Reykjavík Grapevine - 26.08.2011, Blaðsíða 34

Reykjavík Grapevine - 26.08.2011, Blaðsíða 34
Always best price online. Various online-offers to all Air Iceland's destinations. / tel. +354 570 3030 Contact Air Iceland or travel agent for reservation. ÍS L E N S K A S IA .I S F L U 5 13 93 0 9/ 20 10 KEFLAVÍK BORGARNES STYKKISHÓLMUR SNÆFELLSJÖKULL DRANGAJÖKULL FLATEY NESKAUPSTAÐUR BLÖNDUÓS SIGLUFJÖRÐUR BOLUNGARVÍK HRÍSEY NARSARSSUAQ Greenland FAROE ISLANDS REYKJAVÍK AKUREYRI EGILSSTAÐIR ÍSAFJÖRÐUR VOPNAFJÖRÐUR ÞÓRSHÖFN HÚSAVÍK GRÍMSEY KULUSUK Greenland Blue Lagoon AKRANES Geysir Gullfoss Jökullónið Kárahnjúkar Kraa Hallormstaður NUUK Greenland ILULISSAT Greenland CONSTABLE POINT Greenland 34 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 13 — 2011 Travel | Djúpivogur Djúpivogur is reportedly one of Iceland’s most beautiful small towns. We spent sixteen hours there, and we have no idea if that assertion is true. For Djúpivogur is also reportedly one of Iceland’s foggiest towns, with popular myth claiming that it sees on average 212 fog days per year (this has been disproved, but residents agree that Djúpiv- ogur is still a pretty damn foggy place). While we were in Djúpivogur, the fog was so thick that we could barely see our own hands. We still loved it. Djúpivogur is a lovely town. Home to some 450 residents (according to lo- cals and some travel brochure we found, internet statistics claim the number of residents is 352), Djúpivogur is a fishing hamlet in East Iceland. It lies on the Búlandsnes peninsula, in-between the fjords Berufjörður and Hamarsfjörður. The region has been populated since Iceland was settled; Djúpivogur is thought to be formally founded in 1589, when Hanseatic merchants from Hamburg set up shop there. The town is well suited towards fishing, as it is close to great fishing grounds and has an excellent natural harbour site. Djúpivogur sees lots of tourists in the summer. It is a very popular destination for bird-watching (dozens of species of birds nest and cavort there), especially the island of Papey (to which one can travel by ferry every day)—it is loaded full of myth and history, it has a famous church and it’s full of birds! Djúpivogur is also very conveniently situ- ated for travellers that wish to see some of the Eastfjords but daren’t venture any further east. THE PARTY SCENE IN DJÚPIVOGUR Enjoying some damn good coffee and slices of cake at restaurant Langabúð (which is located in an impressive merchant’s building that was constructed in 1790 and has been thoroughly remodelled—it’s like a shinier, larger version of Ísafjörður’s Tjöruhús), we learned about local his- tory and the current climate from a pair of locals. They tell us that Langabúð acts as a bar on week- ends, open ‘til one, and that things often get quite rowdy in the old hose. Then, when the fun stops at Langabúð, the crew usually takes off to the local hotel, Hótel Framtíð, which operates a bar in its basement. One of the locals, twenty-something Íris Birgis- dóttir, explains that they can never be sure if the hotel bar is open: “The bar is located in the hotel’s basement, directly underneath two of the hotel rooms. The proprietors try and book those rooms the last, but if they are rented out the bar stays closed. In such cases, we usually find a house party to attend.” Íris then shows us where the locals like to go when the partying is dying down: right by town, locals have constructed two geothermal hot pots that are perfect for sipping beers in as the sun comes up. We won’t tell you were they are, but we will say that they are just perfect. If you are interested in soaking there, you should befriend a local. THE GOOD KIND OF REMOTE We walk through the fog, towards the town’s camping grounds. It must be said that Djúpivogur has one of the more impressive campsites we’ve come across in Iceland. It is perfectly sheltered and sort of lovely quaint looking—and it is smack dab in the middle of town, right next to everything (including the liquor store!). The service house, where the bathrooms and such are located, is even so lovely that they’ve seen reason to hang up a sign: “DO NOT TRY TO SLEEP IN HERE!!!” We drop by at a local designer’s studio, Arfle- ifd, which has operated out of Djúpivogur for just over a year. One Ágústa Margrét Arnardóttir de- signs creates clothing and accessories there out of local traditional materials such as leather, horn, wool and horse hair. There are several noteworthy Words Haukur S. Magnússon Photography Julia Staples “ This is remote, but you never feel it, and the locals never sound like it. It seems like the kind of remote that people seek out, a shelter if you will. A Foggy Heaven Seriously, check out Djúpivogur! It's awesome! And hurry! Winter's almost here! Djúpivogur is a shelter
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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