Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Síða 13

Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Síða 13
M The Aims and Aspirations of Jon Bjarnason Academy By REV. H. J. LEO, M.A. Canadian nationality is going through a process of forma- tion. Immigrants from many countries have made Canada the land of their adoption. They have severed many of the ties, political and others, that bound them to their mother-country. They are now Canadians. Here they will live and work, prosper or suffer, rejoice or lament. Here, their children and their descendants, yet unborn, will most likely make their home. They owe to Canada the best they can become and do: clean living, faithful work, an intelligent attitude to public questions, loyal service to high ideals. As regards the United States, the situation is exactly the same, with the one difference that nationalization has there proceeded further. The necessity for noble ideals is the same everywhere. Ideals will make or mar the future of any country. On the development of noble ideals depends the greatness of a nation. A man’s actions and progress are determined by his ideals. This is equally true of nations. The foreigners bring their ideals with them already formed. These are the legacy of their homeland and their race. Those ideals find expression in their customs, their literature, their language, their activities, their peculiarities. Their suc- cess and usefulness in the new land will depend on their stock- in-trade when they come here and how they react to the new conditions. Most likely they will fill a useful place here, if when the3f came, they were endowed with the characteristics that were the outgrowth of pure and noble ideals. Some of the customs of the old land vanish before those better suited to this country. That is as it should be; but the qualities of mind and body, if they were good, should not be given up, but applied with will and vim to the useful tasks necessary to the building up of the new land. Along with their fellow-citizens who were here before them, those of foreign origin put their shoulder to the wheel and willingly give their best to further true progress. Above all it is their duty to give to their new home their finest culture, the purest thoughts, ll


Jón Bjarnason Academy

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