

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1980, Síða 47

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1980, Síða 47
LÆKNABLADIÐ 67 know how it occurred. He may get now away with a traffic offence as there may have been no witnesses but he could never have got away with his high blood alcohol the previous night. In these cases rnuch of the investigation is in the hands of the forensic scientists. The pathologist, however, during his autopsy ex- amination, has a duty to examine the deceased for trace evidence such as glass and paint flakes, and in all cases must take hair and blood samples from the deceased. In cases in which fragments of bone are found in the suspect car, the pathologist may assist by reconstruction of the fracture. In one case, a pedestrian was struck and killed by a fast- moving car which failed to stop. A suspect car was examined by the police the next day and a small fragment of bone recovered from the bonnet area. The victim had a compound comminuted fracture of the tibia. 1 removed the shattered leg and reconstructed it and the piece of bone found on the suspect car fitted exactly into place. The fracture line also makes the direction of the car in relation to the victim quite clear, (fig. 6). Fig. 6. The piece of tibia found on the suspect car is painted black. Forensic science may provide indisputable evidence of the connection between the sus- pect car and the deceased. In some cases the scientist may find several matching paint layers. In one case a sliver of spectacle lens, found in the suspect car three weeks after the accident, exactly matched the broken lens of the victim. I will now close with some personal obser- vations. In my opinion the two prime causes of accidents are excessive speed and alcohol and both these factors may be aggravated by bad road layout or design. I think these two main causes are accepted world wide. I will now give you an example where speed and road layout were major factors in the accident rate. In óne area I cover I used to get perhaps six or more fatal accidents on one stretch of road per annum. This was a three lane highway whose lanes were known as nearside, offside and suicide. There was no speed limit. A 60 km. limit was enforced and the accidents dropped to about one a year. Some years ago the road was widened and is now a derestric- ted six-lane divided highway. Since it has been opened I can only recall one fatal accident. How can we cut down the appalling death toll upon the roads? In Great Britain, as in most other countries, the largest percentage of numbers of road deaths occur before the age of 25 years. Around 25 years the young tnan or woman will have completed their education and training at considerable cost to the economy of their country and are starting to reimburse that country by applying the results of their education and training in their chosen field. To Iose these large numbers at this age from death or disability is tragic, not only from the loss of life or health but also for the economic consequences. The results of many schemes to cut down road accidents have been disappointing. I feel the problems must be dealt with from all angles. Firstly, the young driver should not only learn how to propel his vehicle safely under norntal conditions but should also receive instruction in defensive driving — that is to say how to foretell dangerous situations and how to avoid them. Secondly, there should be legislation re- garding alcohol and speeding and the com- pulsory use of restraint systems. I have al- ready mentioned the beneficial results to motor cyclists of the introduction of the mandatory wearing of crash helmets. Coun- tries which have introduced compulsory seat- belts wearing legislation have had remarkable falls in road deaths. (IX). Regrettably in some



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