Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2011, Síða 15

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2011, Síða 15
| | | | | 24 hour booking service (+354) 54 0 13 13 Visit our sales office downtown at Lækjartorg square ( Like-yar-torg), call (+354) 540 1313 or go to AH37 In the Footsteps of Leifur Eiríksson AH11/12/13 The Golden Circle (see also background image) AH36 Vestmannaeyjar AH39 Cruise at Breiðafjörður Bay AH130 Golden Cir- cle & Glacier Lake AH117 Blue Ice In the spotlight: Passenger reviews: (read more reviews at Gow wrote: Friday, July 22, 2011 - AH29 The Blue La- goon “Our large family with a lot of luggage was not what the tour driver expected. But Gray Line’s staff was ex- tremely friendly and went well out of their way to accommo- date us, seamlessly switching to larger coach and delivering us directly to our hotel door. The patience and friendliness we were shown reflects well on the culture at Gray Line in &Day Tours, Activities Airport Express Shuttle AH35 South Coast & Jökulsárlón AH32 Landmanna- laugar by bus Reykjavik and on Iceland as a place to visit for families, and is the kind of thing that makes you want to return often.” Shores wrote: Friday, July 22, 2011 - AH37 In the Foot- steps of Leifur Eiríksson “With family in the U.S.and Norway, to actually be in the ‘ruins-home’ where Leif Ei- riksson was born, was over- whelming! The reconstructed home and presentation was excellent and informative. We learned of Iceland’s farming practices from the dairy owner and ate the best skyr in the country! The mu- seum and stroll through the trolls was equally as de- lightful. This tour is a must!! Thanks for a perfect day.”


Reykjavík Grapevine

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