Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.04.2012, Blaðsíða 22

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.04.2012, Blaðsíða 22
22 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 4 — 2012 Music | The future Since 1982, The ÍTR, Reykjavík's sports and youth council, has put on The Battle of the Bands (Músik- tilraunir) as a massive search for the best new acts the nation has to offer. It’s a hugely popular event and many of its winners have gone onto have great careers, like Mí- nus, XXX Rottweiler, Mammút and Agent Fresco. Most recently, 2010 winners Of Monsters And Men were signed to Universal Records. We checked it out this year to see what’s on the horizon, and gave them each an “award” of our own while we were at it. WHITE SIGNAL The cutest band of the night This bunch of peppy teenagers bound- ed with energy playing sweet, dance- pop tunes. We expected a Disney Chan- nel band, but we actually loved their synchronised dance moves that got the crowd going. It even made cynical bas- tards like us go “aww!” They seemed very assured in what they were doing and displayed an impressive amount of musical skill, especially considering they were all fourteen to seventeen. They make Retro Stefson look old! ICARUS The band that needs to come out of its shell These three young dudes playing some heavy, ‘90s style garage rock brought us back to the age where alternative met nu-metal, but sans vocal. The bass- ist lacked any sort of stage presence, but time and stress control will fix that. The guitarist put in the most physical performance, but overall they kind of sulked away at the back of the stage. Not bad at all, but a long way to go yet. THE LOVELY LION The Oprah Winfrey follow-your-bliss band They sort of filled the Of Monsters And Men follow-up-act quotient. They were also the first of many bands of the night to have a costume gimmick (head and leg-bands!). Both the tunes and lyrics were overly positive and motivational to a mawkish degree, which reminded us of Dawson’s Creek era alt-folk-pop. They were good performers, but they can probably make better music. THE YOUNG AND CAREFREE The band made for a John Hughes movie When they started we turned to each other and said “ONE REPUBLIC!” but by the time they hit the first chorus of their dreamy '80s synth-emo with the hook-line “nothing is beautiful...” we found them more akin to Echo & the Bunnymen or M83. The electronics and synth guys gave super cool and col- lected performances in the back while their Kelly-from-Stereophonics-look- alike singer delivered intense, brooding vocals. The beats could have been a bit crisper, but we fucking loved it. FUNK THAT SHIT! The magician-at-the-birthday-party act We take it these guys are studying jazz composition because their technical level was way above everyone else in the showcase. We know who’s winning the instrument awards tonight! But it was a lot of empty calories—lots of so- los and displays of skill, but the songs were not much fun, and you can’t spell ‘funk’ without F-U-N. (Little secret: we’d like to see them team up with the sax player from White Signal to play the soundtrack of Lethal Weapon.) RETROBOT The big hot mess of a band During the break that preceded this band, we had noted that none of the acts were sloppy. We spoke too soon. From their awkward stage placement to their disjointed compositions to a seemingly unnecessary second guitar- ist, this group was kind of confusing. They crammed in so many different electronic styles that it was the sonic equivalent of an overpacked suitcase and their half-cocked lyrics didn’t con- vince. Luckily it was pretty entertaining to watch the two main singers did flail around not giving a fuck. AETERNA The best song title for “Signal from a Demon Star” These guys were the only metal band in the show, and also the only band to attempt a real joke! Their singer kicked off the set by throwing out a light dig at Bubbi Morthens before launching into their set of mixed metal styles. They are very good technically, but not much originality to the songs or awesome vo- cals—the voice could use more whisky. They just need to find their niche. GLUNDROÐI The band that made us want a beer The second folk-rock act of the night had a distinctly stronger belligerent pub-vibe. We disagreed on the source of their sound, one of us hearing more Americana, the other more Ireland. Either way it was solid, rough-edged booze-music. Their fiddle player’s over- enthusiasm and posturing was a bit too much for us to take, but the guitarist/ shirtless accordion player redeemed the set with a big booming sing-along that carried on until they were off the stage. ÞOKA The kind of band you want at Café Rósenberg The pace slowed way, way down for this three-piece, vocal-blues band that didn’t even sport a rhythm section. This act paired up a guitar and an electric piano to highlight their singer’s rich, husky voice. A bit muted and flat, but not a trace of pretention in it, with the vocalist delivering a really sincere and emotive performance, making her the obvious front-runner for best voice. They get a honourable mention for best James Taylor look-alike. HINDURVÆTTIR The bless-their-hearts-they-tried band Oh dear. This band’s closing perfor- mance of one very (veeeerrrryyyy) long song rather than three songs over about fifteen minutes did not go well. At all. And when we saw the members walking around after, it looked like they knew it. Thus, the less said about it the better. It happens, guys! Prior to the prize announcement, we both agreed that The Young and Care- free were our definite favourite to win, with our picks for second and third go- ing to White Signal (for the cuteness!) and RetRoBot (for the lulz!). Turns out the judges felt differently. AND THE WINNERS ARE… 3. Funk That Shit! 2. Þoka 1. RetRoBot (pictured) Music Battle Royale 2012! Iceland’s newest crop of bands duke it out for cash and glory Words Rebecca Louder and Bob Cluness photography Brynjar Gunnarsson Music | Reviews I've made up my mind. ADHD's latest album rules. This being my virgin foray into their world of sound, I was initially worried when I saw the line-up of musicians. They are all fantastic players, but I figured these skilled cats would play all over each other and forget about proper song-writing and memorable songs. I was skeptical to say the least. However, I'm happy to re- port that my worries were unwarranted and I'm chewing on my hat with a big frown across my face. This album is cool. I mean, it makes you feel like you are fucking cool just listening to it. It is cool like cool jazz is cool, but it's not really ‘cool jazz’. Rather, it's a potent mix of modern and standard jazz (there's no such thing!), with hints of blues here and there and something up-beat, warm and ener- getic. Opener “IFE” will have you run and hug the nearest person and start to dance. And just when you think you have them pegged down, they switch gears and the affair gets a tad more triply and calm with “Merkilegt.” Two songs deep, you know this is no one-trick pony. The mournful, lonely mood of “Örtré” is a true delight. The production values must be applauded. The earthy and live-like tone lifts this one up to higher grounds. This album is as dynamic as they come but it never falls apart into frag- ments or sections. There's soul, fusion, a hint of funk and deceiving moments of floating ambience. Herein lies its strength: you can't point a finger and slap ADHD2 with a specific genre moniker. Instead it breezes by with a surprising range of emotions, leaving the listener stimulated and inspired. Recommended. - BIRKIR FJALAR VIÐARSSON ADHD ADHD 2 ADHD is the coolest un-cool band going and you'd be a damned fool to miss them. B O O K I N G S : T E L . : + 3 5 4 5 6 2 2 3 0 0 W W W . L I F E O F W H A L E S . I S Whale-Watching Tour Duration: 3 hours The tour includes a stop by Puffin Island 15th May - 20th August APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV-MAR 08:55 08.55 08:55 08:55 08:55 12:55 12:55 12:55 12:55 12:55 12:55 12:55 12:55 16:55 16:55 16:55 ADULTS: 47€ / 7.500 ISK CHILDREN: 7-15 22€ / 3.500 ISK CHILDREN: 0-6 FREE Other Tours Puffin Island Tours Duration:1-1,5 hours 15th May - 20th August Every day 10:00 | 12:00 | 14:00 ADULTS: 3.800 ISK• CHILDREN: 1.900 ISK • CHILDREN: 0-6 FREE Sea Angling and Grill Duration: 3 hours May - September Every day 17:00 ADULTS: 10.500 ISK • CHILDREN: 5.000 ISK • CHILDREN: 0-6 FREE


Reykjavík Grapevine

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