Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.12.2010, Blaðsíða 2

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.12.2010, Blaðsíða 2
 2 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 18 — 2010 Editorial | Haukur S. Magnússon The Reykjavík GRapevine Hafnarstræti 15, 101 Reykjavík Published by Fröken ehf. Member of the Icelandic Travel Industry Association Printed by Landsprent ehf. in 25.000 copies. Editor: Haukur S Magnússon / Journalist: Anna Andersen / Editorial: +354 540 3600 / advErtising: +354 540 3605 / PublishEr: Hilmar Steinn Grétarsson / +354 540 3601 / Contributing WritErs: Valur Gunnarsson Bob Cluness Íris Erlingsdóttir Sindri Eldon Catharine Fulton Snorri Páll Jónsson Úlfhildarson Egill Helgason Bergrún Anna Hallsteinsdótti B.R. Neal Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl Dr. Gunni Paola Cardenas Paul F. Nikolov Wiebke Wolter Valgerður Þóroddsdóttir Katarzyna Growiec Editorial intErns: Eimear Fitzgerald / Alda Kravec / on-linE nEWs Editor Paul Nikolov / art dirECtor: Hörður Kristbjörnsson / dEsign: Páll Hilmarsson / Geir Helgi Birgisson / PhotograPhEr: Hörður Sveinsson / salEs dirECtor: Aðalsteinn Jörundsson / Guðmundur Rúnar Svansson / distribution: ProofrEadEr: Jim Rice PrEss rElEasEs: submissions inquiriEs: subsCriPtion inquiriEs: +354 540 3605 / gEnEral inquiriEs: foundErs: Hilmar Steinn Grétarsson, Hörður Kristbjörnsson, Jón Trausti Sigurðarson, Oddur Óskar Kjartansson, Valur Gunnarsson The Reykjavík Grapevine is published 18 times a year by Fröken ltd. Monthly from November through April, and fortnightly from May til Octo- ber. Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publishers. The Reykjavík Grapevine is dis- tributed around Reykjavík, Akureyri, Egilsstaðir, Seyðisfjörður, Borgarnes, Kef lavík, Ísafjörður and at key locations along road #1, and all major tourist attractions and tourist information centres in the country. You may not like it, but at least it's not sponsored. (No articles in the Reykjavík Grapevine are pay-for articles. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own, not the advertisers’). THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO LIFE, TRAVEL & ENTERTAINMENT IN ICELAND POLITICS Constitutional Assembly: FAIL? An encyclopaedia MUSIC Three Icelandic Dylans FOOD The veggies are too damn expensive TRAVEL Hike Eyjafjallajökull CHRISTMAS IN THE ISSUE Issue 18 • 2010 • December 3 - January 6 • 2011 COMPLETE CITY LISTINGS - INSIDE! gain, Christmas is upon us. And while a lot of things are still pretty wrong in the world, we feel the only sensible thing to do is indulge in some good old-fashioned Holiday indulgence. And who better to indulge with than some of Ice- land's most lovable musicians. Happy Holidaze! O, Three Kings Bearing gifts, they wait at a bar. + Photography: Baldur Kristjáns ( Stylists: Ellen Loftsdóttir and Hulda Halldóra Tryggvadóttir Make-up: Steinunn Þórðar from MAC cosmetics Special thanks: Herrafataverslun Kormáks & Skjaldar, Einar at Bílamálun ehf & Hjörtur Hjartarson Comic | Hugleikur Dagsson What a Christmas party, eh? The legendary Me- gas hanging out and smoking cigarettes with the likely soon-to-be legendary Bragi Valdimar Skúla- son and Logi Pedro Stefánsson. We bet you’d love to be there, exchanging one-liners and Xmas cheer with these merry men. In fact, we were there. And it was awesome. But why are they gracing our front pages these days? We’ll tell you why. Because we love them— and we think you should love them too! That’s why. Besides, who better to instil Christmas cheer and good will to all men than these three? Through their inspiring music, words and attitudes, they have all consistently made Iceland a better place to inhabit. If only the rest of us had some of what they’re made of, a lot of unfortunate events might have been avoided. Now, the mighty Megas needs no introduc- tion (but if you’re not familiar, we suggest you read Valur Gunnarsson’s piece on page thirteen. Then you can go and purchase any of his albums for your listening pleasures – the new one is quite good). However, Logi and Bragi might be a tad more obscure to some of you. But don’t fret. Read on! Bragi Valdimar Skúlason is probably best known in Iceland for his contributions to beloved web-zine Baggalú (sort of an Icelandic ver- sion of The Onion), who manage to be very funny while presenting some sharp social critique. Bragi has furthermore made a name for himself as an excellent songwriter and lyricist through several musical ventures (including Baggalútur – the band), every one of which seems to resonate dearly with the Icelandic nation. His latest musical project was the intriguing ‘Diskóeyjan’ (“The Disco Island”) is an insanely ambitious concept album about a ‘Professor of Disco’ (voiced by Óttarr Proppé) who helps square kids turn hip to the beat. While the release notes claim it is a children’s album, most adults we know seem to love it even more than their kids. It is most awesome, as you may read in our review of the thing. Then there’s young Logi Pedró. We’ve been keeping an eye on him ever since he first stepped into the limelight with his band Retro Stefson. Now, any Grapevine reader will know that we are fans of their patented brand of adventurous, inde- finable and fun music. Having just released their sophomore LP, ‘Kimbabwe’, they seem on top of their game. Yet, with all their success it’s easy to forget how out of step this group of youngsters was when they first started performing around Reykja- vík in 2005. Other local bands played pop, rock or electro – these guys sang in Latin while jamming bossanova beats. Bassist Logi was 13-years old when he played his first jittery live shows alongside his brother Unnsteinn Manúel and the other Stefsons. Five years later, he’s all grown up, the young man’s spir- it, vigour and dedication to music deeming him a worthy role model for all you deadbeat teenagers out there. Megas, Bragi and Logi are all exemplary Ice- landers, each in their own way. What they have in common, besides their love and dedication to mu- sic, is that they each do their respective thing in a thoughtful, meticulous and modest manner that ensures their work speaks for itself. And they are great fun at Christmas parties. And now you know why we feel safe to refer to Bra- gi, Logi and Megas as ‘Three Kings’ on our cover. What else is there to say this month? In my mind, I had readied this big rant about how I don’t trust the Icelandic media. How countless examples (as well as some direct experiences of mine) have left me convinced that our whole me- dia environment actively discourages the seeking of and/or representation of any sort of truth, and that, sadly, this destructive behaviour has more to do with a mixture of carelessness and laziness than any malevolent inf luence of the media’s own- ers or some unknown evil forces (at least having evil forces to fight would be EXCITING. Fighting apathy is much less involving. Oh yeah, at least one newspaper I know of actively and willingly distorts facts for political purposes). But then I thought: Hell, the outlook is bleak enough without me adding more bile to the pile of awful we’re currently sitting on. Maybe after the Holidays I’ll spew some poison out there. For now, I’ll be content with wishing y’all readers a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. A Long-Ass Note On Our Xmas Covers + Some Bile Haukur’s 34th editorial Good news everyone! This issue’s FREE TRACK is by the one and only Agent Fresco. It’s safe to say that a lot of people have been waiting a long time for their début long-player, which was finally released last month. They’re calling it ‘A Long Time Listening’, and every review of the thing we’ve read (including our own) has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s no wonder. The album rocks like we all hoped it would. Local crowds have been singing along to some of the songs on this album for two years now – download this sample of the hour-long affair and join in! Agent Fresco: A Long Time Listening TRACK OF THE ISSUE Download the FREE track at TRACK OF THE ISSUE Download your free track at Check out our website at We’ll be here, to arrange the most exciting excursions at the best price, and offer you local advice on how to get the most from your stay in this wonderful city. 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Reykjavík Grapevine

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