Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.05.2012, Blaðsíða 34

Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.05.2012, Blaðsíða 34
Words Ása Baldursdóttir Photography Nanna Dís 34 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 6 — 2012 Travel | South After wrapping up in Reykjavík, the Shorts&docs festival took to the road, jour- neying all the way to the hamlet Höfn í Hor- nafirði in southeast Iceland. In a lovely small Höfn cinema called Sindrabær, twenty-five films from the festival were to be screened for locals over the course of a single Saturday. Jumping at the chance to tag along, my friend and I set off in a car full of films, refreshments, cameras and people. Festival press officer and Höfn native Brynja Dögg Friðriksdóttir began telling us stories about her hometown, which is actually partially built on an old landfill. The town’s name translates to “harbour,” and it is traditionally a fishing village, which also thrives on tourism today. It somehow felt appropriate that our little car full of films was making its way to an area in Ice- land that has featured in a number of feature films like ‘Tomb Raider,’ James Bond classics ‘A View To A Kill’ and ‘Die Another Day, ‘Batman Begins’ as well as the TV series ‘Game of Thrones.’ GLACIERS ANd GEOTHERMAL HOT TUBS Four hours from Reykjavík, we made our fist stop at Vatnajökull glacier to see Jökulsárlón, the gla- cier lagoon. We got out of the cramped car to stretch our legs, and were greeted by a flock of seals swirling around the lagoon. Brynja Dögg— who used to work at the lagoon—gave us a per- sonal guided tour, apparently well in practice after all of these years. “You might notice that some ice- bergs in the lagoon are bluer than others,” Brynja told us. “That’s because they have been under- water. The water fills the cracks of the icebergs, which gives them this appearance.” “The lagoon,” she said, “it’s always changing.” In the car Brynja Dögg continued to tell us about glacial areas, and twenty kilometres outside of Höfn we stopped at another one called Hoffell- sjökull. Surrounded by great nature, a cute little outhouse and an outdoor shower, we got a chance to dip into geothermal hot tubs located at the foot of the glacier. dEEP-FRIEd HOT dOGS AT KELABúð When we finally arrived to Höfn on Friday night, we were feeling pretty hungry. By the harbour we found a diner apparently famous for their deep- fried hot-dogs—called Kelabúð. The owners, who have run the shop since 1991, were fortunately both there late and welcomed us to eat. “I’ve never tasted this hot dog,” said owner Hrafnkell Ingólfsson, better known as Keli. “But our customers love it. They say it’s the best hot dog in the world.” Excited about tomorrow’s events, we checked ourselves into Hotel Höfn for a good night’s sleep. ENOUGH STONES TO FILL A SWIMMING POOL Before the festival started on Saturday, we couldn’t resist checking out the Huldusteinn Rock Museum. A sign on the front door read, “Call us if you want to enter the museum,” but luckily the door suddenly opened up, and a cheerful lady in- vited us in. She turned out to be Vigdís Vigfúsdóttir who, along with her husband, had collected every rock in the museum. A few years ago they bought an old swimming pool and transformed it into a mu- seum. Viewing the colourful collection in this very strange setting was both brilliant and hilarious, On The Road With Shorts&docs To Höfn í Hornafirði and back again ÞÓRSHÖFN VOPNAFJÖRÐUR THORSHOFN ILULISSAT ITTOQQORTOORMIIT NUUK KULUSUK NARSARSUAQ GRÍMSEY ÍSAFJÖRÐUR AKUREYRI EGILSSTAÐIR REYKJAVÍK our very best price is always online. highly seductive offers to all our destinations iceland, greenland or the faroe islands


Reykjavík Grapevine

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