Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2011, Side 71

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2011, Side 71
For further informations on upcoming events and concerts go to: THE GREEN HAT AKUREYRI conce rt ve nue i n Ak ureyr i Best little CONCERTS: Fri. 29. jul. Hjálmar Sat. 30. jul. Hjálmar Sun. 31. jul. Bravó Fri. 5. aug. Odinn Vald Tribute Concert Sat. 6. aug. Odinn Vald Tribute Concert Thu. 11. aug. Valdimar Fri. 12. aug. Dúndurfréttir Sat. 13. aug. Gylfi, Rúnar & Megas Thu. 1. sep. Mezzoforte | | Restaurant in the oldest house in Akureyri Hafnarstræti 11, telephone: 461-2900 O U T S I D E R V K in july & august Outside Reykjavík | Venue finder Keflavík Suðsuðvestur Hafnargata 22 230 Reykjanesbær 421-2225 Borgarnes The Icelandic Settlement Centre Brákarbraut 13-15 310 Borgarnes 437-1600 Mývatn Mývatnsstofa Hraunvegi 8 660 Mývatn 464-4390 Stykkishólmur Vatnasafnið / Library of Water Akureyri Akureyri Art Museum Kaupvangsstræti 12 600 Akureyri 461 2610 Græni Hatturinn Hafnarstræti 96 600 Akureyri 461-4646 Kunstraum Wohnraum Ásabyggð 2 600 Akureyri Egilsstaðir Sláturhúsið Kaupvangi 7 700 Egilsstaðir 470-0692 Seyðisfjörður Skaftfell Austurvegur 42 710 Seyðisfjörður 472-1632 Hveragerði LÁ Art Austurmörk 21 210 Hveragerði 483-1727 artists Asa Olafsdottir, Bryndis Jonsdottir, Kristin Geirsdóttir & Magdalena Margrét Kjartansdóttir Opened all summer Thursday to Sunday Gamli Baukur, Húsavík 15:30 Comedy show about Iceland Everyday Gerðarsafn, Kópavogur Fellow Icelanders Two installations by Árni Páll Jóhanns- son and Finnbogi Pétursson Runs until July 31 Gljúfrasteinn - Laxness Museum, Mosfellsbær The home of Halldór Laxness, Iceland's beloved writer who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1955. Open 09:00-17:00 daily On permanent view The Ghost Centre, Stokkseyri Night at the Ghost Museum Feel like a scary night in the Fisherman’s hut inside the Ghost Centre? Only for brave people! Ghosts and spirits of the South Guided tour for groups of ten people or more through the lowlands south of Selfoss where many ghosts, spirits and other spiritual beings live Hafnarborg, Hafnarfjörður Ingenuity Einar Thorsteinn Asgeirsson’s ideas of design stem from his conviction that ingenuity, can build a better world. Runs until August 14 Collection exhibition The collection includes works by contemporary artists from early 20th century which explores Icelandic art history, ranging from important works by the considered pioneers of Icelandic art to the more experimental art of today. Runs until August 14 Hlaðan, Vogum á Vatnsleysuströnd Spiritual cocoon Sound installation by Kira Kira & Graham Keegan. Runs until August 13 Hveragerði Images of Thingvellir The exhibition deals with the various manifestations of Thingvellir in various art, design, cartography, photography, travel books and media of the day. Runs until August 21 The Icelandic Settlement Centre, Borgarnes The Settlement Exhibition Tells the story of Iceland ś settlement by Viking sailors who left Norway and settled in Iceland On permanent view The Egils Saga Exhibition The exhibition concentrates one of Iceland's famous most famous Vikings and poets, Egil Skallagrímsson On permanent view Ketilhúsið, Akureyri Exhibition by artists Jóhanna Friðfinns- dóttir, ceramic, & Dröfn Friðfinnsdóttir, graphics Runs until August LÁ Art, Hvergerði Images of Þingvellir from various artists. Runs until August 21 Mjólkurbúðin, Akureyri Nostalgia Tourist Ceramic works by Guðrún Ólafsdóttir and photographs by Brand Ólafsson Until July 31 Old herring factory, Djúpavík Pictures - And their sounds Combination of photographs and sounds by Claus Sterneck Runs until August 31 200+ pictures Collection of 200 pictures taken in Iceland by Claus Sterneck Runs until August 31 Pompei of the North, Westman Islands Excavations project at the site of 1973 volcanic eruption on the island of Heimaey On permanent view Reykjanes Art Museum, Reykjanesbær On permanent view Safnasafnið, Akureyri Exhibition by artists Guðrún Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir, Sólveig Aðalsteinsdóttir & Þóra Sigurðardóttir Runs until September Safnahús Museum, Westman Islands This museum has mounted birds & fish, an aquarium, as well as a variety of rocks and minerals on display On permanent view Skaftfell, Seyðisfjörður The Narrative Collection A collection of narratives from inhabit- ants of Seyðisfjörður Runs until August 13 Sláturhúsið, Egilsstaðir Seasons (Vertíð) Music, art and stage art. Runs until August 13 If you can´t get it in Kaupfélag then you don´t need it A look at Sláturhús history Runs until August 21 OUTSIDE MUSIC 30 |SAT 1862 Nordic Bistro, Akureyri 13:00 Live Music Græni Hatturinn, Akureyri 22:00 Hjálmar Miðgarður, Varmahlíð 20:30 Óperutöfrar, 3000 ISK Sláturhúsið, Egilsstaðir 16:00 Auxpan, Helgi Örn, Konrad Korabiewski & Litten 31 |SUN Akureyri Church, Akureyri 17:00 Summer concert Græni Hatturinn, Akureyri 23:00 Bravó 1 |MON Herðubreið, Seyðisfjörður 16:00 Concert and dance in the spirit of old Icelandic 50's music, 1000 ISK 6 |SAT 1862 Nordic Bistro, Akureyri 13:00 Live Music Blúskjallarinn, Neskaupstaður 21:00 Auxpan, Helgi Örn, Konrad Korabiewski & Litten 11 |THU Græni Hatturinn, Akureyri 21:00 Valdimar OUTSIDE ART OPENINGS Akureyri 'Ein með öllu' Festival July 29 This an annual event takes place the weekend before the first Monday in Au- gust. The line-up is diverse and a great number of Icelandic bands will perform alongside other artists, happenings and entertainment. Runs until July 31 Skaftfell, Seyðisfjörður Gardenparty - The Mountain Woman Fellowship July 31 Performances, music, snacks and sauna. OUTSIDE ONGOING ART Akureyri Summer Festival of the Arts Akureyri and north Iceland, Mid-June until end of August. Concerts, visual arts etc. Runs until August 28 Akureyri Art Museum, Akureyri Call Home The exhibition includes paintings, sculp- tures, embroidery, drawings, models, souvenirs, puppets, toys and tools, as well as interesting library. Runs until August 21 Borgarfjordur Museum, Borganes Iceland in the 20th century A beautiful exhibit, showing life and surroundings of the people in Iceland, especially children, in the 20th century. Open every day from 13:00 to 18:00. Runs until September Búrfell Plant, Þjórsárdalur Geothermal Energy Exhibit An interactive exhibit about geothermal Flóra, Akureyri Local fact 4 Video-installation by artist Arna Valsdót- tir. Runs until August Gallerí Lækjarkoti, Borgarbyggð Collection of watercolors, acrylics, photographs and video works by women


Reykjavík Grapevine

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