Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.10.2011, Blaðsíða 22

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.10.2011, Blaðsíða 22
22 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 16 — 2011 A New Force In Icelandic Heavy Metal Music | Metal Bankastræti Læ kja rg at a Austurstræti HafnarstrætiAð al st ræ ti Geirsgata Harpa Tryggvagata G ar ða st ræ ti Find us at Tryggvagata 11, 101 Reykjavík EXPERIENCE THE FORCE OF NATURE Our two excellent films on eruptions in Iceland start on the hour every hour. The films are shown in english except at 09:00 and 21:00 when they are in german. Volcano House also has an excellent café, Icelandic design shop and booking service for travels within Iceland. Opening hours: 8:30 - 23:00 Skálmöld have established them- selves at the forefront of Icelandic Heavy Metal with their debut album and a slew of well-attended, impec- cably executed concerts. I first saw them in action when I attended the release show for their debut album ‘Baldur,’ and I was properly blown away. I am not a heavy metal fan, but I have re- spect for all kinds of music. I had heard Skálmöld’s debut album, and liked what I heard. I was not sure what expect from the concert, however; would their live show live up to expectations set by ‘Baldur’? I left that show convinced that Skálmöld had a great future ahead of them, and that they are most likely the best heavy metal band Iceland has borne as of yet. The band had only played a hand- ful of dates before their release show at Tjarnarbíó earlier this year. They per- formed ‘Baldur’ in its entirety, from start to finish, with narration, a slide show and films adding to the experience. They performed like the professionals they are, never missing a beat and even adding an extra guitar lick here and there. The house was packed with rock fans, old and young. I was so blown away that I decided to call them up that following morning to learn more about the band. I got in touch with guitarist Þráinn Árni Baldvinsson, who told me their story so far. HEAVY METAL DREAMS Skálmöld was formed in the autumn of 2009. The members come from various local groups (Ampop, Hraun, Klamedia X, Trassar, Innvortis and Ljótu hálfvi- tarnir, to name a few), some of them dance bands, some pop, some ambient and some punk bands—but no heavy metal ones. Bibbi, Snæbjörn Ragnarsson, bass player, singer and lyricist, put the band together. “Bibbi was the one who set it all in motion. Calling people, and as- sembling his dream band,” Þráinn told me over the phone. It is interesting that none of them come from the capital city. Bibbi and his brother, guitarist, multi instrumentalist and singer Baldur, hail from Húsavík, the whale and penis-museum watching town in the north, along with singer and guitarist Björgvin Sigurðsson. Þráinn Árni Baldvinsson, guitarist and singer, and Gunnar Ben, keyboardist and sing- er, are farm boys from the north, and Jón Geir Jóhannsson, who plays the drums and sings, comes from Ísafjörður, on the northwest corner of Iceland. Skálmöld’s members also engage in music teach- ing and choir conducting, and they still play in other bands too. They are a busy lot. Rumour has it that the band and the album ‘Baldur’ began life as a folk rock project. Indeed, one senses strong folk influences on the album. “Yes, this was going to be a folk-band, you would have liked our Fairport Convention influenc- es,” Þráinn tells me. “That said, we were going to play rock but with flutes and various folky instruments accompany- ing the guitars. Our guitarist Baldur was to play the flutes and other instruments more than his guitar. However, it soon evolved into metal, with three guitars!” He continues: “The last one to join was choir conductor Gunnar Ben, who is the only one who does not have a history in heavy metal. He was very en- thusiastic though, and he soon made all the extra sounds we needed, giving Baldur room to shine on his guitar in- stead of playing flutes!” “Bibbi had the original idea in his mind, the story, the lyrics and the text. That was the framework and we all contributed to the songs. The album draws from the Sagas and from Nordic Mythology, which puts it in a category with metal bands from Norway and Germany, along with Faeroe Islands. Týr are sometimes called Viking Rock.” 2011: A BUSY YEAR The band has signed a three record deal with Austria’s Napalm Records. ‘Baldur’ was released worldwide on July 27, to great acclaim, and Skálmöld start promoting it at the Wacken Metal Festival in August. The band is at the time of writing on tour in Europe, with a gruelling schedule of 24 consecu- tive gigs. “It will hopefully promote the album well. We’re touring as a part of the Heidenfest tour, where Viking metal bands from all over the world tour to- gether. This will be something special!” Þráinn told me shortly before they left. The band is definitely building a strong following of metal fans, and even strange followers who have curi- ous ears, like me! Their record deal will see ‘Baldur’ distributed and promoted through Europe, South and North America and Japan. The worldwide re- lease of Baldur was extended to include a new bonus track, which is more than ten minutes long. “We went into the studio in the be- ginning of April and recorded an extra track for the world-wide release. Based on that, the next record will not be any softer!” Þráinn told me. “We have to deliver our next album in the beginning of next January. It’s scheduled for release in May of 2012. So we are busy composing new music, when we’re not playing shows. We have loads of ideas and all of us are compos- ing—it is coming along well!” The band has already received a great response from “all over the world! From Turkey to South America—people seem to be like the Icelandic Viking Metal! We’ve had great reviews from some of the premier metal critics. The Germans are extremely positive and like the Icelandic lyrics, it seems to be some kind of ‘Nonni und Manni’ craze there, they only want it in Icelandic, not trans- lated! We are very happy with that!” Þráinn concluded: “The future... it is bright. We don’t have any crazy dreams about the next album, or any crazy dreams about conquering the world, but we are going to do our best and en- joy it to the hilt. If we continue to be sin- cere and honest, I think we‘ll do well.” - HALLDóR INGI ANDRéSSON Skálmöld take the stage Skálmöld’s debut ‘Baldur’ is a concept album, and follows the story of a Viking by that name. The story starts shortly before he loses his family, livestock, es- tate and land in a savage attack on his farm, and follows him through revenge and death, and to Valhalla. This is not a Saga, but a new story based on the Sagas and Old Norse mythologies. However, it might also be construed as a modern story, as a great many Icelanders have lost their fami- lies, jobs, homes and savings—even the minds and lives—since the total collapse of Iceland in 2008 (even if few want to admit it)! There are ten tracks on the album. They range from Icelandic “Rímur” chanting, male choirs, children crying, folk music, prog rock, death metal, bit of punk, screaming rock ‘n’ roll vocals, “bark” singing, full blast heavy metal and lots of rock guitar. ‘Baldur’ is likely the best metal re- cord made in Iceland. The band has the experience, knowledge and wit to make a special record that has a well- crafted story, well formed lyrics, music based on ideas from all kinds of genres. Skálmöld also know how to make an in- teresting record that gives the listener a grin now and then, and a knowing smile. There are epic songs on the album that are going to played for years to come, like ‘Kvaðning’ (“A calling on”), ‘Valhöll’ (“Valhalla”), ‘Árás’ (“Attack”) and ‘Dauði’ (“Death”). - HALLDóR INGI ANDRéSSON Skálmöld Baldur The best Icelandic heavy metal record I’ve heard. Skálmöld are not playing Airwaves because they are busy conquering the universe. This 'Viking metal' thing of theirs is apparently paying off pretty well!
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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