Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2011, Síða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2011, Síða 8
 8 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 11 — 2011 Reactions | Norway tragedy Words Have Consequences I do not believe Anders Beh- ring Breivik is insane. Certainly, his murderous rampage was horrific and cruel. His targets were young, innocent, and defenceless. How their deaths will further his avowed goal of removing Muslims from Norway is beyond me. Insanity, however, is characterised by a lack of reason, a lack of cohesive- ness in one’s view of the world. Breivik acted in a rational manner, if you share his worldview. In his eyes, the political parties—especially those on the left— represented a direct danger to the indigenous Norwegian culture due to their policies on immigration and civil rights. His fight was not with the Mus- lims, whom he regarded as less than human, but with those within his nation who were allowing the enemy into the Homeland. There would be no point in purg- ing the country of the Islamic infection without first cutting off the means by which the infection was entering the body. The internal traitors are, in his eyes, the immediate enemy. Therefore, they (and their children) must die. It would be overly simplistic to place all the blame on the right wing extrem- ists in northern Europe and North America. The values of traditional Islam are, to some degree, incompatible with the values of a liberal society. The treat- ment of women in many Muslim coun- tries is abominable. The pronounce- ment of death sentences on those who convert from Islam is barbaric. Nonetheless, the bloggers and politicians who inspired Breivik must be held accountable for their creation of an alternate universe in which his actions are perfectly logical. As Hitler taught us, words have consequences and calls for purification of the nation can lead to particularly gruesome con- sequences. Unfortunately, Breivik’s views cor- respond exactly to the hatred and igno- rance spewed 24/7 by media like Faux News (they like to call themselves Fox News) and then echoes endlessly via smaller outposts—it’s become impos- sible in some states of the US to find a radio station that broadcasts anything but delusional Christian fundamentalist propaganda. This extremism, which has become the greatest threat to civilized societies, is not about churches and congrega- tions. It’s about a way of thinking, with its own culture, celebrities, and fulltime poison pens, like Ann Coulter: “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christian- ity.” The description of Breivik—extreme right-wing anti-government, anti-im- migrant Christian fundamentalist gun- lover—could in fact fit the GOP’s new Congress members. These gun- and bible-bearing extremists hate Obama and liberals and despise education and knowledge: who needs that when you have a direct line to the heavenly par- ent. Tea Party members show up armed (and dangerous) at county and city hall meetings. At the Republican Na- tional Convention a fan of Sarah Palin screamed about the President of the United States, to the audience’s delight, “Obama is a terrorist, kill him!” The politicians themselves also sug- gest homicidal encouragements. GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle said in an interview, “people are really look- ing toward those Second Amendment remedies…what can we do to turn this country around? …the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.” “This rhetoric is not cost-free,” a former C.I.A. officer and a consultant on terrorism told the New York Times. Before last year’s elections many had asked Palin—who encouraged voters to “reload and aim” at Democrats—to tone down her violent rhetoric. One of those was Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who warned of its possible “consequences.” She was to discover a few months later just how horribly per- sonal those consequences would be when she was shot in the head during a murderous rampage by another right- wing extremist. We should not kid ourselves into believing that this could not happen in Iceland. As much as any other society, we divide the world into Us and Them. We happily imported workers from Po- land and the Baltic states when times were good, but we were more than glad to show them the door when things got tough. Our politicians are as willing to stoop to demagoguery as politicians anywhere, and Icelandic poison pens, who blog about raping and beating up politicians they don’t like, are no differ- ent than their foreign hatemongers. It is ironic that in the decade since 9/11 the US might have changed from a nation that considered itself the world’s model of democracy and justice to its foremost exporter of hatred and vio- lence. But mass annihilation no longer requires national military actions. As Anders Behring Breivik has shown us, and Timothy McVeigh before him, it only takes one. “We have met the en- emy, and he is us.” Bin Laden must be laughing in Hell. In a very short time the discourse following last week's right-wing terrorist attacks in Norway reached both absurd and scary heights, with one of the best examples being American TV and radio host Glenn Beck's attempt to justify the mass murderer by comparing the Social Democratic youth camp in Utøya with the Hitler Youth. In Ice- land, it was the writings of Björn Bjarnason, a right-wing conservative and Iceland's Min- ister of Justice from 2003 to 2009. Only a day after the attacks, Björn, who systematically voiced what he called “the need” for the establishment of an army-like police force when he was Minister of Justice, wrote on his website (—one of Iceland's oldest blog-sites, frequently quoted by journalists—that the Norwegian state, with its powerful secret police force, should have all the necessary tools to fight the threat of terrorism. According to Björn, this police force keeps a strict eye on potential terror- ist cells—groups that operate “in service of political ideals” or “under the banner of en- vironmentalism or nature conservation.” Following this came a paragraph about the current Minister of Interior Ögmundur Jónasson who has talked about granting the police proactive investigation permits to fight against organised crime, political activists and environmentalists presumably excluded. But as the murderer in Oslo and Utøya had a political agenda, Björn argues that environmentalists are likely to act the same. Therefore, he concludes that the en masse slaughter of teenagers should teach the Icelandic authorities a lesson and en- courage them to establish a secret police to fight environmentalists. Anyone who reads through the Oslo- Utøya-murderer manifesto knows that he sees himself as a warrior in a fight for the creation of a conservative, Christian, fascist, masculine, homophobic, militaristic, na- tionalistic West. Surely he takes a step fur- ther than most fascists by using Dark Ages imagery, explicit language and an extremely violent strategy to market his ideas, but his written manifest is only an extreme version of the same ideas preached by the more so- phisticated everyday right-wing conserva- tives, the Icelandic ones not excluded. Thus it makes sense, if wanting to prevent further mass murders á la Anders Breivik, that one should look deeply into the growing fascist rhetoric in Western political discourse today. Shooting an island full of teenagers has never been the tactic of radical environ- mentalists who usually take action without threatening lives, but in the eyes of Björn Bjarnason and his like-minded people, a special secret police force should be formed to step on them and their rights. While some people might want to dismiss what the former Minister of Justice writes, it should in fact be taken extremely seriously that he finds it reasonable to use the Nor- wegian mass murder to re-examine his old fight against environmentalists—a fight in which he is far away from being alone. Now it is our responsibility to stop him and his comrades in arms—wherever they are stand politically—from being able to capitalise on last week's events and thereby realising their fantasies. Opinion | Snorri Páll Jónsson Úlfhildarson Shoot Teenagers and Fight Environmentalists “Nonetheless, the bloggers and politicians who inspired Breivik must be held accountable for their creation of an alternate universe in which his actions are perfectly logical.” ÍRIS ERLINGSDóTTIR JIANG JIANG


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