Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.03.2012, Blaðsíða 12

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.03.2012, Blaðsíða 12
12 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 3 — 2012 py [-go-lucky] Vikings...” • MarketWatch: “Iceland’s debt comes in from the cold” • RT (Russian News Channel): “Iceland shows eurozone how to fight crisis” • Business Insider: Iceland’s banks “have forgiven 13 percent of the coun- try’s debts…” easing the burden “…for more than 25 percent of the country’s population…” • Bloomberg: Quoting Danish banker, Lars Christensen: “…Iceland holds the world record in household debt relief...” • Bloomberg again: “Iceland’s approach to dealing with the meltdown has put the needs of its population ahead of its markets every time.” • (a Canadian online maga- zine): “Iceland is a great example of peo- ple who stood up and fought for civility.” • again: “Even the IMF is hold- ing up Iceland as an example of how to overcome deep economic dislocation without undoing the social fabric.” • MoneyWeek (a UK investment web- site): “The Lessons Learned from Ice- land’s Economy: Let Banks Go Bust” It goes on, but you get the idea, right? But here’s my very favourite quote of the past month…and the prize goes to the Russian news channel, RT. Get a whiff of this—a quote from Russian investment banker, Tamerlan Khas- simikov: Apparently it was not only ef- fective crisis management that helped Iceland to stay afloat, but according to Khassimikov, “Iceland is a disciplined country, it’s used not to spend more than it has.” So tell me, folks: How did we get into this mess in the first place? Khassimikov concludes that the cri- sis occurred “because Iceland’s banks are a part of global banking. As for Greece, it became the victim of its own careless approach to finance.” Where did this guy get his master’s degree? Honestly speaking, only Macleans, the Canadian current affairs magazine, seemed to be talking with any measure of balance this month. Though here too, in Chris Sorensen’s article, “Iceland: a new model for dealing with collapse?” someone has been a victim of miscon- struction. For example, Soerensen says “[Ólafur Ragnar] Grímsson stepped in—not once, but twice—so that the [Icesave] deal [struck by Icelandic parlia- ment] could be put to a referendum.” Now, I am sure some folks would dis- agree that he—er, just stepped in. Just as no one quite knows whether he’s about to just step out. Sensibly, however, So- rensen also interviews Ragnar Arnason, an economics professor at the University of Iceland. “[Arnason] argues that many foreign observers have conveniently ig- nored key details when they marvel at Iceland’s recovery.” As Arnason notes among other things, capital controls now threaten Iceland’s key industries, preventing “export industries from de- veloping.” And yes, that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Do any of these guys read between the lines? For Odin’s sake, would some- one please set the record straight? Economics | Loans Robbery By Math The true story of Icelandic Index Linked Mortgages It is the things that we think we un- derstand that inevitably catch us un- awares. We all know what loans are, and what mortgages mean, so we don’t bother questioning them as we sign on the dotted line to pay up for the next 25 years or so of our lives. That at least, is the best explanation I can come up with for the existence of the most unique instrument of fi- nancial self-destruction over the last 30 years: the Icelandic Index Linked Mortgage. UNDERSTANDING MORTGAGE REpAYMENT SCHEDULES To appreciate the full financial havoc that the mortgages sold during the bubble years are slowly wreaking on the Icelan- dic economy requires an understanding of how loan repayments usually work, which means examining the loan amortization table for these loans. Loan amortization tables are something every borrower should get to know intimately. Quite sim- ply they show the monthly loan payments, broken down into the amount of inter- est and principal repaid, and the amount of the loan still outstanding. If we use a $100,000, 25 year US loan at a 9.3% an- nual interest rate as an example, the first few months of its amortization table would look something like in table 1 The table shows the monthly repay- ment broken down into the interest on the loan, and the principal repayment, and the total amount of the loan still outstanding every month in the ‘Outstanding’ column. Like all compound interest loans, at the beginning of the loan most of the money you pay goes on interest, with principal re- payments being a depressingly small part of the total. At least though, in a typical US loan the principal outstanding on the loan is decreasing. NEGATIvE AMORTIzATION LOANS Compare and contrast the amortization table below for a notional 10 million ISK, 25 year Icelandic Index linked loan, taken from Arion Banki’s website, for the “Verð- tryggð íbúðalán með föstum vöxtum” with an interest rate at 4.3% and an assumed constant inflation rate of 5%, together making the same total interest rate as the American loan shown in table 2. There’s good news and bad news in this table. The ‘good’ news is that the re- payments, initially at least are significantly less than those on the American loan. The bad news is what that will end up costing you, as the Icelandic Housing loans sold during the bubble years weren’t just index linked—they were structured as negative amortization loans. Negative amortization loans are a spe- cialized form of lending, supposedly only for ‘sophisticated’ investors, a term widely used within the financial industry to mean ‘gullible’. With NegAm loans, the initial repayments on the loan aren’t sufficient to cover the interest payments on the to- tal amount borrowed, and so as you can see, the total amount of the loan increases over time, rather than decreasing. As the amount of interest you pay on the loan de- pends on the amount of the principal out- standing, then the next month the interest payable on the loan also increases. The lower payments last at most eight years (assuming nothing dramatic happens with the inflation rate), at which point accord- ing to the Arion Bank’s calculator the prin- cipal owed is still climbing. Indeed it isn’t until 17 years after the loan has been taken out, that the original loan begins to be re- paid. HOW BAD CAN IT BE? In comparison to an American 25 year mortgage for $100,000 at 9.3%, a borrower would end up repaying a total of just over $257,000. With an Icelandic, NegAm Index 25 year linked loan for 10 million ISK, at 4.1%, and assuming a stable inflation rate of 5%, the borrower would end up paying slightly more than 31 million, or the no- tional equivalent of $310,000 if we drop a couple of zero’s. While paying 5 million more ISK than a comparable loan in the US (or Europe) would cost might not seem so bad, in fact the majority of the loans sold during the bubble period in Iceland weren’t 25 year loans; they were 40 year. The Arion Banki calculator shows that the total repayment for a 40 year loan of 10 million works out to be 65 million ISK. A comparable 40 year US loan by comparison, would come to $380,000. Recently it has become possible to get five year fixed rate loans at 6% in Iceland, and anybody who can is well advised to do so. Whilst these still don’t match what’s available in America, since the interest rate after the 5 year fixed period is adjust- able, they’re still a far better option than the old NegAm index linked loans—which are still available, both from the banks, The Housing Financing Fund, and in doubt- less well meant offers on local real estate listings to take over the existing loan and avoid having to put down a 20% deposit. The real comparison, though, isn’t with a 9.3% US loan since most people don’t pay that kind of rate over there. Fixed rate 25 and 30 years loans can currently be had in America for around 4.5% to quali- fied borrowers. The total repayment on a 4.5% fixed rate 25 year loan, is just under $167,000, nearly $140,000 less than the 9.3% 25 year Icelandic loan. All of which assumes that nothing dramatic happens to the inflation rate, and for Iceland at least, 5% is decidedly on the low side as an inflation estimate. Now while you might think, and indeed I have frequently heard it argued here, that the high inflation rate somehow justifies this form of robbery by math, this ignores the important question of what causes inflation in the first place. In particular, it ignores the cause of inflation in Iceland, which is usually the direct consequence of the badly regulated lending activities of its banks. Always accompanied by a nice story from the salesman about how house prices always go up and it would always be possible to sell for more than the loan. In fact with negative amortization loans the direct opposite tends to be true, since it is difficult, if not impossible, for bor- rowers to build up capital while repaying them. Quite often borrowers simply end up selling the house for the total amount still outstanding if they are lucky. However there is no guarantee that the house price will increase as quickly as the outstand- ing loan amount will, so if they are unlucky they’re left in negative equity and have to sell for less than the loan and bring extra money to the table to close. As the steady flow of foreclosures in Iceland bears mute testimony to, many Icelanders can’t even do that. Repayment principal Interest paid Outstanding Feb. 2012 $859.83 $84.83 $775.00 $775.00 $99,915.17 Mar. 2012 $859.83 $85.49 $774.34 $1,549.34 $99,829.67 Apr-12 $859.83 $86.15 $773.68 $2,323.02 $99,743.52 May-12 $859.83 $86.82 $773.01 $3,096.03 $99,656.70 Jun-12 $859.83 $87.50 $772.34 $3,868.37 $99,569.20 Jul-12 $859.83 $88.17 $771.66 $4,640.04 $99,481.03 Aug. 2012 $859.83 $88.86 $770.98 $5,411.01 $99,392.17 Sept. 2012 $859.83 $89.55 $770.29 $6,181.30 $99,302.63 Oct. 2012 $859.83 $90.24 $769.60 $6,950.90 $99,212.39 Nov. 2012 $859.83 $90.94 $768.90 $7,719.79 $99,121.45 Dec. 2012 $859.83 $91.64 $768.19 $8,487.99 $99,029.81 Jan. 2013 $859.83 $92.35 $767.48 $9,255.47 $98,937.45 Table 1 - USD Repayment principal Interest Fee paid Outstanding 13.03.2012 54.708 18.667 35.922 120 54.708 10.024.663 13.04.2012 54.843 18.780 35.943 120 54.843 10.030.673 13.05.2012 54.978 18.894 35.964 120 54.978 10.036.586 13.06.2012 55.113 19.008 35.985 120 55.113 10.042.398 13.07.2012 55.249 19.123 36.006 120 55.249 10.048.111 13.08.2012 55.385 19.239 36.026 120 55.385 10.053.722 13.09.2012 55.521 19.356 36.046 120 55.521 10.059.230 13.10.2012 55.658 19.473 36.065 120 55.658 10.064.636 13.11.2012 55.795 19.591 36.084 120 55.795 10.069.937 13.12.2012 55.932 19.710 36.103 120 55.932 10.075.133 13.01.2013 56.070 19.829 36.121 120 56.070 10.080.223 Table 2 - ISK Outstanding debt over a 11 month period of payments- US loan Outstanding debt over a 11 month period of payments - Icelandic loan Continued Jacky Mallet is a research scientist at Reykjavík University, working on models of the banking system and its interaction with the economy. Expect more from Jacky in upcoming issues! “Negative amortization loans are a specialized form of lending, supposedly only for ‘sophisticated’ investors, a term widely used within the financial industry to mean ‘gullible’” JACKY MALLETT For further information check out our website, call +354 555 7000 or be our friend on Facebook. Come ride with us For almost 30 years Íshestar has given people an opportunity to experience the Icelandic horse on long and short trips. Horses are our passion. Come ride with us in the beautiful surroundings of our Íshestar Riding Centre. You get free transport from all major hotels and guesthouses in the capital area. ISK 500.- discount!* Name the magic word, "tölt", and you will get ISK 500.- discount on the Lava tour. Only valid when paid at our Riding Centre. *Not valid with other oers.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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