Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Side 21

Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Side 21
The Church College and Education By REV. PRINCIPAL JOHN MACKAY, D.D., Manitoba College The early Church was a fellowship of men and women who lived in Christ. Every member was a herald of the Gospel and the Church swept round the Roman world, largely through the activities of ordinary men and women. But very soon ministerial functions began to be specialized and a regular ministry is singled out, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to lead the Church. These early leaders had been educated under Greek or Jewish auspices and had been remade in thought and life by the Gospel of Christ. But the second generation ministry needed regular training under Christian auspices and that this might be given, monastic schools sprang up through- out the Roman world. These were especially designed for the training of the ministry and they were the foundation of our modern Colleges and Universities. Slowly other departments in addition to the regular work of preaching and teaching were added and at first these were retained as ministries of the Church. Gradually all but the regular ministerial functions were transferred to laymen, but training for these was still given under the auspices of the Church. Training for medicine, the law, etc., were given in separate departments within the Church school. With the discovery of the modern scientific method and the vast developments of industry and commerce, other human interests and activities became the subject of specialized study. To such an extent have these interests and activities impressed themselves upon the thought of men that the purely religious interests have been pushed into the background, until today many of our Universities are divorced from all religious in- fluence and training and some are positively hostile to re- ligion in their emphasis. This is more especially true in Protestant countries and is giving serious concern to the leaders of the Church in these lands. If it were possible to have as high a religious life and training in our homes, as we once had, this might not be such a serious matter, but the pressure of modern life makes it difficult to keep up family religion and the old careful train- ing, so that children pass into the public school where religion is only referred to incidentally, if at all, through the high school and into the university where one can take his whole 19


Jón Bjarnason Academy

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