Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Síða 28

Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Síða 28
There Are Many Genuine Reasons Why Icelanders Choose “The World’s Greatest Travel System” T hey know that Canadian Pacific Steamships travel the most direct route to Reykja- vik: from Montreal or Saint John to Glasgow, across Scotland to Leith, and from there direct to Reykjavik. They know from experience that they will find world- famed service, unexcelled cuisine, convenience, mod- ern luxury, restful comfort and amiable companionship aboard every Canadian Pac- ific Steamship. For fidl information a/nd illustrated literature, apply to your local agent, or W. C. CASEY, C.P.R. Bldg., Main and Portage, Wirmipeg. An unsolicited testimonial from Mr. J. J. Btldfell, President of the Icelandic Millennial Cele- bration Committee: “I wish to state that the treatment received from the officers and staff of the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd., in con- nection with my journey to Europe, could not pos- sibly have been better. The courtesy, attention and assistance rendered me and my children while in their care, made my jour- ney most enjoyable. If ever again I have occasion to cross the Atlantic, it shall be by Canadian Pac- ific liner." 2G


Jón Bjarnason Academy

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