

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1980, Side 34

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1980, Side 34
58 LÆKNABLADID Niðurstöðum pessarar rannsóknar Hjarta- verndar ber vel saman við enskar og amer- ískar hóprannsóknir, sem hafa sýnt, að getnað- arvarnartöflur (eins og pær voru notaðar hérlendis 1969-1974) skerða sykurþol sumra kvenna nokkuð (43, 45). Hins vegar virðist sú sykurþolstruflun ganga til baka í flestum tilvikum og sjaldnast leiða til sykursýki (43), enda þótt vert sé að hafa þann möguleika í huga. Jákvæð ættarsaga um sykursýki reyndist ekki auka algengi skerts sykurþols nema meðal eldri kvennahópsins. Erlendar hóprann- sóknir benda heldur ekki til þess, að ættarsaga hafi mikið forspárgildi m.t.t. skerts sykurþols (23, 30). Gildi sykurþolsprófs til greiningar á sykur- sýki á byrjunarstigi verður einungis metið af ferilrannsóknum, þar sem fylgt er eftir hópi fólks um árabil. í annarri grein verða gerð skil á ferli þátttakenda í hóprannsókn Hjartavernd- ar m.t.t. síðari sykurþolsprófa svo og hjarta- og æðasjúkdóma á þeim tíma, sem liðinn er síðan þeir komu fyrst til rannsóknar. Höfundar þakka þátttkendum og starfs- fólki Rannsóknarstöðvar Hjartaverndar. Helgi Sigvaldason verkfræðingur annaðist tölvuúr- vinnslu. Brynhildi Þorkelsdóttur lyfjadeild Borgarspítalans þökkum við vélritun grein- arinnar. SUMMARY Community screening for diabetes by an oral carbohydrate tolerance test in the Reykjavik area. This report presents the results of blood glucose determinations (fasting and during 50 gm oral glucose tolerance test) in a prospective health survey 1967-1974 conducted by the lcelandic Heart Association. The population invited were 22 year groups of males and females in the age- range 20-61 years in the Reykjavik area, selected from National Roster according to birthdays. The response rate was about 75% in the age groups 34-61 years and about 56,5 % in the age groups 20-34 years. Total number of males examined was 3.697 and 3.183 females. Blood glucose (capillary blood) was determined by Technicon Autoanalyzer Methodology-N-9. The distribution of blood glucose values was found to be unimodal though positively skewed. The mean fasting blood glucose was significantly higher in men than women (mean difference 3,5 mg/dl) and increased with age (3,5 mg/dl per decade in men and 1,5 in women). The mean post-glucose load (1 */2 hr) values were siginificantly higher in women than men (mean 7,9 mg/dl), possibly reflecting that 50 g of oral glucose is not enough load for nten. The mean values increased in both sexes with age (6,5 mg/dl in men and 5,9 mg/dl in women per decade). Those who had blood sugar values > 130 mg/dl at 1 '/2 hr post glucose load (50 g) were said to have a positive screening test and were invited for a confirmatory glucose tolerance test (100 g). 15 % of the whole female group had positive screening test (18,5% in the age range 34-61 years and 5,0% in the age range 20-34), compared to 10.8% of the male group (13,6 % in the age range 34-61 years and 2,5 % in the age range 20-34). The confirmatory glucose tolerance test (100 g per os) was called »positive« (impaired glucose tolerance) when blood glucose values were > 120 mg/dl at 2 hr. Under the age of forty 0,4-0,6 % of men and 1,8-1,9 % of women had »positive« confir- matory test, in the age group 40 — 49 6,1 % of men and 8,75 % of women were positive compared to 10,2 % and 13,2 % in the age group 50-61. Known diabetics according to a health questiona- ire (not included in the figures above) were 0.2- 0.8 % in the age groups 20 — 50 year of both sexes and 1,4—1,6% in the age groups 50 — 61. This prevalence rate of known diabetics and impaired glucose tolerance is fairly similar to that reported for other western societies although a direct compa- rison is difficult because of different criteria being used. This study has also confirmed the results of others showing a considerable intraindividual vari- ability of oral glucose tolerance test indicating that the diagnosis of »impaired glucose tolerance« should not be made usually on the results of a single test. HEIMILDIR 1. Allander, E., Björnsson, O. B„ Kolbeinsson, A„ Ólafsson, Ó„ Sigfússon, N. & Thorsteinsson, J. Rheumatoid factor in lceland: A population study. Int. J. Epidemiol. 1:211, 1972. 2. Andres, R. Aging and Diabetes í Symposium on Diabetes Mellitus, Med. Clin. North Am. 55:835, 1971. 3. Björnsson, Ottó-Davíðsson, Davíð, Ólafsson, Ól- afur, Sigfússon, Nikulás & Þorsteinsson, Þor- steinn. Survey of serum lipid levels in lcelandic men aged 34-61 years. Acta Medica Scandinavi- ca, Suppl. 616, 1977. 4. Brilish Diabetic Association; Diagnostic criteria for diabetes ntellitus. Recommendations of the Medical and Scientific Section, 1978. 5. College of General Practitioners; Report of working party. A Diabetes Survey. Brit. Med. J., 5291. 1962. 6. College of General Practitioners; Report of working party. Glucose tolerance and glycosu-



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