Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Page 12

Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Page 12
Women's [gatonia) SHOES $5°° Eatonia shoes have ev- erything' to recommend them to women who de- mand better footwear at a moderate price. Correct of cut—smartly styled, dressy in appearance and exceptionally well made. An Eatonia value for women and girls. Women's Shoe Section, Second Floor, Hargrave. A Sidewalk View of A Man's SHOE Birkdale Shoes are lasted in eighteen dressy models. They incorporate the newest details of shoe styling — executed by expert craftsmen in fine leathers. Uppers are of calf, kid and patent. Soles are solid leather, good- year sewn. Models with leather and half rubber heels. An Eaton better value at .................................... $7 00 -Men’s Shoe Section, Main Floor South. EATON C? LIMITED 10


Jón Bjarnason Academy

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