Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.02.2011, Blaðsíða 6

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.02.2011, Blaðsíða 6
6 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 2 — 2011 Leaked | Cables Cables | Paul Fontaine-Nikolov By now, probably many of our readers have at least perused the diplomatic cables made available on WikiLeaks. We read with great interest the ones that came from the US embassy here in Reykjavík, and overall there are few surprises. But that doesn't mean there isn't some hilarious, heartbreaking, and fascinating material to be found. The following are some of the snippets that made us drop our jaws, provoking either laughter or sober pause. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Iceland and America – BFFs 4 LYFE “Iceland is reaching out with increasing desperation to any available source of help as it confronts one of the most trying cri- ses in its history. Assistance from the U.S. at this crucial time would be a prudent in- vestment in our own national security and economic well being. The Icelanders take fierce pride in their flawless history of pay- ing back their debt. Whatever the financial turmoil and uncertainty of the moment, it's a good bet that this economy of highly- educated, imaginative, and sophisticated people will take off again. And when it does, and when the competition in the High North really gets underway, it may be more important than we can yet suppose to have the Icelanders remember us as the kind of friend who stands by in fair weather and foul. ” -September 2008 On Iceland coming to terms with the base closing, the embassy offered this metaphor “If the universal stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, then some members of the Icelandic intelligentsia have now entered the anger stage. Arguably Reykjavik had been in denial from 2003 (or even earlier) until March 15. Post still anticipates eager Icelandic entry into bargaining as soon as a U.S. negotiating team can come to Reyk- javik.” -March 2006 Oh the irony “There is no question that certain imbal- ances have emerged in the Icelandic economy, including a high current account deficit, high inflation and high private sec- tor debt levels. It remains an open ques- tion, however, whether these imbalances render Iceland particularly vulnerable to an economic crisis. Financial analysts have articulately argued both sides of the case.” -April 2006 According to one of the Ameri- can diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, Mark Flanagan, chief of the IMF team in Iceland, advised the Icelandic government to encourage the restructuring of private sector debt outside of the legal system. In a December 2009 cable entitled ‘ICE- LAND NEEDS FINANCIAL AUSTER- ITY’, Sam Watson, the former charge d'affaires and current DCM at the US Embassy in Reykjavík, reported to the State Department that Flanagan im- plored Iceland “to look at ways to facili- tate debt restructuring outside of the courts.” In Watson's words, Flanagan offered the advice due to “the small size of the court system,” in which 48 judges preside over all cases. When asked to specify what sort of proceedings Flanagan was referring to and why he believed them to be nec- essary, an IMF spokesperson refused to comment, saying that it was rare for staff to comment on leaks. Despite Flanagan's concerns over the number of judges within the Ice- landic judicial system, according to, Iceland has the 16th highest number of judges per capita in the world; the United States—the coun- try with the largest prison population in the world—is ranked 22nd on the same list. WHAT dOES IT MEAN? With the majority of Icelanders equat- ing the IMF to the institutional version of a stranger with candy, it would come as little surprise if Flanagan's advice raised a few eyebrows. Already scep- tical of the IMF’s priorities, Icelanders are bound to wonder what Flanagan intended by advocating “debt restruc- turing outside of the courts,” especially when considering that the protracted legal battle over foreign currency in- dexed loans was awaiting an important judgment at the time the cable was wired. But for whatever reason Flanagan dished the wisdom in question, the government may have taken the ad- vice to heart. Prior to the completion of the IMF's most recent review—its fourth since credit lines were opened in 2008—the government announced plans to allocate additional resources to encourage debt-restructuring nego- tiations between troubled debtors and creditors. Typical debt restructuring scenarios include “bondholder hair- cuts”—when creditors agree to scale back interest payments to ensure the debtor's financial solvency—and debt- for-equity trades, whereby creditors downsize interest payments in return for a share of profits if the house or business is sold. In a letter to the IMF, the govern- ment detailed these plans, which are aimed at bringing heavily indebted households, small and medium enter- prises and their respective creditors to the bargaining table. To prod heav- ily burdened households towards non- litigious deliberations, the government has expanded funding for the Debtors' Ombudsman, and had the banks agree to offer a write-down of mortgages to 110% of the mortgaged asset's value. As far as troubled-but-viable small and medium enterprises are concerned, the government intends to incentivise debt restructuring. While it did not detail how it intended to enact such a plan in its letter to the IMF, the government stated that legislation concerning un- paid taxes resulting from debt and tax liabilities related to debt-write-down was imminent. The government also intends to offer a mortgage payment subsidy to lower income households in distress, which will be financed by a levy on financial transactions. “MORAL HAzARd” While such an agenda seems innocu- ous and forthright, it may not allay con- cerns that the deck will be stacked in favour of the banks when considering the legal challenges that may arise in the coming months. What might debt- ors lose by rushing into a quick settle- ment? If judges find that fraudulent acts perpetrated by bankers affect the status of certain loans, will squeezed households and businesses rue a hast- ily mediated settlement? And what if there are further rulings, which broad- en the number of unlawfully issued for- eign currency loans? Will households and small businesses regret dashing to restructure interest payments then? In the view of the IMF (and the gov- ernment), expedited voluntary settle- ments are crucial to Iceland's recovery because the situation is complicated by the fact that certain individuals and businesses are in arrears with a multi- tude of institutions. Moreover, Flanagan warned against the “moral hazard” of aiding “nonviable borrowers.” But while it can't be doubted that certain house- holds acted irresponsibly and don't deserve any assistance, couldn't the same be said for the old banks and their foreign creditors who have succeeded them? Is there not moral hazard in forcing heavily-indebted households to pony up cash when banking execu- tives' significant obligations vanish into thin air? And what ever happened to due diligence? Is a bondholder haircut the best way forward when bondholder chemotherapy isn't even on the table? “VOLUNTARY” AGREEMENTS The government and IMF believe that “across-the-board write-down of debt, case-by-case restructuring, reduc- tions in loan-to-value ratios across- the-board restructuring” would be “too costly and ineffective”. Yet they are also bent on recapitalising the banks, despite the fact that many MPs believe that the financial sector is still too large. Unsurprisingly, the government, intent on “fully restoring the health of the banking sector,” consulted the “cor- porate and banking sectors” when for- mulating its plans. Expect an Icelander with ties to the Social Democrats to own West Ham United by 2014. Whether IMF officials stir in their beds at night worrying about the wel- fare of Icelanders and the stability of Iceland, or whether they actually intend for the government to corral debtors into “voluntary” agreements when the law may have otherwise reduced their hardship, the Icelandic people could be forgiven for suspecting that the latter scenario is closer to the truth. With a litany of legal complaints surrounding matters related to debt and a public weary of close ties between the state and big business, it wouldn't be a stretch to predict that many households will take their chances with further liti- gation. Certainly this leak does nothing to improve the IMF's reputation as an opaque debt collector for multinational financiers, despite the best efforts of the IMF external relations department. It’s only natural for institutions to tiptoe around their skeletons; the man- ual for standard operating procedure at Guantanamo, for one, instructed guards to deceive the Red Cross. However, if dirty secrets exist, combing through re- cords might reveal more than expected. Like Julian Assange said in a recent in- terview with The Guardian: “Any form of large-scale abuse must be system- ised." IMF Urged “debt Restructuring Outside Courts” “Whether IMF officials stir in their beds at night worrying about the welfare of Icelanders and the stability of Iceland, or whether they actually intend for the government to corral debtors into “voluntary” agreements when the law may have otherwise reduced their hardship, the Icelandic people could be forgiven for suspecting that the latter scenario is closer to the truth.” Words Sam Knight Photography Hörður Sveinsson How to win friends and influence Ice- landers: get them drunk and talk about sports, apparently “Cultural programming is a key element of Embassy Reykjavik's public outreach, which aims to foster a positive image of the U.S. among Icelandic citizens and, especially, elites. ... Even sophisticated, worldly Icelanders act immensely flattered by an invitation to be the Chief of Mission's guests, and by all appearances they leave such events in a haze of warm feelings about transatlantic relations. [...] What we tend to end up doing most often is in effect to stretch our budget by providing duty-free alcohol for receptions at exhibit openings and art festivals. Because alco- hol is highly taxed in Iceland, our gifts of wine for receptions strike Icelanders as far more generous than they actually are. In return for these gifts we get thanked on in- vitations and publicity materials prepared by the event sponsors, and we get invita- tions for our staff to attend events along with high society. Then we use the events to hobnob, make connections, and talk up U.S. policy. [...] We spend a lot of time try- ing to explain U.S. policies, for example, in the war on terror. But with many audienc- es—especially an Icelandic audience that has no personal experience of terrorism or war—these days, no amount of explaining is going to win support or even sympathy for these policies. Sometimes it seems like the best we can do is distract people from policies they find repugnant with marvel- lous cultural and sports programming that focuses them on America's ongoing spec- tacular contribution to world heritage.” -December 2005. More online!ICELANd dIPLOMATIC CABLES EXPLOREd Some of you might remember Sam Knight from last year's 'TUSSUGATE' controversy on our website. Note: not actual 'diplomatic cables'. You should head to, explore those cables and send us any interesting finds to


Reykjavík Grapevine

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