Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.11.2010, Side 13

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.11.2010, Side 13
Everything Well Under Control? MARC vINCENz AVAILABLE ONLY AT EYMUNDSSON AUSTURSTRÆTI Get todays international papers at Eymundsson Daily Mirror, Washington Times, USA Today, Aftenposten, Die Presse, Edmont-on Journal, Frankfurther Allgemeine Zeit-ung, Le Monde, El Mundo, La Repubblica, Fakt, Okinawa Times, Jyllands-Posten, Politiken and many more are available through the print-on-demand service in our store in Austurstræti. We offer over 1000 newspaper titles from all around the world. Check if your local paper is available to be printed for you by our helpful staff. Lækjartorg Arnarhóll ICELANDIC language Courses For Foreign Students Next Starts 2011  Daytime studies: Many courses on offer intended for beginners and advanced students. Starting January 6 (spring term – finishing in May). Applications for daytime studies in the spring deadline November 26. Price is ISK 20.900 pr. term – take up to five parallel courses for this fixed price.  Evening studies: Three courses on offer: ÍSA1024, ÍSA2024 and ÍSA3024. Starting January 18 – finishing March 24. Applications should be sent in January. Price ISK 19.900 for a 60 lessons course (price includes a textbook). Apply through e-mail to: Include kennitala, phone number and level of Icelandic (beginner, elementary, intermediate, advanced). At Fjölmenningarskólinn we build on 18 years of experience


Reykjavík Grapevine

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