Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.07.2013, Síða 30

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.07.2013, Síða 30
tel. 578 Lækjargata 8 Opening hours: mon-thu 11:30-23 fri 11:30-06 sat 12-06 & sun 12-23 Heavenly pizzas! Home delivery See our menu at Things They Like Reykjavík Institutions Aka ‘The Untouchables’ Thomas Brorsen activist Naree Thai on Frakkastígur is my favourite place. Consider- ing that it is so affordable, the food is amazingly good. It’s au- thentic Thai with wonderful surroundings and the best service in Reykjavík, ever! This is a place I go with family, groups of friend or on romantic dates (that don't have to cost 20,000 ISK). Parker Yamasaki Californian I like the tastes of Reykjavík. Not necessarily the cuisine, but particular tastes. Like black liquorice, for instance. Back home people turn their mouths downward and crinkle their nose at its mention, here not only do the markets carry it, but they ded- icate entire sections to it in all of its glorious forms. Then there's the cream. You get cream on the side of, well, nearly everything. I've been served ice cream with a side of cream, and it wasn't redundant at all. And I can't overlook the kókómjólk (chocolate milk) phenomenon. I've never seen so many grown men sucking on juice boxes of chocolate milk, and making it look so good. Vigdís Hauksdóttir, MP for the Progressive Party The Austurvöllur parliamentary square is a place I hold dear to heart, as it really improves Reykjavík as a whole. It’s a great place for outdoor activities and you know spring has arrived when Austurvöllur gets packed. It is a dignified and charming place that’s been preserved for many decades, and it becomes the heart of Reykjavík on June 17, Iceland’s national day. The policy is of course to maintain the square and safeguard the houses surrounding it. Auður Student I loved sitting down at Hemmi og Valdi and enjoying a beer with friends. Now that place has shut down, but the Bunk bar is also great, especially if you get a seat out back. Dóra Kolka Teaching assistant I often go to the Blue Lagoon, especially during the winter months. It’s a fantastic place to chill out and just melt away. Jón Gnarr Mayor of Reykjavík Reykjavík is a very cosmopolitan city where everything is with- in walking distance. I love walking through the city, looking at houses and enjoying society. Halla Helgadóttir Executive director of the Icelandic Design Centre For the greatest part of my life, I’ve lived on Ásvallagata in the old west end of Reykjavík, and it has left a strong impression on me. The location is great, and it has just the right variety of single houses and block flats there. The gardens on the street are great, too. I also love the centre of Reykjavík as it is constantly evolv- ing. Just look at the Laugavegur shopping street and how it keeps renewing and reinventing itself. It has become more beautiful and greener, and you run into a lot of fun people. There are also a lot of great restaurants downtown. I walk a lot through the city, and it is always a treat, reminding me how great it is to live here. Through compiling our second annual best of list back when, we reached the conclusion that some of these places are so firmly established as local favourites that naming them “best of” anything is sort of redundant. Furthermore, we thought having to compete with local fa- vourites was almost unfair to all the new places trying to make their name. There will only ever be one Ísbúð Vesturbæjar, and it will probably remain Reykjavík’s favourite ice cream joint for as long as they don’t mess up horribly. That shouldn’t mean we can’t get excited and dish out props to other ice cream vendors. We came up with a solution that would give us a chance to honour some of the perennial local favourites while still giving props to new and exciting places. We simply made a category that we call REYKJAVÍK INSTITUTIONS. What makes a ‘REYKJAVÍK INSTITUTION’? By our defini- tion, a ‘REYKJAVÍK INSTITUTION’ is a place or entity that’s time and time again proven itself as one of the best of its kind, and has remained a must-visit through the years. When achieving INSTITUTION status, an establishment is automati- cally disqualified from winning any ‘best of’ categories, be- cause you’re beyond being ‘best,’ having been all consistently awesome for a long, long time. A REYKJAVÍK INSTITUTION is a must-visit for tourists to Reykjavík. A REYKJAVÍK INSTITUTION will retain its status as such until it starts sucking, in which case we will ceremoniously re- move them from our list next year. Without further ado, here are our REYKJAVÍK INSTITU- TIONS, along with some choice reader and specialist quotes that argue their status: KAFFIBARINN “Despite some ups and downs, Kaffibarinn has remained the undisputed reigning champion of Reykjavík nightlife and drink- ing for well over a decade. They are a true nightlife institution.” BÆJARINS BESTU “Everyone goes there. All the time. For over 70 years now. Not exactly gourmet dining, but a really freaking great snack none- theless.” ÍSBÚÐ VESTURBÆJAR “It’s hard to explain the charm to outsiders, just tell them to go there. The ever-present queue speaks for itself.” HORNIÐ “For a restaurant to remain so consistently on top of its game for over thirty years is one huge achievement. They are cosy, dependable and ever-tasty.” MOKKA “They brought ‘coffee’ to Iceland, pretty much”. TÍU DROPAR “Quintessentially Icelandic in every way. The coffee, the cake, the vibe. If I were to point a visiting friend to ‘the essence of Iceland,’ this is where I would send him.” KOLAPORTIÐ “If Kolaportið weren’t around, we’d need to establish it imme- diately, lest we vanish back to the dark ages of commerce.” BÓKIN – BÓKABÚÐ BRAGA “It’s hard to imagine Reykjavík without it. So let’s not.” BRYNJA “This neighbourhood hardware store almost predates Laugavegur, and they always serve you with a smile (and don’t mind throwing in some good advice when needed).” AUSTUR-INDÍA FÉLAGIÐ “Probably your safest bet for fine dining in Iceland, period.” JÓMFRÚIN “This Danish ‘smørrebrød’ house provides a unique atmo- sphere and taste you won’t find elsewhere in town... or in the world for that matter.” PRIKIÐ “Serving old men their morning coffee since way back, and somehow combining that with serving beer and hip hop to young folks since the late ‘90s. And burgers. And milkshakes. A one of a kind place with spirit and soul.” SUNDHÖLL REYKJAVÍKUR “The Guðjón Samúelsson designed Sundhöll Reykjavíkur with its maze of locker rooms is a beautiful building, and the nude sunbathing facilities, soothing hot pots and an atmosphere that has remained relatively unchanged since the 1930s all add to its appeal. While some of Reykjavík’s other pools might of- fer more diversity, Sundhöll Reykjavíkur remains a unique and enduring local favourite.” --- Feel like we missed one? Drop us a line at explaining why a given place should be merited INSTITUTION status, and we shall consider it for our 2014 edition! by Tómas Gabríel Benjamin 30The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 9 — 2013


Reykjavík Grapevine

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