

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1980, Blaðsíða 6

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1980, Blaðsíða 6
40 LÆKNABLADID usually about 0.3 micrometer in diameter and up to several hundred micrometer long. Air- borne particles are inspired and behave ap- proximately like spheres of the minimum dimension (0.3 p). Besides, magnesium and silica, iron, manganese, aluminum, calcium and potassium are frequently components. Current health concerns with asbestos in the USA center upon shipyard workers, over 5 million were exposed family members. There are numerous vehicle brake workers and others engaged in repair of frictionally deteriorated asbestos which means short fi- bers which appear to cause disease but not to give rise to asbestos bodies. Demolition, on board ship, in power stations and other sites usually enclosed in which oxidized deteriora- ted asbestos is ripped out appears to be a particularly heavy form exposure so that even a few weeks may produce disease 30 years later. Use of asbestos as texture or fire resistent coatings of internal walls of schools and public buildings has exposed many inno- cent people with a hazard which is real but diffi- cult to assess quantitatively. Finally, consum- er products such as electric hair dryers have been shown to contain asbestos in their own air dispersal system producing another hazard to the extent of which is difficult to measure. It is clear that asbestos exposure must be prevented in order to restrict the liability for the tragic neoplastic diseases, lung cancer and mesothelioma of pleura and peritoneum. It is inexcusable to employ asbestos in any use in which a substitute is possible. Substitution would reduce exposure to about 10% of the immediate levels. Asbestos workers and others sharing the work place air must not smoke cigarettes. Great care including vacu- um air removal and air supply hoods can greatly reduce exposure in essential uses. Furthermore, wet demolition and enclosed handling reduce markedly the asbestos which becomes airborne in the work place. Only an infornted work force, a vigilant and informed ntedical profession and concerned and consci- entious employers can reduce this modern day plague so that mesothelioma and lung cancer fade from our list of tragic and preventable diseases. KAYE H. KILBURN er fæddur í Utah, Bandaríkjunum árið 1931. Hann lauk lækna- prófil frá University of Utah árið 1954 og stundaði framhaldsnám í lyflækningum, meinafræði, hjarta- og lungnasjúkdómum við University of Utah, Case Western Reserve University í Cleveland, Duke Uni- versity í Durham og var loks Research Fellow í hjartasjúkdómum hjá Dr. Paul Wood við Brompton Hospital í London. Við heimkomuna 1960 setti hann upp hjartapræðingu við Washington University í St. Louis og veitti jafnframt forstöðu Cardiopulmonary Division við Barnes Hos- pital. Hann fluttist til Duke University í Norður-Karólínu 1962 og varð þá yfirma- ður lyflækningadeildar V. A. Hospital í Durham, sem er annar aðal kennsluspítali Duke University. Árið 1968 setti hann á fót og veitti forstöðu Division of Environmen- tal Medicine við Duke University og varð Professor of Medicine 1969. Árið 1973 fluttist hann til University of Missouri í Coluntbia, par sem hann setti á stofn Division of Pulmonary and Environ- mental Medicine. Þaðan fluttist hann árið 1977 til New York, par sem hann tók við núverandi stöðu sinni sent Professor of Medicine og Professor of Community Medicine, við Mount Sinai School of Medi- cine og er jafnframt forstöðumaður lung- nadeildar Bronx V. A. Hospital. Dr. Kilburn hefur fengist mikið við rannsóknir á atvinnusjúkdómum lungna og ritað fjölda greina og bókarkafla. Hann hefur setið í ritstjórn Anterican Journal of Physiology, Environmental Research og Archives of Environmental Health, og er nú ritstjóri hins síðast nefnda tímarits.



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