The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 24.05.2002, Síða 4

The White Falcon - 24.05.2002, Síða 4
Naval Hospital Keflavik makes double delivery Story and photo by J02 Stephen Sheedy The staff at Naval Hospital Keflavik marked a first for 2002 when they delivered twins, Ashley Nicole and Alyssa Marie Rodriguez, on May 9. While the hospital routinely delivered babies, twins are not a common occurrence at Keflavik. Also, the birth of the Rodriguez sisters was far from typical. According to the mother, PN1 Paula Rodriguez, the circum- stances of the delivery tested both the skill and understanding of the medical staff. “I was admitted into the hospital at 7 a.m. on May 8 and very quickly there was a med- ical crew of about 20 people involved. In the end 1 was in labor for 36 hours, but the entire operating room staff, doctors and nurses stayed the entire time,” said Rodriguez. In addition to the long hours, the medical staff had to contend with a considerable amount of time between the births of the children. “There was a time difference of five hours between the birth of the twins,” said Rodriguez. Due to the nature of my pregnan- cy, the twins had to be delivered in the oper- ating room because of the possibility that the second child would require a Caesarian sec- tion and in the end that is what had hap- pened.” The oldest of the twins, Ashley was born at 12:38 p.m. and her younger sister Alyssa was born at 5:25 p.m. In spite of the challenges, Rodriguez said the doctors, nurses and corpsmen maintained both a professional and supportive environ- ment at all times. Paula and Greg Rodriguez relax at home with the newest members of their family, Alyssa (left) and Ashley. “Everyone was exhausted but nobody allowed that to get the better of them. Everything was so well coordinated and the entire staff saw the labor and birth through,” said Rodriguez. “They were praising me for the effort I was making but they worked very hard to help me and made me feel good.” In addition to all the support the hospital provided Rodriguez during childbirth, she said they were there for her before and after the delivery. “I went into pre-labor at 28 weeks and both Lt. Ingrid Sheldon and Lt. Patrick Muffley told me what I needed to do to carry the twins for another ten weeks. Both Sheldon and Muffley showed tremendous profession- alism and true caring,” said Rodriguez. “Also, Lt.j.g. Rodney Heninger was always available regardless of the time of day and during the 36 hour labor. FFSC registered nurse Lorie Ewing stayed by my side during the night. Finally, Lt. Julie Brockman helped me so much and persevered with Come and have a romantic European style night out Light meals, drinks, and coffee Special noon lunch offer Soup and lasagna or omelel Servered with vegetables and garlic bread All for $10.00 OPEN Mon- Thurs 11:30 p.m. -12:00 a.m. Friday 11:30 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Saturday 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. , 1 1 h6tel keflavik Sunday 12:00 p.m. - midnight lKlS, Vatnsnesvegur 12, Keflavik - Tel: 420 7000 me after the delivery was over.” According to Naval Hospital Keflavik Staff Nurse Lt. Julie Brockman, who helped take care of Rodriguez during her three-day stay at the hospital ward, it was a privilege to be involved in the birth of their children. “As a nurse, I not only take care of the physical patient, but I also see them recover as a whole person. She was in labor for 36 hours and that takes a huge toll on your body. Taking care of her after the birth gave me the opportunity to watch the Rodriguez’s bond with their new children and see them interact as a family. I really felt I connected with them and that was a wonderful experience,” said Brockman. Brockman also added that the delivery of the twins was a team effort where numerous people contributed to the successful birth. “The whole ward team, nurses, doctors and corpsmen did an awesome job working together to help the Rodriguez’s with the experience before, during and after the birth. People were willing to stay extra hours. A lot of people went the extra mile,” said Brockman. “Also, the Rodriguez’s themselves played a big part because they are wonderful people and it was a privlege to take care of them.” Rodriguez also added that every member of the staff" involved with the birth deserves credit with the success delivery. “This was the best medical care I have received in my sixteen and half years in the Navy. The entire team was terrific and though the trials and tribulations of the birth, they made it such a good experience. They went above and beyond. They gave me their 100 percent support and they helped make this truly a blessed experience,” said Rodriguez. Doc’s Block By Michael Wentworth, MD Donate to the tobacco Legal Defense Fund I have deep roots in tobacco country. Several of my relatives earn at least a partial living from tobacco farming. I am distantly related to the Reynolds family (as in RJR-Nabisco) and I went to medical school in Richmond, Virginia, capital of the fragrant brown leaf. Even my current career of medicine owes much of its income to diseases caused by tobacco. So why would I spoil a good thing and speak out against cigarettes? Tobacco is bad for you. It robs the rich man of his money, the young man of his youth, and the old man of his health. It doesn’t care if you’re black or white, male or female, cheerful or grumpy. Nicotine is appallingly addictive. How many times have you seen a poor smoker, huddled against the harsh cold of the Icelandic win- ter, just to get a few precious lungfuls of cigarette smoke? Sure, you can drink in moderation, having a half-glass of wine with din- ner, but who smokes half a cigarette a day? Nicotine beckons you hourly, every day of your life. Every smoker has heard the litany of diseases caused by ciga- rettes, so 1 won’t repeat them here. Just look at the warning on your next pack if you need a refresher. But consider this, if you spend $100 each month on cigarettes (roughly a pack per day), you’ll have given the tobacco companies $12,000 if you keep it up for ten years. That would buy you a year of rent, or a good used car, but you’d be lucky to pay the Marlboro Man’s legal bills for an afternoon. So, while I’m sure the company appreciates every little bit you send them, I know you have better uses for your cash. Page 4 The White Falcon May 24, 2002


The White Falcon

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