða 7
| | | | | 24 hour booking service (+354) 54 0 13 13 Visit our sales office downtown at Lækjartorg, call (+354) 540 1313 or go to &Day Tours Activities - This month in the spotlight: AH15 Iceland From Below AH150 Taste the Saga 4.900 ISK FROM 8.600 ISKAH11/12 The Golden Circle (Gullfoss as background image) This popular excursion intro- duces you to some of the best known historical sites and natural phenomena in Iceland. Þingvellir, Gullfoss, Geysir area and more. Not to be missed!! AH10 Reykjavík city sightseeing AH34 South Coast & Waterfalls 15.000 IS K 4.900 ISK9.200 ISK 3.900 ISK AH33 Northern Lights Mystery Hi there, would you mind tak- ing my picture? OMG, he ´s talking to a stick figure! AH27/31 The Viking Horse AH89 ATV and The Blue Lagoon 3.400 ISK 15.500 I SK AH29 The Blue Lagoon FROM 12.000 IS K


Reykjavík Grapevine

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