Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.07.2013, Side 64

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.07.2013, Side 64
OUTSIDE REYKJAVÍK North Iceland Akureyri All over Akureyri Aðalheiður S. Eysteinsdóttir - Funda- mentals June 22 - August 11 The culmination of an ongoing project since 2008, Fundamentals examines the importance of the Icelandic sheep and agriculture. The show will be shown simultaneously at the following venues: Listagilið, Ketilhúsið, Deiglan, Mjólkurbúðin, Populus Tremula, the Visual Arts Hall and Flóra. Akureyrarkirkja Guðný Einarsdóttir July 7, 17:00 The organist, Guðný Einarsdóttir, will play at Akureyri’s church. Free admission. Peter Maté July 14, 17:00 The pianist, Peter Maté, will play at Akureyri’s church. Free admission. Græni Hatturin Ljótu Hálfvitarnir July 5, 22:00, July 6, 16:00 & 22:00 Ljótu Hálfvitarnir band playing a set! Family concert is at 16:00, and regular sets at 22:00. Tickets for day concert are 2,000 ISK and evening 2,500 ISK, available at The Saints of Boogie Street - Leonard Cohen Tribute July 11, 21:00 The Saints of Boogie Street with singers Ester Jökulsdóttir and Soffíu Karlsdóttir will perform the best songs of Leonard Cohen. Valdimar July 12, 22:00 One of Iceland’s most popular bands at the moment, Valdimar, at Akureyri’s most popular gig venue. Eivør July 13, 22:00, July 14, 21:00 The Faroese singer Eivør plays all the soft notes on her guitar. Tickets available 3.500 ISK. Kartöflugeymslan Art Gallery Hlynur Hallsson June 10 - July 12 Hlynur Hallsson displays a selection of works from the past 10 years along with some new pieces. They include photographs, texts, spray paintings, prints and more. A new book is also being released. Lystigarður (Akureyri Botanical Garden) ÁLFkonur (Women’s Photography Club) - LYSTSEMDIR June 28 - September 3 An eclectic group of photography enthusiasts, ÁLFkonur are in the habit of taking photos of everything that concerns them. Siglufjörður All over Siglufjörður Siglufjörður Folk Music Festival July 3-7 This cultural event consists of Icelandic folk ballads, folk dance, courses and lectures. Prices vary. Dalvík Berg Culture House Þorri Hringsson 6 July - 31 July Þorri Hringsson art exhibition. Free admission. Brother Grass Band 19 July, 21:00 Brother Grass Band will have a concert in Berg. The band is formed by brothers, Ösp and Örn, who are from the valley Svarfaðardalur. Byggðasafnið Hvoll á Dalvík The North In The North June 2 - March 1 2014 An exhibit about Greenland and artifacts from there. Húsavík Gamli Baukur “Lets Talk Local” Comedy Show Every day at 15:30 A daily hour-long comedy show at 15:30. The show is presented in English and takes listeners on an entertaining and informative journey through Húsavík. Hrísey All over Hrísey Hrísey Independence Day Family Festival July 12-14 The second largest island in Iceland, Hrísey, pretends to be a sovereign nation for a weekend. Guests at this family festival pass through customs and get their “Hrísey passport” stamped. East Iceland Egilsstaðir Sláturhúsið Icelandic Movie Days June 4 - August 28 All summer long Sláturhúsið holds free showings of must-see Icelandic movies, every night from Monday - Thursday beginning at 8 PM. Showing start the week of June 4, check their Facebook page for this week’s titles! Seyðisfjörður Skaftafell Center for Visual Art Bananas June 17 - August 26 In this evolving exhibit, Danish artists group A Kassen explores the connection between Icelandic nature, bananas and aluminium, as the artists in residence at Skaftfell from June through July. South Iceland Hafnarfjörður Hafnarborg Existence - Eiríkur Smith June 29 - August 25 This exhibition of Eiríkur Smith’s oil paintings, watercolours and drawings from 1968-1982, deals with questions of existence. Hveragerði LÁ Art The Landscape of Time - Ásgrímur Jónsson and Arngunnur Ýr June 9 - September 15 The exhibition showcases two Wraaaaroragorashhhhptttty! Eistnaflug July 12-14 Do you like metal? You can't really say yes if you haven't been to Eistna- flug yet. This is where Icelandic metalheads converge every year to party with the best and brightest bands on the scene, and you'd best be there or be boring. The festival is so cool, that it even has its own art festival at- tached, Natas á Neskavpsstað, where doom and gloom reign supreme. So bring a tent, stock up on beer, hot dogs, and corpse-paint, and get ready for pure fucking armageddon! TGB O U T SI D E REYKJAVÍK IN JULY RUB23 | Aðalstræti 2 | 101 Reykjavík | Phone: +354 553 5323 | RUB23 | Kaupvangsstræti 6 | 600 Akureyri | Phone: +354 462 2223 | THREE Course Menu Sushi – Lamb or fish – Chocolate Kr. 6.990-


Reykjavík Grapevine

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