Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.12.2010, Blaðsíða 15

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.12.2010, Blaðsíða 15
15 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 18 — 2010 dr. Gunni's History Of Icelandic Rock | Part 26 By Dr. Gunni (Based on his book Eru ekki allir í stuði from 2001). We hear the good doctor is working on an updated version of the book for 2011! Five Super-Weird Icelandic records! ICELANDROVERS.IS - - Tel: +354 587 9999 EASY AND ACCESSIBLE FOR EVERYONE or visit the ITM INFORMATION AND BOOKING CENTER, Bankastræti 2 - Downtown, Reykjavík Sp ör e hf . S I N C E 1994GLACIER WALKS AND OTHER EXCITING DAY TOURS MOUNTAINGUIDES.IS - - Tel: +354 587 9999 EASY AND ACCESSIBLE FOR EVERYONE or visit the ITM INFORMATION AND BOOKING CENTER, Bankastræti 2 - Downtown, Reykjavík Walk on the Ice Side SUPER JEEP ADVENTURES AND OTHER EXCITING DAY TOURS Super Jeep tours through magnificent landscape Icelandic musicians have produced their share of weird records. Some records aim to be weird, but some are weird by accident, the artist involved even being fully serious about the whole thing. The five be- low are truly weird, some by design, others by accident. BROKEN SILENCE, BROKEN GUITAR Jóhann G. Jóhannsson, who had been part of Óðmenn, a Cream influenced rock trio, hit Weirdsville fast in 1972 when his super weird two track 7" was released. The "songs" were called ‘The Silence Broken’ and ‘Broken Guitar’ and they sounded just like that: On side A, a long silence was broken with a violent scream, on side B a guitar was slowly torn apart and broken. This weirdness marked the start of Jóhann's (completely unweird) solo career, and he says the re- cord's release was a sounding board for dare. “I had written a song called ‘Don't Try To Fool Me’ (later to become a pop classic) that Ámundi Ámundason (then a record mogul in Iceland) wanted to release as a single, but I said he had to release this single first. He said alright, as long as he didn't have to listen to it. The single was sealed so people had to buy it before they could listen to it. Even- tually it made a profit, and then Ámundi laughed out loud. Everybody thought I had lost my marbles when this single came out!" The broken guitar track was record- ed as a form of stress-release at the end of Óðmenn's long sessions for their clas- sic double album in 1970, but the silence track Jóhann recorded at home. "I had tried to record it several times, but there was always some distraction, once a hail storm even broke out in the middle of the silence. Eventually I got it done in the middle of the night, but my scream woke up the people on the f loor above me who came rushing down in a state of shock. I had turned the tape re- corder off by then though!" SQUEAKy BALLOON RECORd Industrial veterans Reptilicus' first "re- cord" was a very weird one. It is called ‘Tat was asi’ and came out in 1989. "We got the idea from Bjarni the Mohawk [singer from teen punk band Sjálfsfróun]," says Reptilicus singer Guðmundur Ingi Markússon. "I met him once downtown where he sat with a blown up balloon and made squeaky sounds with it. He was no fan of our band, so he made a joke that this was what his next album would sound like. He meant it as a pot-shot at us." The band members got some old LPs from their parents and painted them black, both the records and the sleeves. On the back side was a track list—"we considered this a 12" with two tracks," says Guðmundur—and precise instruc- tions on how to perform the songs with the two black balloons that came with the record. "We meant to make fifty copies but we only got around to making around ten. The record was for sale in [legend- ary indie and underground record store] Grammið, and we sold one copy. I still don't know who bought it!" TROUBAdOURS dEGRAdEd The rudest man-hating record ever to be released in Iceland came out in 1990. It was a 7" by Dýrið gengur laust (“The an- imal walks freely”), a rock group fronted by singer Jón Filippusson, formerly of punk group Sogblettir (“Love bites”). The uneventful song, called Bláir drau- mar (“Blue dreams”) was performed in ballad and rock style, but the lyrics were pure bile, where three beloved trouba- dours—Bubbi Morthens, Hörður Torfa- son and Megas—were accused of being paedophiles and "faggots". Later, the singer had huge regrets about the lyrics. "The record was sold under the table and it sold quite well, about 1.000 cop- ies. We could drink out of the profits for a long time. Fortunately we never got any complaints from the subjects," Jón later said with deep relief. THE RECORd THAT WAS pAWNEd IN SWEdEN One of the late eighties rock bands in Iceland was called E-X, originally Pro- fessor X. It came from Hafnafjörður and was lead by two guitarists, Davíð Magnússon (later of nineties combo Bubblieflies) and Pétur Hallgrímsson (who would later play with LHOOQ, Ky- lie Minogue and Emilíana Torrini). The band played R.E.M. influenced rock and sang in English. In the spring of 1988, their first 7" was ready with the songs ‘Frontiers’ and ‘Highway One’. The recordings were done in Studio Mjöt, which also sent the master to their asso- ciates, a pressing plant in Sweden. A year earlier, Mjöt had produced a very ambitious Christmas album called ‘Hvít er borg og bær’, where people like Björk, Megas and Miss Universe, Hólm- fríður "Hófí" Karlsdóttir, performed songs written by Ingibjörg Þorbergs. This had sold much less than expected, so a big debt was due in Sweden. The Swedes took the E-X single in pawn, and as the debt was never paid the single was never delivered and is probably col- lecting dust on some Ikea shelves some- where. The E-X boys have never even seen their own record, but they have heard of people who have seen it! THE BIRTH OF ‘CATASTROpHE-pOp’ In 1966 at age 16, amazing drummer Gunnar Jökull Hákonarson moved to London, where he landed a job with the band The Syn. This psychedelic pop band made two very good singles on Pye records, which Gunnar drums on. The band would eventually evolve into prog giants Yes—fame and fortune en- sued. Unfortunately, Gunnar had left the band by then, but he was for some time known in Iceland as "the drummer who nearly joined Yes". In Iceland, Gun- nar drummed on some great records with psych-rock legends Trúbrot before vanishing in early seventies (to live in Sweden). In 1995 he surprisingly returned in Iceland with his first solo album, ‘Ham- farir’ (“Catastrophe”), where he did not drum one beat, but preferred to perform his naive pop songs on some kind of a cheap Casio fun machine. His lyrics were crude and straight to the point with titles like ‘Kaffið mitt’ (“My Cof- fee”), ‘Hundurinn minn’ (“My Dog”) and ‘Bíllinn minn’ (“My Car”). Gunnar's weird music and strained vocals horri- fied his old fans but gained new ones, like Jón Gnarr and Sigurjón Kjartansson who played his stuff regularly on their Tvíhöfði radio show. The album's reception was not as overall welcoming as Gunnar had ex- pected. Unfortunately, nothing was heard from him musically afterwards, and he died in 2001 of Aids related causes. In honour of Gunnar's sincere al- bum ‘Catastrophe-pop’ has been the word used to describe similarly eccen- tric music released later on by people like Gissur Björn Eiríksson and Leoncie. 1 The cover of Jóhann G. Jóhannsson's Þögnin rofin / Brotinn gítar 7" 2 Reptilicus being cool in downtown Reykjavík, 1991 3 The Cover of Gunnar Jökull Hákonarson's ‘Hamfarir’ 1


Reykjavík Grapevine

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