Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.11.2010, Side 20

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.11.2010, Side 20
20 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 17 — 2010 Winter | Sanity There is probably lots of other stuff you can get up to during winter. These are just some random suggestions. Don't get all whiny if they don't work for you! Open: Mondays-Saturdays 11:30-22:30 Sundays 16:00-22:00 Now offering catering service! Smaralind 5544-633 and Hverfisgata # 123 588-2121 - The three great places for Thai food All same price 999.- There are a lot of positive reviews about BanThai that we are the best thai restaurant Authentic Thai cuisine served in elegant surroundings with Spicy, Very Delicious and reasonable prices. Private rooms on the 2nd floor. Open Hours 18.00–22.00. Every day. Tel; 692-0564, 5522-444 RESTAURANT VIÐ SMÁBÁTAHÖFINA OPIÐ TIL 22:00 sushismiðjan FYRIR2 1AF MATSEÐLI Í HÁDEGINU ALLA DAGA Winter is upon us, huh. dark, cold, wet, dark and dark. And dark. Un- less you just arrived here fresh faced, and totally oblivious to the fact that you are now located on the dark, cold, wet edge of the Arctic Circle, you will know quite well that it entails being engulfed by dark darkness. Not to mention coldness. And wetness. That your beloved tan will fade from pale to grey to translucent. That venturing between buildings will be an ardu- ous task that you will spend more time dreading than executing. That you will have a harder time wak- ing up in the suffocating morning blackness of winter than you had falling asleep in the eternal summer sunshine of a couple months back. Don’t worry, though. Icelandic winter with its darkness and coldness and wet- ness can be hard to cope with for sure, but this only means that the people that have had to cope with it for generations have spent a lot of time and effort learn- ing how to cope with it, to deal with it, and finally to love it. There are tricks, advice and ac- tivities just for that purpose that have been passed down by generations. It’s certainly no coincidence that most Icelanders make it through the sea- son alive, well and with most of their sanity intact. They have come to learn that there are in fact many great things about winter on the edge of the Arctic Circle. Here are some of them. TAKING IT EASy, HAvING IT COSy Fact: You are going to spend a lot of time in your apartment (or wherever you hang your hat) over the next few months. Learn to enjoy it. Make your home as nice as possible. Clean your house, stock up on candles, blankets, food and booze. Board games and books. Borrow some DVDs. Download seasons of ‘The Wire’ or ‘Mad Men’ or whatever else strikes your fancy. Burn some incense. Bake cakes. Take it easy. Remember that nothing really happens in Iceland from around November eight to March fifth (give or take – save for the holidays, and some partying), and be happy that you can relax without feeling like you’re missing everything. HAvE LOTS OF dINNER pARTIES This is what January and February in Reykjavík are all about. Cook strange new dishes, have friends over, have strangers over, play board games, drink heavily, wind up at some bar or other at four AM. It’s all in the game. vISIT FRIENdS ANd FAMILy Be sure that you are not the only one that went ahead and transformed their apartment into a den of cosy excellence for the winter. Your friends and family probably did that, too, and most of those people are really nice! Go and visit all of them, eat their food, drink their cof- fee and bask in the warm glow of their personalities. dON’T HAvE ANy FRIENdS? THERE’S ALWAyS THE LIBRARy! Go to the library. You can get all sorts of books, comics, music and stuff there. You can hang out there all day if you want, or you can get a library card and check out a stash to bring home. dON’T LIKE TO REAd? ENGAGE IN SOME WINTER SpORTS There is a worldwide consensus that winter sports are way awesome. Need convincing? Well, think about it for a second. There’s skiing, snowboarding, ice-skating, curling, sledding (includ- ing bobsledding!), ice hockey, throw- ing snowballs at people, building snow men, that crazy sport where you cross country ski with a rif le, AND MORE! Now, if your bag is ice-skating or snowman building (or anything that doesn’t require a steep hill), you can do that within the confines of Reykja- vík as long as there’s snow. The down- town pond is an excellent place to skate when it’s frozen over, and there are also indoor skating rinks in Laugarda- lur ( and Egilshöll ( For skiing or snow- boarding you’ll need to go out of town. But you don’t need to sweat it. Bláfjöll ( is a mere 25-min- ute drive out of Reykjavík, and it’s defi- nitely worth the ride. You can also ven- ture further out of town, to places like Akureyri, Ísafjörður and Eskifjörður for longer trips. We’re pretty sure there’s no place in Iceland that’s been destined for bob- sledding or skiing with a rif le, but why not use the opportunity and create one? If you are a tourist over for a brief visit and you left all your winter sports equipment back home, remember that you can rent most of it on loca- tion (availability permitting – do your research!). Also that there are often organised tours for that kind of stuff. Ask any tourist information office, or browse through all the wonderful ads in this very issue. GO SWIMMING This is always true, as Iceland’s swim- ming pools are always lovely, but going swimming during winter is for some reason especially nice. Take our word. Go swimming. Soak in the hot tub. Feel your troubles and the SAD melt away. HAvE A GETAWAy, ROMANTIC STyLE! If you don’t have someone to engage in a romantic getaway with, you should focus on finding someone. That will be a nice task for the winter, and you can disregard everything else on this list (however, having a cosy apartment, being well read and all active in winter sports certainly can’t harm your chanc- es with potential partners). If you do, however, you’re all set for a romantic getaway. It is a perfect way to shake of the winter gloomies and any Seasonal Affective Disorder you might have ac- quired. And you have so many options! If you are member of a union, you can likely get a summer cottage with a hot tub (perfect for gazing at the Aurora Borealis in) and other niceties for cheap (make sure to reserve it in time). You can also get a room for CHEAP WIN- TER RATES at any of the nice hotels lining the country (Hótel Rangá in the South of Iceland and Hótel Búðir by Snæfellsjökull, for instance). You could drive to any of the ex- cellent natural hot pots in Iceland and soak for the night while gazing up at stars and Northern Lights (try the ex- cellent ‘Thermal Pools In Iceland’ by Jón G. Snæland and Þóra Sigurbjörn- sdóttir for locations and descriptions of pretty much all of them). You don’t even need to spend the night. Or you could try for a farm retreat at one of the many farm accommoda- tion ( lining the country. They are off-season as well, and the quality might surprise you. MAKE SURE TO CATCH SOME dAyLIGHT Finally, the gap for catching daylight is getting shorter by the day (until Decem- ber’s Winter Solstice, where it will start getting longer by the day – but by then the margin is so short that you won’t re- ally notice) so make sure to get out of your house or place of employment for a few hours while the sun feigns shin- ing over this desolate rock in the North Atlantic. It will make a difference. Also, take your vitamins and drink your lýsi. That also makes a huge differ- ence. Winter Is Here – No Need For despair Learn to love it now. You’ll need to if you want to retain any semblance of sanity HAUKUR S. MAGNÚSSON páLL HILMARSSON


Reykjavík Grapevine

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