The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 24.05.2002, Síða 7

The White Falcon - 24.05.2002, Síða 7
Exercise Bright Eye strives to improve NATO search and rescue capabilities By J02 Jean Ross The term ‘search-and-rescue’ conjures images of helicopters hovering over the ocean as divers dangle over the side scooping people from the water. However, as the NATO exercise “Bright Eye” will test, there’s a lot more to search-and-rescue. According to Lt. Peter Hakewessell, Iceland Defense Force current operations officer, Bright Eye is an international search- and-rescue, (SAR) exercise which allows the IDF Joint Rescue Coordination Center at Keflavik to get together with other centers to test and make recommendations on search- and-rescue procedures. The main goal of Bright Eye is to exercise the command and control of SAR operations and to motivate allied countries to improve coordination. For two weeks in May, rescue centers from nine NATO nations will participate in the exercise. Iceland, the United States, Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Belgium are all working together to evaluate their ability to coordinate search and rescue operations in the North Atlantic. “If a ship or aircraft is in distress, or ditch- es between bound- aries of search and rescue regions, then we may have to coor- dinate with many dif- ferent centers. Differences in communication are a key fac- tor. The British, for instance may talk or use their assets differently. We have to be sure we are using internationally recognized proce- dures,” said Hakewessell. According to Hakewessell, the 85th group Command Post has been involved with the coordination of each exercise incident, as some 85th Group assets will be deployed to Eastern Iceland for the exercise. P-3 aircraft from Patron Keflavik VP-45 will also be involved in the exercise as well as helicopters from the 56th Rescue Squadron. The exercise scenarios will include a sim- ulated P3 ditch off the Eastern Coast of Iceland and a reenactment of an accident last year involving a private plane that was flying from Reykjavik to Prestwick, UK that crashed between the Westmann Islands and Faroe Islands. thoughts and prayers. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and I join every American this Memorial Day, to pause and reflect upon the sacrifices made by so many of our fellow citizens in times of war and conflict throughout our nation’s history. We also salute the dedicated men and women of today’s Armed Forces, whether defending our homeland or serving around the world. 932nd from page 1 ing the 932nd. He also spoke on how things have changed since the 50s, including updates to radar systems, instantaneous transmission of information and the sites being run entirely by civilians. “The salient point is howev- er, the purpose of the site has not changed,” noted Bodvars- son. He also addressed the veter- ans and thanked them for all their hard work. “We are grateful for the lega- cy you left and we will contin- ue to work in your spirit and take pride in providing good service,” said Bodvarsson. To carry on the theme of looking toward the future, a time capsule was also dedicat- ed which contains base news- paper articles on the squadron, a limited edition coin, special patches, stickers, photos and documents. The capsule will be opened again in 2012. “We hope that the effects preserved inside will give just a little bit of an indication of what life and duty was like at the squadron here in the year 2002,” said Reichardt. Holiday from page 1 their lives in the attacks of September 11, 2001. We are deeply saddened by their deaths, but eternally grateful for their sacrifice. It remains our challenge to do our very best to remain true to the principles and beliefs in which they so fervently believed and which they so valiantly fought to preserve. Their loved ones who carry on remain in our Pustjojonusta Biarkars1 B8‘ WE HAFVE MUFFERS IN STOCK. WE ALSO INNSTALL AND BUILD THEM FOR MOST TYPES OF CARS. AUTO REPAIR SHOP Fitjabraut 4 • 260 Njctrdvik • Simi: 421 3003 SUDURNES SMALL ANIMAL CLINIC Fitjar - Njardvik - Tel. 896 1060 Open Monday thru Friday For appointments and directions call 896 1060 between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Emergency Tel.: 896 1060 Dr. M.H. Gudjonsson DVM Therapudic Massage Experience a special technique of pressure reflexology that stimulates circulation to better your health. Contact Brigitta at 421-6158 after 7 p.m. Call today and begin the New Year with increased energy and well being. YOUR NAVY EXCHANGE WE BU 7 A DTp/Vf DELES A 1 i A @ OMtbo Open between 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Mondays. Building T2499 • Phone hours between • 1 p.m. Tuesdays • Phone 6446 faocio V.S. fr'AYAL •fap STATION •31 xrrxjivtK ICEljLVD 1 - f iLLiimdiD Salt pi us Ag&Jric.y T a X II UO HUH lookarf* Ajtnn c May 24, 2002 The White Falcon Page 11


The White Falcon

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