Læknablaðið - 15.09.1982, Blaðsíða 40
2. Blume, S. Aspects of the dynamics of medical
technology. European Symposium on Research
on Health Research, Helsinki, 7-8 September
3. International Labour Office. Comments on cau-
ses and possible cost containment measures.
WHO contribution, meeting of experts on theori-
sing costs of medical care under social security,
Geneva, 17-20 May 1977. (Document RCMS/-
4. Office of Technology Assessment, Congress of
the United States. Assessing the efficacy and
safety of medical technologies. September 1978.
5. Swedish Planning and Rationalization Institute
(SPRI). Report on the International Workshop
on Evaluation of Medical Technology, Stock-
holm, 18-19 September 1979.
6. Wahba, A.H.W. Bedarfsgerechte Gesundheits-
technologie. Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen
1979; 41:309.
7. WHO Regional Office for Europe. Health Labo-
ratory Technology: Report on a Working Group.
London, 1979(ICP/ATH 001).
8. WHO Regional Office for Europe. Consultation
on Medical Technology Assessment, Copenha-
gen, 27-28 May 1980, (Document H4/48/12) and
Health Technology Assessment Network 17-18
June 1981, (ICP/ATH 010).
9. WHO Regional Office for Europe. Report of the
EMRC/NITT/NCHCT/WHO Symposium on the
Assessment of Medical Technology, Copenha-
gen, September 1981.