

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1980, Blaðsíða 48

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1980, Blaðsíða 48
68 LÆKNABLADID countries it is argued that seat belt legislation is an infringement of personal liberty. I find this a difficult argument to follow because although perhaps the unrestrained driver, in a modern permissive world may voluntarily run the risk of self destruction, 1 do not think he should be allowed to risk the lives and health of other road users, which he may well do should he be dislodged from the controls of his vehicle after an impact. Nor do I see why he should be encouraged to occupy a much needed hospital bed through personal disre- gard to both his own safety and that of others. The problem of alcohol and driving is world wide and the problems of drug taking, with or without alcohol, is important in some areas. The introduction of maximum blood alcohol levels to be permitted within the law does not always have the anticipated effect upon acci- dents, especially in the long term. Regular and thorough checks on the road worthiness of a vehicle and its tyres is important. One only has to visit countries where regulations are either lax or do not exist to observe the damage that can be done by improperly maintained vehicles. The lowering of the mortality and morbidity upon the roads is also influenced by the special services available for dealing with casualties. The recent conference in Oslo in First Aid at the Scene of an Accident high- lighted how deaths and permanent disability may be prevented or reduced by on the spot treatment by lay and trained personell. The investigation of road traffic accidents is a multi-disciplined exercise. Today I have tried to show briefly how one of these disciplines functions. I thank you again for according me the honour of delivering the 1979 Niels Dungal lecture. REFERENCES (1) Herner, B., Smedley, B„ Ysander, L. — British J. industr. Med. 23-37-1966 (II) Voigt, J. — Proceedings lllrd IAATM Conf. -71-1969 (III) Fisher, R. S., Lindberg R., — J. For. Sci. 2- 241-1951 (IV) Di Maio, D. J., Proceedings lllrd IAATM Conf. 75- 1969 (V) Peterson, P.J., Petty C.S., — J. For. Sci. 7- 274-1962 (VI) Baker, S.P., Spitz W.V. — N. Eng. J. Med. 283-405-1970 (VII) Mant, A.K. — Natural Death whilst in charge of Transportation ch. 7 — Legal Medicine Annual 1977. Ed. Cyril H Wecht, Appleton-Century- Crofts — New York 1977 (VIII) Mant, A.K. — Injuries and Death in Motor Vehicle Accidents — ch. 1 — The Pathology of Violent Injury — Ed. J. K. Mason — Edward Arnold — London 1978 (IX) Proceedings of the 6th International Confe- rence of the IAATM Melbourne 1977. Félag íslenskra lækna í Norður Ameríku Þann 27. okt. 1979 var stofnað Félag íslenzkra lækna í Norður Ameríku, í White Plains N. Y. Fyrstu stjórn skipa: Kristján Erlendsson for- maður, Högni Óskarsson ritari og Magni Jónsson gjaldkeri. Megin tilgangur félagsins er að stuðla að auknum tengslum íslenzkra lækna í N. A., vera fulltrúi í sérmálum peirra og veita upplýsingar og aðstoð peim, sem hug hafa á framhalds- námi par í landi.



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